Has the google oauth API response changed for email scope? The type of email has changed from 'account' to 'ACCOUNT' - google-oauth

We are using google login in our website and spring social library to implement oAuth 2. After getting accessToken , with scope as userInfo.email, we are trying to retrieve accountEmail. spring-social-google(version 1.0.0) is looking for key "account" in the emails property of the reponse. Below is code block from spring-social-sources org.springframework.social.google.api.plus.Person.class
public String getAccountEmail() {
if (emails != null) {
for (Entry<String, String> entry : emails.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals("account")) {
return entry.getKey();
return null;
From Oct 27, google is responding with email map as "ACCOUNT" instead of "account"
Expert from logs before 27th - getEmails :: {xxxxxxx#gmail.com=account}
Expert from logs after 27th - getEmails :: {xxxxxxx#gmail.com=ACCOUNT}
I could not find any documentmentation from google regarding the change or reponse format. When i use API playground, i can see the type is coming as 'ACCOUNT'.
"image": {
"url": "....photo.jpg",
"isDefault": true },
"etag": "xxx",
"id": "xxx",
"kind": "plus#person",
"emails": [
"type": "ACCOUNT",
"value": "xxxx#gmail.com"
I just wanted to check if any one else faced the issue or if anyone has a documentation from google, which explains why the change happened.


Why doesn't GraphQL.NET honour the errors.extensions schema?

I recently rewrote some GraphQL services from Java to .NET Core.
In Java, I was able to provide custom error messages to the clients using the errors.extensions in the response, ie:
"data": {
"someMutation": null
"errors": [{
"cause": null,
"message": "Unauthorized",
"httpStatusCode": 0,
"extensions": {
"uiMessage": "Oh no, your session expired. You'll need to login again to continue.",
"httpStatusDescription": "Unauthorized",
"httpStatusCode": 401
"errorType": "ValidationError",
"path": null,
"localizedMessage": "Unauthorized",
"suppressed": []
However, in .NET, I don't seem to be able to replicate this format.
ErrorInfo.Extensions is added to the root of the response, not to the the Errors object itself, eg:
"data": {
"someMutation": null
"errors": [{
"message": "Auth token not provided"
"extensions": {
"httpStatusCode": 401,
"httpStatusDescription": null,
"uiMessage": "Oh no, your session expired. You'll need to login again to continue.",
The GraphQL spec reads (ref https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec-Errors, https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#example-8b658):
GraphQL services may provide an additional entry to errors with key
extensions. This entry, if set, must have a map as its value. This
entry is reserved for implementors to add additional information to
errors however they see fit, and there are no additional restrictions
on its contents.
"errors": [
"message": "Name for character with ID 1002 could not be fetched.",
"locations": [{ "line": 6, "column": 7 }],
"path": ["hero", "heroFriends", 1, "name"],
"extensions": {
"code": "CAN_NOT_FETCH_BY_ID",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 9 14:33:09 UTC 2018"
I created a new test project (.NET Core 3.1) using the latest versions of the libraries (GraphQL 7.1.1 et al) but am still unable to add custom properties to errors.extensions.
This is the test mutation which intentionally throws an exception:
.Resolve(context => {
try {
throw new Exception("Invalid input");
return "Hello " + context.GetArgument<String>("name");
} catch(Exception ex) {
// This doesn't seem to get returned anywhere in the response
Dictionary<String, object> extraData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
extraData.Add("error1", "message1");
// Add the error to the response using the overloaded constructor
context.Errors.Add(new ExecutionError("Oh dear, that went wrong", extraData));
// This gets added to the root of the response
context.OutputExtensions.Add("error2", "message2");
return null;
the mutation to invoke it:
mutation {greet(name:"Chewbacca")}
and the response (I don't know where errors.extensions.details comes from):
"errors": [
"message": "Oh dear, that went wrong",
"extensions": {
"details": "GraphQL.ExecutionError: Oh dear, that went wrong"
"data": {
"greet": null
"extensions": {
"error2": "message2"
I would imagine that the GraphQL.NET library would expose an Extensions dictionary on the ExecutionError object so one could add custom values in the usual manner, eg:
ExecutionError executionError = new ExecutionError("Oh dear, that went horribly wrong");
executionError.Extensions.Add("customError", "Your custom error here")
Which would result in a response similar to this:
"data": {
"someMutation": null
"errors": [{
"message": "Oh dear, that went horribly wrong",
"extensions": {
"customError": "Your custom error here"
I am hopeful that some bright individual in the community can (slap me upside the head and) point me in the right direction.

