Create partitions using athena alter table statement - hive

This "create table" statement is working correctly.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE default.no_details_2018_csv (
`id` string,
`client_id` string,
`client_id2` string,
`id_1` string,
`id_2` string,
`client_id3` string,
`code_1` string,
`code_2` string,
`code_3` string
LOCATION 's3://some_bucket/athena-parquet/no_details/2018/'
tblproperties ("parquet.compress"="SNAPPY");
The data for the year 2018 available in parquet format can be found in that bucket / folder.
1) How do I add partitions to this table? I need to add the year 2019 data to the same table by referring to the new location of s3://some_bucket/athena-parquet/no_details/2019/ The data for both years is available in parquet (snappy) format.
2) Is it possible to partition by month instead of years? In other words is it OK to have 24 partitions instead of 2? Will the new target table will also have parquet format just like source data? The code_2 column mentioned above looks like this "20181013133839". I need to use first 4 characters for yearly (or 6 for monthly) partitions.

First table needs be created as EXTERNAL TABLE Check this
Sample -
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE default.no_details_table (
`id` string,
`client_id` string,
`client_id2` string,
`id_1` string,
`id_2` string,
`client_id3` string,
`code_1` string,
`code_2` string,
`code_3` string
PARTITIONED BY (year string)
LOCATION 's3://some_bucket/athena-parquet/no_details/'
tblproperties ("parquet.compress"="SNAPPY");
You can add a partition as
ALTER TABLE default.no_details_table ADD PARTITION (year='2018') LOCATION 's3://some_bucket/athena-parquet/no_details/2018/';
If you want to have more partitions for each month or day, create table with
PARTITIONED BY (day string)
But you need to put data of a day to path -


Athena returns blank response for Partitioned data, what am I missing?

I have created a table using partition. I tried two ways for my s3 bucket folder as following but both ways I get no records found when I query with where clause containing partition clause.
My S3 bucket looks like following. part*.csv is what I want to query in Athena. There are other folders at same location along side output, within output.
my table looks like following
Version 1:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `mytable_trial1`(
`status` string,
`ref` string)
`casename` string,
`id` string)
ALTER TABLE mytable_trial1 add partition (casename="ABC-CASE",id="f78dea49-2c3a-481b-a1eb-5169d2a97747") location "s3://bucket-rootname/casename=ABC-CASE/report/id=f78dea49-2c3a-481b-a1eb-5169d2a97747/output/";
select * from mytable_trial1 where casename='ABC-CASE' and report='report' and id='f78dea49-2c3a-481b-a1eb-5169d2a97747' and foldername='output';
Version 2:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `mytable_trial1`(
`status` string,
`ref` string)
`casename` string,
`report` string,
`id` string,
`foldername` string)
ALTER TABLE mytable_trial1 add partition (casename="ABC-CASE",report="report",id="f78dea49-2c3a-481b-a1eb-5169d2a97747",foldername="output") location "s3://bucket-rootname/casename=ABC-CASE/report=report/id=f78dea49-2c3a-481b-a1eb-5169d2a97747/foldername=output/";
select * from mytable_trial1 where casename='ABC-CASE' and id='f78dea49-2c3a-481b-a1eb-5169d2a97747'
Show partitions shows this partition but no records found with where clause.
I worked with the AWS Support and we were able to narrow down the issue. Version 2 was right one to use since it has four partitions like my S3 bucket. Also, the Alter table command had issue with location. I used hive format location which was incorrect since my actual S3 location is not hive format. So correcting the command to following worked for me.
ALTER TABLE mytable_trial1 add partition (casename="ABC-CASE",report="report",id="f78dea49-2c3a-481b-a1eb-5169d2a97747",foldername="output") location "s3://bucket-rootname/ABC-CASE/report/f78dea49-2c3a-481b-a1eb-5169d2a97747/output/";
Preview table now shows my entries.

How to rename a column when creating an external table in Athena based on Parquet files in S3?

Does anybody know how to rename a column when creating an external table in Athena based on Parquet files in S3?
The Parquet files I'm trying to load have both a column named export_date as well as an export_date partition in the s3 structure.
An example file path is: 's3://bucket_x/path/to/data/export_date=2020-08-01/platform=platform_a'
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `user_john_doe.new_table`(
`column_1` string,
`export_date` DATE,
`column_3` DATE,
`column_4` bigint,
`column_5` string)
`export_date` string,
`platform` string)
So what I would like to do, is to rename the export_date column to export_date_exp. The AWS documentation indicates that:
To make Parquet read by index, which will allow you to rename
columns, you must create a table with parquet.column.index.access
SerDe property set to true.
But the following code does not load any data in the export_date_exp column:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `user_john_doe.new_table`(
`column_1` string,
`export_date_exp` DATE,
`column_3` DATE,
`column_4` bigint,
`column_5` string)
`export_date` string,
`platform` string)
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( 'parquet.column.index.access'='true')
This question has been asked already, but did not receive an answer:
How to rename AWS Athena columns with parquet file source?
I am asking again because the documentation explicitly says it is possible.
As a side note: in my particular use case I can just not load the export_date column, as I've learned that reading Parquet by name does not require you to load every column. In my case I don't need the export_date column, so this avoids the conflict with the partition name.

