How to update the .RDS file with the files user uploads and store it for next time in Shiny (server)? - amazon-s3

Basically, there are 50 files which are about 50 MB each and therefore, processed them and made 30k rows processed data as .RDS file to render some visualization.
However, User needs the app to upload recent files and keep updating the visualization.
Is it possible to update the .RDS file with the files user uploads ?
Can the user access this updated .RDS file even next time (session) ?
In the following example,
there is an upload button and render just a file.
Can we store the uploaded files somehow ?
So, that, we can use these uploaded files to update the .RDS file
relevant links:
R Shiny Save to Server
# Define UI for data upload app ----
ui <- fluidPage(
# App title ----
titlePanel("Uploading Files"),
# Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
# Sidebar panel for inputs ----
# Input: Select a file ----
fileInput("files", "Upload", multiple = TRUE, accept = c(".csv"))
# In order to update the database if the user clicks on the action button
actionButton("update_database","update Database")
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Output: Data file ----
# Define server logic to read selected file ----
server <- function(input, output) {
lst1 <- reactive({
validate(need(input$files != "", "select files..."))
##### Here, .RDS file can be accessed and updated for visualiztaion
if (is.null(input$files)) {
} else {
path_list <- as.list(input$files$datapath)
tbl_list <- lapply(input$files$datapath, read.table, header=TRUE, sep=";")
df <-, tbl_list)
output$tbl_out <- renderDataTable({
##### Can also access this data for visualizations
s3save(appended_data, object = "object_path_of_currentRDS_file",bucket = "s3_bucket")
# Create Shiny app ----
shinyApp(ui, server)
But there was an error:
Warning: Error in private$closedCallbacks$register: callback must be a function
50: stop
49: private$closedCallbacks$register
48: session$onSessionEnded
47: server [/my_folder_file_path.R#157]
Error in private$closedCallbacks$register(sessionEndedCallback) :
callback must be a function

replace this code
s3save(appended_data, object = "object_path_of_currentRDS_file",bucket = "s3_bucket")
## with this
s3saveRDS(appended_data, object = "object_path_of_currentRDS_file",bucket = "s3_bucket")


Getting the root directory of a file in Google Drive using API

I need to get the full path of folders where a file is located in Google Drive. I'm getting the files themselves using the Google Drive API, but I need information about it's parent folders
I'm using the following code tothe the list of spreadsheets in a Shared Drive:
from googleapiclient import discovery
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client import file, client, tools
# Change the value of SCOPES to ''
# if you want to be able to read and write to the user's Google Drive.
store = file.Storage('storage.json')
creds = store.get()
if not creds or creds.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secret.json', SCOPES)
creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
DRIVE ='drive', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http()))
folder_id = "1Z1GzY-D3I3qwQu3oxIW-L1a9nXgD0PXl"
query = "mimeType='application/'"
query+= "and fullText contains 'CLAS' and trashed = false"
# query += " and parents in '" + folder_id + "'"
spreadsheets = []
# Initialize the page token
next_page_token = None
# Loop until all pages of results have been retrieved
while True:
# Execute the list request
response = DRIVE.files().list(
# orderBy='folder',
fields='nextPageToken, files(id, name, parents, mimeType, webViewLink)',
# Append the results to the list
spreadsheets.extend(response.get('files', []))
# Check if there is another page of results
next_page_token = response.get('nextPageToken', None)
if next_page_token is None:
# Set the page token for the next iteration
# parameters['pageToken'] = next_page_token
# Print the number of results
print(f'Last spreadsheet found: {spreadsheets[-1]["name"]}. Number of spreadsheets: {len(spreadsheets)}')
This returns a list of dictionaries with the specified fields. I would like to know the names of the parent folders for each file, for which I'm trying:
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
for item in spreadsheets:
if 'parents' in item:
parent_folders_list = []
parent_id = item['parents'][0]
while parent_id:
folder=DRIVE.files().get(fileId=parent_id, fields='name, id, parents').execute()
parent_folders_list.append(folder.get("parents", []))
if parent_id:
parent_id = parent_id[0]
except HttpError as error:
print('An error occurred: %s' % error)
print(f'{item["name"]} is in {parent_folders_list}')
And I've been able to identify that parent_id is correctly retrieved, and that I am able to access it, as I was able to open it in the browser. However, I get back errors 'File Not Found' for all parent_id. I wonder if the DRIVE.files().get(fileId=) is the correct way to get back a folder using the API.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Uploading csv to SQL table using R shiny

