Idris: Is there a way to reference an abstracted variable in an equality proof? - idris

The simplest example of the problem (but not the only example I can exhibit) is: suppose I'm given a higher order function f : (a -> b) -> c. I'd like to prove that f = (\g => f (\x => g x)).
In my own reasoning, it should be pretty straightforward: just apply eta-equivalence twice (once inside, and then outside).
If I wanted to prove f = (\x => f x), a simple Refl would have sufficed: this led me to think that "Idris knows about eta-equivalence". But then again, the same solution didn't work for f = (\g => f (\x => g x)).
At that point, I tried using rewrite, but couldn't find a way to reference the g in (\g => f (\x => g x)):
lemma : {g : a -> b} -> g = (\x => g x)
lemma = Refl
theorem : {f : (a -> b) -> c} ->
f = (\g => f (\x => g x))
theorem = rewrite (lemma {g = _}) in Refl
But, of course, Idris can't figure out what _ should be, and neither do I.
This can be further reduced to the problem of proving (\g => f g) = (\g => f (\x => g x)), of course, because Idris knows equality is transitive and knows about eta-equivalence (at least when it's not "hidden" in lambda abstractions).
I'm starting to believe that what I'm experiencing is somehow happening because Idris doesn't know about extensionality: is there any other way of proving this (without tweaking the notion of equality I'm using, such as using setoids)?
I'm using Idris 1.3.2 from git.

You can postulate extensionality:
funext : {f, g : a -> b} -> ((x : a) -> f x = g x) -> f = g
theorem : {f : (a -> b) -> c} -> f = (\g => f (\x => g x))
theorem = funext $ \g => Refl


Equality between paths

Using the cubical-demo library, I thought the following would be trivial to prove:
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
open import Cubical.PathPrelude
foo : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} {x y : A} (p : x ≡ y) → trans refl p ≡ p
foo p = ?
But alas, it doesn't hold definitionally: trying to use refl fails with
primComp (λ _ → ;A) (~ i ∨ i) (λ { i₁ (i = i0) → ;x ; i₁ (i = i1) → p i₁ }) (refl i)
!= p i
of type ;A
and I don't know where to start.
No, sadly we lose some definitional equalities when using Path, because we don't know how to keep the system confluent if we were to add those reductions.
The eliminator of the Id type instead has the usual reduction rules.
In the case of the lemma you want to prove about trans you can find a proof at
By the way, cubical-demo grew up organically, and we are starting fresh with hopefully a cleaner setup (altough with different primitives) at
cubical has a better Id module for example:
Based on Saizan's answer I looked up the proof in cubical-demo and ported it to the new cubical library. I can see how it works out (as in, I can see that the value of the given path is x on all three designated edges) but I don't see yet how I would come up with a similar proof for a similar situation:
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module _ where
open import Cubical.Core.Prelude
refl-compPath : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} {x y : A} (p : x ≡ y) → compPath refl p ≡ p
refl-compPath {x = x} p i j = hcomp {φ = ~ j ∨ j ∨ i}
(λ { k (j = i0) → x
; k (j = i1) → p k
; k (i = i1) → p (k ∧ j)

Idris rewrite does not happen

import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect.Quantifiers
sameKeys : Vect n (lbl, Type) -> Vect n (lbl, Type) -> Type
sameKeys xs ys = All (uncurry (=)) (zip (map fst xs) (map fst ys))
g : {xs,ys : Vect n (lbl, Type)} -> sameKeys xs ys -> map (\b => fst b) xs = map (\b => fst b) ys
g {xs = []} {ys = []} [] = Refl
g {xs = x::xs} {ys = y::ys} (p::ps) = rewrite g ps in ?q
This is the error I see:
*main> :load main.idr
Type checking ./main.idr
main.idr:57:3:When checking right hand side of g with expected type
map (\b => fst b) (x :: xs) = map (\b6 => fst b6) (y :: ys)
Data.Vect.Vect n implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\b => fst b) xs
Data.Vect.Vect n implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\b6 => fst b6) ys
did not change type
fst x :: Data.Vect.Vect n implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\b => fst b) xs = fst y :: Data.Vect.Vect n implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\b6 => fst b6) ys
Holes: Main.g
Why does it not rewrite it?
This is happening because Idris somehow fails to infer the correct implicit arguments to g, instead it introduces fresh vectors in the context.
As a workaround I can suggest to prove it as follows. First, we'll need a congruence lemma for two-argument functions:
cong2 : {f : a -> b -> c} -> (a1 = a2) -> (b1 = b2) -> f a1 b1 = f a2 b2
cong2 Refl Refl = Refl
Now the proof of the original lemma is trivial:
g : sameKeys xs ys -> map (\b => fst b) xs = map (\b => fst b) ys
g {xs = []} {ys = []} x = Refl
g {xs = x :: xs} {ys = y :: ys} (p :: ps) = cong2 p $ g ps