Altering the Hive table partitions by reducing the number of partitions

Create Statement:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tab1(usr string)
PARTITIONED BY (year string, month string, day string, hour string, min string)
LOCATION '/tmp/hive1';
select * from tab1;
Now I need to alter tab1 table to have only 3 partitions (year string, month string, day string) without manually copying/modifying files. I have thousands of files, so I should alter only table defination without touching files?
Please let me know how to do this?
if this is something that you will do one time, I would suggest create a new table with the expected partitions and insert the table from the older table to the new one using dynamic partitioning. This will also avoid keep small files in your partitions. The other option is create a new table pointing to the old location with the expected partitions and use the following properties
TBLPROPERTIES ("hive.input.dir.recursive" = "TRUE",
"hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories" = "TRUE",
"hive.supports.subdirectories" = "TRUE",
"mapred.input.dir.recursive" = "TRUE");
after that, you can run the msck repair table to recognize the partitions.

Read multiple files in Hive table by date range

Let's imagine I store one file per day in a format:
How can I read the files in a single Hive table for a given date range (for example from 2016-06-04 to 2016-08-03)?
Assuming every files follow the same schema, I would then suggest that you store the files with the following naming convention :
You could then create an external table partitioned by dt and pointing to the location /path/to/files/
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE yourtable(id int, value int)
PARTITIONED BY (dt string)
LOCATION '/path/to/files/'
If you have several partitions and don't want to write alter table yourtable add partition ... queries for each one, you can simply use the repair command that will automatically add partitions.
msck repair table yourtable
You can then simply select data within a date range by specifying the partition range
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE dt BETWEEN '2016-06-04' and '2016-08-03'
Without moving your file:
Design your table schema. In hive shell, create the table (partitioned by date)
Loading files into tables
Query with HiveQL ( select * from table where dt between '2016-06-04 ' and '2016-08-03')
Moving your file:
Design your table schema. In hive shell, create the table (partitioned by date)
move /path/to/files/2016/07/31.csv under /dbname.db/tableName/dt=2016-07-31, then you'll have
load partition with
alter table tableName add partition (dt=2016-07-31);
See Add partitions
In Spark-shell, read hive table
1.create sql
val sql = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `user_info`( `userid` string, `name` string) PARTITIONED BY ( `dt` string) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 'hdfs://.../data/user_info'"
2. run it
3.load data
val rlt= spark.sql("alter table user_info add partition (dt=2016-09-21)") you can select data from table
val df = spark.sql("select * from user_info")

Hive: Creating an external table: Show partitions does nothing

I am creating an external table in my own database :
create external table test1 (
event_uid string,
event_type_id int,
event_category_id int,
event_date string,
log_date string,
server string,
server_type string,
process_id int,
device_id string,
account_id string,
ip_address string,
category_id string,
content_id string,
entitlement_id string,
product_id string,
sku string,
title_id string,
service_id string,
order_id bigint,
transaction_id bigint,
company_code string,
product_code string,
key_value_pairs map<string,string>,
process_run_id string)
partitioned by (A string, B string, C string)
location '/data/a1/pnt/lte/formatted/evt'
When I try SHOW PARTITIONS TEST, I just get OK as an output.
However, there is a table with the same same DDL and the same location in another database which is giving results when I do SHOW PARITITIONS TEST. I have also tried MSCK REPAIR TABLE TEST which displays partitions .
Please suggest
When using partitions no actual partitions are created when you execute your DDL. The partitions are created when you load data into your table. So you need to load data and then you would be able to see the partitions with the show partitions statement.
When we create an EXTERNAL TABLE with PARTITION, we have to ALTER the EXTERNAL TABLE with the data location for that given partition. However, it need not be the same path as we specify while creating the EXTERNAL TABLE.
hive> ALTER TABLE test1 ADD PARTITION (A=2016, B=07, C=19)
hive> LOCATION '/data/a1/pnt/lte/formatted/evt/somedatafor_20160719'
hive> ;
When we specify LOCATION '/data/a1/pnt/lte/formatted/evt' (though its optional) while creating an EXTERNAL TABLE we can take some advantage of doing repair operations on that table. So when we want to copy the files through some process like ETL into that directory, we can sync up the partition with the EXTERNAL TABLE instead of writing ALTER TABLE statement to create another new partition.
If we already know the directory structure of the partition that HIVE would create for next data set(say here for C=20), we can simply place the data file in that location like '/data/a1/pnt/lte/formatted/evt/A=2016/B=07/C=20/data.txt' and run the statement as shown below:
hive> MSCK REPAIR TABLE test1;
The above statement will sync up the partition to the hive meta store of the table "test1".