I've been scratching my head trying to figure this out.
So I've connected to the database but when I press the action button nothing is happening to the table.
The CSV is being converted to a data frame.
# App title ----
titlePanel("Uploading Files"),
# Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
# Sidebar panel for inputs ----
# Input: Select a file ----
fileInput("file1", "Choose CSV File",
multiple = TRUE,
accept = c("text/csv",
p("Upload Members if data looks ok")
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Output: Data file ----
server <- function(input, output) {
output$contents <- renderTable({
# input$file1 will be NULL initially. After the user selects
# and uploads a file, head of that data file by default,
# or all rows if selected, will be shown.
data <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,header=TRUE)
if(input$disp == "head") {
else {
data <- data.frame()
data <<- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,header=TRUE)
testdata <- read.csv("data",sep=",",row.names=1)
observeEvent(input$Uploadbutton, {
insert_into("data", "ANALYTICS.TEST_DATASTORE", con=lol, rows_per_statement=1)
Hi I think what you are looking for is something like
DBI::dbWriteTable(con=lol, name = "ANALYTICS.TEST_DATASTORE",value = dta(),append = TRUE)
also I would structure the server function a bit different so that we don't need to use global variables
server <- function(input, output) {
dta <- reactive({
# input$file1 will be NULL initially. After the user selects
# and uploads a file, head of that data file by default,
# or all rows if selected, will be shown.
data <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,header=TRUE)
if(input$disp == "head") {
else {
output$contents <- renderTable({
observeEvent(input$Uploadbutton, {
DBI::dbWriteTable(con=lol, name = "ANALYTICS.TEST_DATASTORE",value = dta(),append = TRUE)
Hope this helps!
This will upload the file for you. Then, send the data to SQL Server.
# Define UI for data upload app ----
ui <- fluidPage(
# App title ----
titlePanel("Uploading Files"),
# Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
# Sidebar panel for inputs ----
# Input: Select a file ----
fileInput("file1", "Choose CSV File",
multiple = TRUE,
accept = c("text/csv",
# Horizontal line ----
# Input: Checkbox if file has header ----
checkboxInput("header", "Header", TRUE),
# Input: Select separator ----
radioButtons("sep", "Separator",
choices = c(Comma = ",",
Semicolon = ";",
Tab = "\t"),
selected = ","),
# Input: Select quotes ----
radioButtons("quote", "Quote",
choices = c(None = "",
"Double Quote" = '"',
"Single Quote" = "'"),
selected = '"'),
# Horizontal line ----
# Input: Select number of rows to display ----
radioButtons("disp", "Display",
choices = c(Head = "head",
All = "all"),
selected = "head")
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Output: Data file ----
# Define server logic to read selected file ----
server <- function(input, output) {
output$contents <- renderTable({
# input$file1 will be NULL initially. After the user selects
# and uploads a file, head of that data file by default,
# or all rows if selected, will be shown.
df <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,
header = input$header,
sep = input$sep,
quote = input$quote)
if(input$disp == "head") {
else {
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui, server)
Thanks for all the help guys figured out how to do it this was the server side.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$contents <- DT::renderDataTable({
# input$file1 will be NULL initially. After the user selects
# and uploads a file, head of that data file by default,
# or all rows if selected, will be shown.
data <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,header=TRUE)