The request includes at least one invalid\/malformed connection photo id

I'm using Google StreetView Publish API to connect photos in a virtual tour and to some external photos on Google StreetView such as a road.
This is the API I use:
And this is the body of the request:
"pose": {
"heading": 26,
"latLngPair": {
"latitude": 47.707604844777,
"longitude": -124.41849471719
"places": [
"place_id": "ChIJvcvraDvfjVQR45a-VRk0lGs"
"connections": [
"target": {
"id": "CAoSLEFGMVFpcE5fWGtUZTFWV3dxRm9tOEFlRHVmYVdvTmdDR2NueVZ0dzhid0ZX"
"target": {
"id": "rQfq6hLfyFVfC0V43rrWDw"
"captureTime": {
"seconds": "1653027016"
But I'm getting this error message when I'm trying to add external panorama ID ({"target":{"id": "rQfq6hLfyFVfC0V43rrWDw"}} to the connections array.
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "The request includes at least one invalid\/malformed connection photo id.",
"details": [
"#type": "type.googleapis.com\/google.rpc.ErrorInfo",
"metadata": {
"EXTERNAL_MESSAGE": "The request includes at least one invalid\/malformed connection photo id."
Does Google let to connect your panoramas to the Google StreetViews panoramas such as street photos, etc? Or what I was doing wrong? Thank you in advance
You can not link your panoramas directly to Google Street View panoramas.
For a while, Google connected the tours automatically, if they were in a certain range. They stopped doing this and undid those connections, so at the moment both exist side by side on the same map.

Appstoreconnect Api user update

I can’t understand how to create the http body of the Modify User Account api:
In particular the:
What are the required id and type properties of Data object? Could somebody provide a code or postman example of a request ?
This is the url of the topic:
Appstoreconnect Api - Update User
The PATCH request should look like this:
PATCH /v1/users/XXX
"data": {
"type": "users",
"id": "XXX",
"attributes": {
"allAppsVisible": false
"relationships": {
"visibleApps": {
"data": [
{"type": "apps", "id": "AAA"},
{"type": "apps", "id": "BBB"}
Where AAA and BBB are Apple IDs of your apps. You can find these on the App Information page, or in response to the /v1/apps API calls.

Update Account (PUT) Endpoint in new Yodlee API for MFA

I am using the newer Yodlee Aggregation API that differs from what I was previously building off of.
I am currently using this endpoint in the account registration flow to put the MFA response:
PUT /{cobrandName}/v1/providers/{providerAccountId}
My request looks like this:
url: `${this.rest}providers/${providerAccountId}`,
headers: {
'Authorization': `cobSession=${self.appToken}, userSession=${token}`
form: {
'MFAChallenge': JSON.stringify(newMfa)
where this.rest is my personal rest url, providerAccountId is the appropriate providerAccountId for the refresh, self.appToken is the current cobrand session token, token is the current user's login token, and newMfa is a JSON object being stringified that matches this profile:
"loginForm": {
"mfaTimeout": 94650,
"formType": "questionAndAnswer",
"row": [
"id": "SQandA--QUESTION_1--Row--1",
"fieldRowChoice": "0001",
"form": "0001",
"label": "What is the name of your state?",
"field": [
"id": "SQandA_QUESTION_1_1",
"name": "QUESTION_1",
"isOptional": false,
"value": "Enter the answer",
"valueEditable": true,
"type": "text"
"id": "SQandA--QUESTION_2--Row--2",
"fieldRowChoice": "0001",
"form": "0001",
"label": "What is the name of your first school",
"field": [
"id": "SQandA_QUESTION_2_2",
"name": "QUESTION_2",
"isOptional": false,
"value": "Enter the answer",
"valueEditable": true,
"type": "text"
with the exeption being the value fields of the field object, which have been encrypted with PKI as per instructions.
However, when I carry out this PUT request, I get this error from Yodlee:
{ errorCode: 'Y803',
errorMessage: 'MFAChallenge or providerParam required',
referenceCode: 'p1460412835654A4Q24t' }
though I clearly have an MFAChallenge parameter in my form. Any ideas on why I could be getting this error if the MFAChallenge is present (and note that it is the only info that is passed through the PUT request other than through headers or url parameters)? I tried putting it through as body data, but that doesn't seem to work, and very few of the API endpoints actually seem to use body over form encoded strings, though there was at least one.
You have to send this information MFAChallenge as part of URL, see below example