Problems with equational proofs and interface resolution in Idris

I'm trying to model Agda style equational reasoning proofs for Setoids (types with an equivalence relation). My setup is as follows:
infix 1 :=:
interface Equality a where
(:=:) : a -> a -> Type
interface Equality a => VerifiedEquality a where
eqRefl : {x : a} -> x :=: x
eqSym : {x, y : a} -> x :=: y -> y :=: x
eqTran : {x, y, z : a} -> x :=: y -> y :=: z -> x :=: z
Using such interfaces I could model some equational reasoning combinators like
Syntax.PreorderReasoning from Idris library.
syntax [expr] "QED" = qed expr
syntax [from] "={" [prf] "}=" [to] = step from prf to
namespace EqReasoning
using (a : Type, x : a, y : a, z : a)
qed : VerifiedEquality a => (x : a) -> x :=: x
qed x = eqRefl {x = x}
step : VerifiedEquality a => (x : a) -> x :=: y -> (y :=: z) -> x :=: z
step x prf prf1 = eqTran {x = x} prf prf1
The main difference from Idris library is just the replacement of propositional equality and their related functions to use the ones from VerifiedEquality interface.
So far, so good. But when I try to use such combinators, I run in problems that, I believe, are related to interface resolution. Since the code is part of a matrix library that I'm working on, I posted the relevant part of it in the following gist.
The error occurs in the following proof
zeroMatAddRight : ( VerifiedSemiring s
, VerifiedEquality s ) =>
{r, c : Shape} ->
(m : M s r c) ->
(m :+: (zeroMat r c)) :=: m
zeroMatAddRight {r = r}{c = c} m
= m :+: (zeroMat r c)
={ addMatComm {r = r}{c = c} m (zeroMat r c) }=
(zeroMat r c) :+: m
={ zeroMatAddLeft {r = r}{c = c} m }=
that returns the following error message:
When checking right hand side of zeroMatAddRight with expected type
m :+: (zeroMat r c) :=: m
Can't find implementation for Semiring a
Possible cause:
./Data/Matrix/Operations/Addition.idr:112:11-118:1:When checking an application of function Algebra.Equality.EqReasoning.step:
Type mismatch between
m :=: m (Type of qed m)
y :=: z (Expected type)
At least to me, it appears that this error is related with interface resolution that isn't interacting well with syntax extensions.
My experience is that such strange errors can be solved by passing implicit parameters explicitly. The problem is that such solution will kill the "readability" of equational reasoning combinator proofs.
Is there a way to solve this? The relevant part for reproducing this error is available in previously linked gist.

List Equality w/ `cong`

Following my other question, I tried to implement the actual exercise in Type-Driven Development with Idris for same_cons to prove that, given two equal lists, prepending the same element to each list results in two equal lists.
prove that 1 :: [1,2,3] == 1 :: [1,2,3]
So I came up with the following code that compiles:
sameS : {xs : List a} -> {ys : List a} -> (x: a) -> xs = ys -> x :: xs = x :: ys
sameS {xs} {ys} x prf = cong prf
same_cons : {xs : List a} -> {ys : List a} -> xs = ys -> x :: xs = x :: ys
same_cons prf = sameS _ prf
I can call it via:
> same_cons {x=5} {xs = [1,2,3]} {ys = [1,2,3]} Refl
Refl : [5, 1, 2, 3] = [5, 1, 2, 3]
Regarding the cong function, my understanding is that it takes a proof, i.e. a = b, but I don't understand its second argument: f a.
> :t cong
cong : (a = b) -> f a = f b
Please explain.
If you have two values u : c and v : c, and a function f : c -> d, then if you know that u = v, it has to follow that f u = f v, following simply from referential transparency.
cong is the proof of the above statement.
In this particular use case, you are setting (via unification) c and d to List a, u to xs, v to ys, and f to (:) x, since you want to prove that xs = ys -> (:) x xs = (:) x ys.

Proof of stream's functor laws

I've been writing something similar to a Stream. I am able to prove each functor law but I can not figure out a way to prove that it's total:
module Stream
import Classes.Verified
%default total
codata MyStream a = MkStream a (MyStream a)
mapStream : (a -> b) -> MyStream a -> MyStream b
mapStream f (MkStream a s) = MkStream (f a) (mapStream f s)
streamFunctorComposition : (s : MyStream a) -> (f : a -> b) -> (g : b -> c) -> mapStream (\x => g (f x)) s = mapStream g (mapStream f s)
streamFunctorComposition (MkStream x y) f g =
let inductiveHypothesis = streamFunctorComposition y f g
in ?streamFunctorCompositionStepCase
---------- Proofs ----------
streamFunctorCompositionStepCase = proof
rewrite inductiveHypothesis
*Stream> :total streamFunctorComposition
Stream.streamFunctorComposition is possibly not total due to recursive path:
Stream.streamFunctorComposition, Stream.streamFunctorComposition
Is there a trick to proving the functor laws over codata which also passes the totality checker?
I was able to get a little help on IRC from Daniel Peebles (copumpkin) who explained that being able to use propositional equality over codata is just generally not something usually permitted. He pointed out that it's possible to define a custom equivalence relation, like how Agda defines ones for Data.Stream:
data _≈_ {A} : Stream A → Stream A → Set where
_∷_ : ∀ {x y xs ys}
(x≡ : x ≡ y) (xs≈ : ∞ (♭ xs ≈ ♭ ys)) → x ∷ xs ≈ y ∷ ys
I was able to do a straight forward translation of this definition to Idris:
module MyStream
%default total
codata MyStream a = MkStream a (MyStream a)
infixl 9 =#=
data (=#=) : MyStream a -> MyStream a -> Type where
(::) : a = b -> Inf (as =#= bs) -> MkStream a as =#= MkStream b bs
mapStream : (a -> b) -> MyStream a -> MyStream b
mapStream f (MkStream a s) = MkStream (f a) (mapStream f s)
streamFunctorComposition : (s : MyStream a) -> (f : a -> b) -> (g : b -> c) -> mapStream (\x => g (f x)) s =#= mapStream g (mapStream f s)
streamFunctorComposition (MkStream x y) f g =
Refl :: streamFunctorComposition y f g
And this easily passed the totality checker as we're now just doing simple coinduction.
This fact is a little disappointing since it seems like it means we can't define a VerifiedFunctor for our stream type.
Daniel also pointed out that Observational Type Theory does allow propositional equality over codata, which is something to look into.