Fixing :80 urls for Mediawiki with Nginx and apache

I'm trying to use Mediawiki, without getting the url to be like this.
If i just remove :80 it works as it should.
Config file is below.
It should be a clean install, with restricted accounts.
But sadly i keep getting the :80 url many times, when i update every page.
So i have to remove :80 to update the pages.
error_reporting( E_ALL );
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
# This file was automatically generated by the MediaWiki 1.17.0
# installer. If you make manual changes, please keep track in case you
# need to recreate them later.
# See includes/DefaultSettings.php for all configurable settings
# and their default values, but don't forget to make changes in _this_
# file, not there.
# Further documentation for configuration settings may be found at:
# Protect against web entry
if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
## Uncomment this to disable output compression
# $wgDisableOutputCompression = true;
$wgSitename = 'TRA Wiki';
$wgMetaNamespace = "My_wiki";
$wgRightsPage = "YourWiki:Copyright";
$wgRightsText = "copyright Roblox Network";
## The URL base path to the directory containing the wiki;
## defaults for all runtime URL paths are based off of this.
## For more information on customizing the URLs please see:
$wgScriptPath = '/tra';
$wgRunJobsAsync = false;
$wgArticlePath = $wgScriptPath.'/$1';
$wgScriptExtension = ".php";
## The relative URL path to the skins directory
$wgStylePath = "$wgScriptPath/skins";
## The relative URL path to the logo. Make sure you change this from the default,
## or else you'll overwrite your logo when you upgrade!
#$wgLogo = "$wgStylePath/common/images/wiki.png";
$wgLogo = "$wgStylePath/common/images/wiki.png";
## UPO means: this is also a user preference option
$wgEnableEmail = true;
$wgEnableUserEmail = true; # UPO
$wgEmergencyContact = '';
$wgPasswordSender = '';
$wgEnotifUserTalk = false; # UPO
$wgEnotifWatchlist = false; # UPO
$wgEmailAuthentication = true;
## Database settings
$wgDBtype = "mysql";
$wgDBserver = 'mysql';
$wgDBname = 'REMOVED';
$wgDBuser = 'REMOVED';
$wgDBpassword = 'REMOVED';
# MySQL specific settings
$wgDBprefix = 'REMOVED';
# MySQL table options to use during installation or update
$wgDBTableOptions = "ENGINE=InnoDB, DEFAULT CHARSET=binary";
# Experimental charset support for MySQL 4.1/5.0.
$wgDBmysql5 = false;
## Shared memory settings
$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
$wgMemCachedServers = array();
## To enable image uploads, make sure the 'images' directory
## is writable, then set this to true:
$wgEnableUploads = true;
$wgUseImageMagick = true;
$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";
# InstantCommons allows wiki to use images from
$wgUseInstantCommons = false;
## If you use ImageMagick (or any other shell command) on a
## Linux server, this will need to be set to the name of an
## available UTF-8 locale
$wgShellLocale = "en_US.utf8";
## If you want to use image uploads under safe mode,
## create the directories images/archive, images/thumb and
## images/temp, and make them all writable. Then uncomment
## this, if it's not already uncommented:
#$wgHashedUploadDirectory = false;
## If you have the appropriate support software installed
## you can enable inline LaTeX equations:
$wgUseTeX = false;
## Set $wgCacheDirectory to a writable directory on the web server
## to make your wiki go slightly faster. The directory should not
## be publically accessible from the web.
#$wgCacheDirectory = "$IP/cache";
# Site language code, should be one of ./languages/Language(.*).php
$wgLanguageCode = 'en';
$wgSecretKey = "REMOVED";
# Site upgrade key. Must be set to a string (default provided) to turn on the
# web installer while LocalSettings.php is in place
$wgUpgradeKey = "REMOVED";
## Default skin: you can change the default skin. Use the internal symbolic
## names, ie 'standard', 'nostalgia', 'cologneblue', 'monobook', 'vector':
$wgDefaultSkin = "vector";
## For attaching licensing metadata to pages, and displaying an
## appropriate copyright notice / icon. GNU Free Documentation
## License and Creative Commons licenses are supported so far.
#$wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf = true;
$wgRightsPage = "Roblox Network"; # Set to the title of a wiki page that describes your license/copyright
$wgRightsUrl = "";
$wgRightsText = "";
$wgRightsIcon = "";
# $wgRightsCode = ""; # Not yet used
# Path to the GNU diff3 utility. Used for conflict resolution.
$wgDiff3 = "/usr/bin/diff3";
# Query string length limit for ResourceLoader. You should only set this if
# your web server has a query string length limit (then set it to that limit),
# or if you have suhosin.get.max_value_length set in php.ini (then set it to
# that value)
$wgResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength = -1;
# End of automatically generated settings.
# Add more configuration options below.
require_once "$IP/skins/Vector/Vector.php";
# ------------------ Below is the custom settings. ----------------------------
require_once "$IP/extensions/ConfirmAccount/ConfirmAccount.php";
require_once "$IP/extensions/SecurePoll/SecurePoll.php";
$wgShowSQLErrors = true;
$wgDebugDumpSql = true;
$wgShowDBErrorBacktrace = true;
$wgConfirmAccountContact = '';
# ------------------ Below is the custom permissions. ----------------------------
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['securepoll-create-poll'] = true;
# ------------------ Below is loginform permissions. ----------------------------
$wgAccountRequestMinWords = 10;
$wgConfirmAccountRequestFormItems['Biography']['enabled'] = false;
$wgMakeUserPageFromBio = false;