Pushwoosh create message get 200, but say UnknownDevices

My system running at least two years. Most push notification requests got 200. But, recently, I found I got 500 frequently.
Nealy 10% push notifications got 500.
Please HELP!!!
I have resend the problem messages, every thing is fine.
Request is:
"request": {
"application": "3DXXX-59XXX",
"username": "MyXXXXX",
"password": "********",
"notifications": [
"send_date": "now",
"content": {
"en": "Subscriber ID. 9000 Close User 01"
"link": "",
"data": {
"userID": "12345"
"wp_type": "",
"wp_background": "",
"wp_count": "",
"ios_badges": 51,
"ios_sound": "short-tone.caf",
"devices": [
"page_id": "0",
"android_sound": "five_sectoneone"
Response is:
{"status_code":500,"status_message":"Invalid devices list"}
========================= Update =============================
After I upgrade Pushwoosh API from V1.2 to V1.3, the problem is gone.
However, new problem comes.
My sample is:
request :
"request": {
"application": "3DXXX-59XXX",
"auth": "*********WqLiS5ZM2****************************************9eib******",
"notifications": [
"send_date": "now",
"content": {
"en": "Jones Residence Tue,17Jul 12:12 Test from Robbie......."
"link": "",
"data": {
"userID": "12345"
"wp_type": "",
"wp_background": "",
"wp_count": "",
"ios_badges": 39,
"ios_sound": "short-tone.caf",
"devices": [
"298eeXXXXa26849cc77da16adXXXXc1c801df12e79bad1e724829aXXXXcbe07d" //I hashed real ID here
"page_id": "0",
"android_sound": "five_sectoneone"
Response is:
"status_code": 200,
"status_message": "OK",
"response": {
"Messages": [
"UnknownDevices": {
"D954-3C45B1AA-AA6293E5": [
"298eeXXXXa26849cc77da16adXXXXc1c801df12e79bad1e724829aXXXXcbe07d" //I hashed real ID here
I see you already wrote the question in Pushwoosh community. I'll post the answer here as well.
The "UnknownDevice" warning indicates that the push token that you have put in the "devices" section of the createMessage request isn't in our databases.
There are several reasons for that:
1) The application was deleted from the device.
2) The push token was renewed. APNs/GCM/etc. tends to change push tokens from time to time, and we remove outdated push tokens from our servers. (This happens VERY rarely)
3) There is a misprint in your request. (I'm sure this is not the case)
Please note that in order to keep your userbase up-to-date you can use getUnregisteredDevices method, which would return a last thousand of removed push tokens. You will need to call this on a regular basis.
P.S. https://community.pushwoosh.com/questions/998/pushwoosh-create-message-get-200-but-says-unknowndevices
P.P.S. Do not use 1.2 API, it is very old and will be deprecated soon.
I think, you use wrong device token. Don't use device UUID. You can send device token to your database after put it deviceArray in the Java code.
Edit PushwooshiOS.js file;
var deviceToken = status['deviceToken'];
console.warn('registerDevice: ' + deviceToken);
url : "http://ip:port/deviceid/"+deviceToken,
dataType : "json",
success : function(a, b, c) {
console.log("send tokens to server after call t in your json array");
error : function(a, b, c) {
console.log("err a ", a);
console.log("err b ", b);
console.log("err c ", c);
console.log("err c ", c);
console.warn('failed to register : ' + JSON.stringify(status));
//alert(JSON.stringify(['failed to register ', status]));
Java code
String method = "createMessage";
JSONArray deviceArray = new JSONArray();
// put your device tokens
JSONArray notificationsArray = new JSONArray()
.put(new JSONObject().put("send_date", "now")
.put("content", "A test push")
JSONObject requestObject = new JSONObject()
.put("application", APPLICATION_CODE)
.put("auth", AUTH_TOKEN)
.put("notifications", notificationsArray);
JSONObject mainRequest = new JSONObject().put("request", requestObject);
JSONObject response = SendServerRequest.sendJSONRequest(url, mainRequest.toString());