Access completion proposals from open xtext Editor programmatically - eclipse-plugin

Access xtext/xbase-ContentAssist programmatically
Hello. I am trying to access the CompletionProposal of my generated xtext-editor programmatically from within another plugin(View). The Editor is open and i have MyEditor/XbaseDocumentProvider/XtextDocument. Does someone has hint for me?


Edit document properties in MS-Word 2016

I am currently trying to setup a template where the user is prompted to add "tags" to their document when they open a new MS-Word file. Currently I have broken this down in a few parts.
Startup prompt
Connect the document/script to the "tag" property (so the user don't have to manually change it)
Ideally implement a drop-down menu, so I don't accidentally tag some files with small differences such as spaces, case sensitive formating etc.
Currently I have tried most of what Word has to offer, which is why I came here. The easiest answer is to go in "File -> Information -> Tags" and edit this manually, but this is what I hope to automate. I have used the feature "Quick Parts", where I can add a field which edits properties such as "Author", "Tags" etc. The problem here is that they are not customizable, so I can not implement a drop-down menu. I have tried to use the "Developer" section in Word to add controllers such as drop-down menus, but I have not found a way to connect these to the document properties. I also tried using the FILLIN command to see if it could be used as shown below, just to test if I could set these properties from the document in this way.
{ SET bkmTitle { TITLE { FILLIN "Enter the document title" } } }
The problem with this implementation is that I don't want to press F9 in these fields when I start up a new project. I have not done much research into the startup prompt because I see this as the finishing touch, but if anyone has any advice on that too, it would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have any experience with macros/VBA, but I am open to learn if that is the easiest way to realize this project. Thank you kindly in advance.
From Charles Kenyon's links I solved my problem with Quick Parts. My solution was to extract the .docx file so I could access the .xml file within. Inside the .docx file (also works with the .dotm template file found in /AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Templates). Using 7-zip I opened the .dotm archive and went on word -> document.xml.
I made a template by editing the Normal.dotm (MS-Word template file). Here I added a Quick Part for "Category", then saved the template. I then opened the .xml file as mentioned above where I could edit this Quick Part for the template from textfield to a drop down menu (was not possible to change in Word to my knowledge).
To change it into other types than drop down menu, it is possible to add other control forms from Word by clicking on the "Developer" tab and selecting other controls such as "Checkbox". When you open the "document.xml" file afterwards, you can now see the schema for a checkbox.
When editing the "Document Properties" style Quick Parts, they are automatically linked to the document properties, which is what I wanted to learn how to do. It is probably possible to also use the document.xml file to explore how to link other fields to the document properties. I hope this answer might help others if they want to explore more options in MS-Word.

Is there a way to unbind .accdb from TFS "silently"

The only way to unbind .accdb from TFS I know is compacting:
msaccess.exe myproject.accdb /compact
When I do that, Access asks me to confirm deleting from Source Code Control(Dialog yes/no box. Can't provide a screenshot rn.)
Is it possible to programmatically compact a database without having that confirmation? Or maybe there is another way to unbind a database from TFS?
Access 2010 v14
UPD1: Here is the screenshot.
UPD2: It was SourceSafe with my language pack, now it's Source Code Control. My bad, sorry.
Check the Install Instructions in the following link:
To remove this download:
Open Control Panel.
Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
In the list of currently installed programs, select Microsoft Office Access Developer Extensions.
Click Remove, and then click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the program.

SAP HANA "take over" option grayed out

After opening a Calculation View, SAP HANA Studio sometimes shows the warning "The object is currently opened in read-only mode. Object belongs to multiple workspaces ..."
If you need to modify the Calculation View it is often possible to take over ownership via a button. But unfortunately this time it is grayed out.
How to fix this?
Work-around / fix:
Check out the file / folder
Edit in Project Explorer view
Activate in Project Explorer view

Start Word without any popups

I am about to create a VB.NET Application that is able to automatically format Word documents or change specifical things in it. But the applications stops regularly working because Word (working in Background, not visible) opens popup Dialogs, e.g. if the document is a .odt file, or was downloaded from the internet, or even the "Save File" dialog.
Is there any possibilty to prevent Word from opening any of these dialogs?
I haven't found anything in the MSDN Developer Reference concerning this subject either.
Does anybody have an idea how to do this? Thanks in advance.
I haven't done this with Microsoft Word, but I have done something similar in doing COM automation with Microsoft Project from .NET. Below is the code fragment that turns off all sorts of annoying pop-ups from MS Project:
mApp.DisplayAlerts = False
where mApp is Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.Application

Using a 3rd party control

Please excuse the noobness that is probably about to follow...
I'm making an 2010 app which needs to have a calendar system in which the user can add appointments and events etc.
I've downloaded the source for a control which looks promising ( but I have no idea how to add this in to my project. I've googled for help on adding the control but have had no luck.
If I right click on my toolbox, go 'choose items...' and try and add it there, it tells me it couldnt be opened.
Any help is appreciated!
Well you've downloaded the source code.
Place the source code in a specific location on your pc and then compile it 9If your planning to use this control in your own project then compile it in release mode. Assuming that there are no compile errors close visual studio and then open up the project of your own that you want to use this control in.
Right click on the general tab in the toolbox and click choose items. Using the bowse button in the choose items dialog navigate to the folder in which you placed the source code for the control you want to use.
Now locate the 'Bin' folder and in that locate the 'release' folder. Inside that you will see a dll (named presumably something like MothCalendar.dll. Select that dll and then click add and OK (Button sequence will vary according to vs version). The control should then appear in your toolbox under the general tab and you should then be able to drag it onto your forms for use in your project.