$wgAutoWelcomeNewUsers = false;
$wgConfirmAccountRequestFormItems = array(
'UserName' => array( 'enabled' => true ),
'RealName' => array( 'enabled' => false ),
'Biography' => array( 'enabled' => false, 'minWords' => 50 ),
'AreasOfInterest' => array( 'enabled' => false ),
'CV' => array( 'enabled' => false ),
'Notes' => array( 'enabled' => true ),
'Links' => array( 'enabled' => false ),
'TermsOfService' => array( 'enabled' => true ),
# ------------------ Below is loginform restricted. ----------------------------
function efLoginFormMessage( &$template ) {
$template->set( 'header', "(For an account to edit articles with, contact Mr.Master3395, )");
return true;
# End of automatically generated settings.
# Add more configuration options below.
require_once "$IP/skins/Vector/Vector.php";
# Disable reading by anonymous users
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = true;
# But allow them to access the login page or else there will be no way to log in!
# (You also might want to add access to "Main Page", "Help:Contents", etc.)
$wgWhitelistRead = array ("Special:Userlogin");
# Disable anonymous editing
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
# Prevent new user registrations except by sysops
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
# ------------------ Below is Group Permissions. ----------------------------
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edit'] = true;
# ------------------ Below is Uploads. ----------------------------
$wgUploadPath = "$wgScriptPath/uploads"; ## Wiki 1.5 defaults to /images, but allows more than just images
$wgUploadDirectory = "$IP/uploads"; ## Wiki 1.5 defaults to /images, but allows more than just images
## To enable image uploads, make sure the above '$wgUploadPath' directory is writable by Apache User or group.
## ''(i.e. chmod og+w uploads images)'' then the following should be true:
$wgEnableUploads = true;
$wgUseImageMagick = true;
$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";
## If you want to use image uploads under safe mode, create the directories images/archive, images/thumb and
## images/temp, and make them all writable. Then uncomment this, if it's not already uncommented:
$wgHashedUploadDirectory = false;
# ------------------ Below is Uploads. ----------------------------
// Add just one filetype to the default array
$wgFileExtensions[] = 'pdf';
// Add several file types to the default array
$wgFileExtensions = array_merge(
$wgFileExtensions, array(
'pdf', 'ppt', 'jp2', 'webp', 'doc','docx', 'xls', 'xlsx'
// Override the default with a bundle of filetypes:
$wgFileExtensions = array(
'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jp2', 'webp', 'ppt', 'pdf', 'psd',
'mp3', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'swf', 'doc','docx', 'odt', 'odc', 'odp',
'odg', 'mpp'
$wgMimeDetectorCommand = "file -bi";
# ------------------ Below is Google Analytics. ----------------------------
require_once "$IP/extensions/googleAnalytics/googleAnalytics.php";
// Replace xxxxxxx-x with YOUR GoogleAnalytics UA number
$wgGoogleAnalyticsAccount = 'UA-37062089-17';
// Add HTML code for any additional web analytics (can be used alone or with $wgGoogleAnalyticsAccount)
$wgGoogleAnalyticsOtherCode = '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
// Optional configuration (for defaults see googleAnalytics.php)
// Store full IP address in Google Universal Analytics (see for details)
$wgGoogleAnalyticsAnonymizeIP = false;
// Array with NUMERIC namespace IDs where web analytics code should NOT be included.
$wgGoogleAnalyticsIgnoreNsIDs = array(500);
// Array with page names (see magic word Extension:Google Analytics Integration) where web analytics code should NOT be included.
$wgGoogleAnalyticsIgnorePages = array('ArticleX', 'Foo:Bar');
// Array with special pages where web analytics code should NOT be included.
$wgGoogleAnalyticsIgnoreSpecials = array( 'Userlogin', 'Userlogout', 'Preferences', 'ChangePassword', 'OATH');
// Use 'noanalytics' permission to exclude specific user groups from web analytics, e.g.
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['noanalytics'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['bot']['noanalytics'] = true;
// To exclude all logged in users give 'noanalytics' permission to 'user' group, i.e.
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['noanalytics'] = true;
# ------------------ Below is Logo. ----------------------------
$wgLogoHD = array(
"1.5x" => "images/main/wiki.png",
# "2x" => "images/main/wiki.png"
# The URL path of the shortcut icon.
# #since 1.6
#$wgFavicon = 'images/main/favicon.ico';
# The URL path of the icon for iPhone and iPod Touch web app bookmarks.
# Defaults to no icon.
# #since 1.12
$wgAppleTouchIcon = false;
# ------------------ Below is Login Link. ----------------------------
$wgHooks['PersonalUrls'][] = 'onPersonalUrls';
function onPersonalUrls( array &$personal_urls, Title $title, SkinTemplate $skin ) {
// Add a link to Special:RequestAccount if a link exists for login
if ( isset( $personal_urls['login'] ) || isset( $personal_urls['anonlogin'] ) ) {
$personal_urls['createaccount'] = array(
'text' => wfMessage( 'requestaccount' )->text(),
'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'RequestAccount' )->getFullURL()
return true;
Looks like your issue is connected to Confirm Account extension only, because all other links seems to be fine. I've noticed that $wgServer is missing from your config, so try to specify $wgServer variable in LocalSettings.php like this:
$wgServer = "";
https is default port 443 and port 80 is reserved for http.
The problem indicates that port 80 is not handling SSL.

