ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend" - npm

I am trying to run exercises on exercism but I am getting this error ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend" whenever I am trying to run the test with npm install below is my package.json file and the error log. What do I need to do?
Thank you.
I was able to put the link on github gist

I ran this command npm i babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend on the terminal and it solved my problem. Thanks all


ERROR The "html" reporter does not exist. Check the reporter parameter for errors

I am running with ERROR The "html" reporter does not exist. Check the reporter parameter for errors. error while running test using testcafe. Can you please let me know what I can do to resolve this issue?
Please check that you have installed the testcafe-reporter-html npm package.
To install it use the following command:
npm install testcafe-reporter-html
If this does not help, perhaps, the reporter throws an error that was not added to the console output.
We already have a similar request for adding the information from the original error to the console output:
This will be implemented in one of the future releases.
TestCafe has these reporters built in:
All others would need to be installed via npm and imported into the project.
Try to install npm globally, Issue will resolve
npm install -g testcafe-reporter-html
Source :

run sample test case of uiveri5 show error "Reference Error: describe is not defined"

I installed the #ui5/uiveri5 globally correctly. I download the ui-uiveri5 repository, then I go to directory of sample\apiTesting, and run the command
uiveri5 APITesting.spec
it report following error:
describe('APITesting', function() {
ReferenceError: describe is not defined
Please guide me on how to solve this issue. ( It report the same issue after I install the jasmine-node, mocha globally).
No need to install jasmine or mocha, just install uiveri5 globally with npm install #ui5/uiveri5 -g. Can you please try again, I merged a fix for another small issue. And with it, this sample starts fine.

Error 404 not found : #types/escodegen#^0.0.2 while trying to install web-component-tester

In my project, we want to test our polymer components with web-component-tester.
So, I try to run the following command :
npm install web-component-tester --save
Every time, I get the following response : 404 Not Found: #types/escodegen#^0.0.2
I don't find this version of escodegen in the internet, do you know if a workaround exists to install web-component-tester?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards.

Cannot find module 'firefox-profile' in protractor

I have provided the snapshot of console, where i am getting error as "cannot find module Firefox-profile, which is causing the failure in loading the run-tests file.
Click Here
You need to have q and firefox-profile modules installed:
npm install q firefox-profile --save-dev
Hope it will help you :)

react-native reazy unable to resolve module

I am trying to test out the reazy react-native framework, I can't get the sample app up and running.
when I run the react-native run-ios command i am getting the following error:
unable to resolve module react/lib/reactComponentwithPureRenderMixing
Module does not exist in the module map
I have removed my modules and reinstalled them. the module folder is there for react-native-router-flux
nothing in the JS console
any help is appreciated
Please install router flux using below and refresh
npm install --save react-native-router-flux
Hope! this helps.
Run the following command and it will be solved-
yarn add react-addons-pure-render-mixin
this is manual step to add this module.