How to access to columns in data frame uploaded in shiny app?

I am trying to create a shiny app. This app uses a .csv file uploaded by the user. I do not really understand how fileInput() works in the sense of storing the data frame.
I am using this code to upload the file:
data_OBS = reactive({
inFile <- input$file1
if (is.null(inFile))
read.csv(inFile$datapath, header=T, sep=",")
If I understood well, the data frame should be accesible in data_OBS(). If the .csv file I want to upload has a column named for example "CL" in normal R enviorement I should be able to access using data_OBS$CL. However, in shiny data_OBS() is a function. I have tried data_OBS$CL, data_OBS()$CL, data_OBS(CL) but none of them worked. How can access to the data just uploaded?
Thanks in advance,
You can access it with data_OBS()$CL, but only inside reactive context such as observe, observeEvent, eventReactive.
Here is a minimal example using observeEvent:
ui <- fluidPage(
fileInput("file1", "Choose CSV File"),
actionButton("print", "Print to text output")
server <- function(input, output, session){
data_OBS = reactive({
inFile <- input$file1
if (is.null(inFile))
read.csv(inFile$datapath, header=T, sep=",")
observeEvent(input$print, {
req(input$file1) # Doesn't do anything until a file is uploaded
output$text <- renderText(data_OBS()$CL)
shinyApp(ui, server)
First to check it did not return null. Also, you may force return(read.csv(...))
data_OBS()$CL should work.

Setting Sharepoint File Field Attributes

In out SP site, we have a library with files. These are files associated with a user. We now cstomized the user's profiles to accept a list of files. And now, to this list of files in the user's profile, we would like to add a reference to the file so that the user doesn't have to upload again.
Current Library:
/personal/my/User Files/[filename]
So, I was wondering how to do this? The data looks like this in the new User Files field (JSON):
I have a csv file that I iterate over. The csv file contains the user name:filename pairs.
The Id value has to be gotten from the SP instance libarary at that location for that file.
Powershell code:
$upAttribute = "UserFiles"
$profile_info = Import-Csv profiles.csv
foreach ($row in $profile_info) {
$userId = $row.user # User ID
$fullAdAccount = $adAccount += $userId
#Check to see if user profile exists
if ($profileManager.UserExists($fullAdAccount))
$up = $profileManager.GetUserProfile($fullAdAccount)
$upAttributeValue += $row.filename # Filename
# CODE ??????
That is the all the data that I have.
Thanks for any and all help.
You will first need to add the custom property to the User Profile like so:
Then this should help you out:
#Get user profile and change the value
$up = $profileManager.GetUserProfile($adAccount)
$up[$upAttribute].Value = $upAttributeValue