how to prevent exposure of Notes views from browser - lotus-domino

How can I prevent that the default views are exposed in my Domino application? is there a special $$form for that?
It seems my application now and looses it web launch property

You can hide all views from web. If it's an XPages application, all views are accessed server-side so never need to be accessible from browser.

You can create a form called $$ViewTemplateDefault and leave it empty. All views opened from web (with for example the command ?OpenView) will then just display an empty page.

There are a couple ways to do that. One is with ACL entries. The other (which you refer to) is to create a form called $$View Template for [View name] For example, if your view is called All documents, the form would be called $$View Template for All Documents. Just leave the form blank, or put some static text on it ("Access Denied" perhaps.) You should also have one called $$ViewTemplateDefault which will cover any views you haven't explicitly protected.


Sensenet: Pagination on Document Library

It is possible to define pagination on document library?
I have a document library with more that 10000 documents... when I open the library occurs an timeout.
Actually SenseNet already does this! They just don't deliver it in the standard list control. If you open up the PRC and navigate to /Root/IMS/BuiltIn/Portal you'll see a list control with paging. The code can be found at /Root/Global/renderers/UserExploreGrid.ascx as User Control portlet. You can copy the code and change it to meet your needs.
Our company prefers to create User Control portlets and use Datatables with calls to the SenseNet OData API using skip and top to deliver pages.
Finally, given that SenseNet Content is stored as a tree structure (in SQL!), you can move the Content after creation so that data is organized hierarchically. A common solution is to take the first letter of the DisplayName and create a sub-folder from that letter, thereby reducing the number of items at a single node.
Here's what the paging looks like:
The short answer is no. Right now there isn't a built in functionality for that.
The long answer is that you can make a pagination yourself. One of the core member of sensenet made a grid where you can use pagination. It won't work with the current free to use releases because they lack the js files she used. But the idea behind it, is using a custom view. Which you can achieve by adding a system folder named Views under a the Document library and adding your custom view there.
You can use this grid for Explore, just follow these steps:
Go to the Explore action page, and switch editor mode on the PRC.
Place a ClientContext portlet (this can find under the Portlets->Application section in the portlet picker dialog) to the Wide column. Set portlet (client context porlet) properties, Apparance to None. It is a technical portlet, which allow get the CurrentContext in javascript. This is a very important element to work with this grid. The Grid use the client context.
Place a UserControlPortlet (In the portlet picker, Portlets->Application section) to the Wide Column.
Set portlet properties:
4.1. Portlet title: <%$ Resources: PortletTitles, Items%>
4.2. User Control path: /Root/Global/renderers/UserExploreGrid.ascx
Checkin Page modification on the PRC.
Enjoy your pageable explore portlet.
Keep in mind that this grid is specifically designed for users, so they will miss actions in the top menu. These must be handwritten. Then I suggest you copy the UserControl ( /Root/Global/renderers/UserExploreGrid.ascx)
and then put the action list on it . You can read more info about action list here:

Transfer Sharepoint WebPart data to application page

I have created a visual web part that has one entry form, it contains 10 textboxes and a submit button to insert the data.
Now on click of submit button it redirects to another page(page is application page deployed under layout folder of same site. this page is added in same web part solution by adding new item).
I'm able to redirect to application page using SPUtility.Redirect(). but not sure about best approach to pass the data from web part page to application.
I think that query string is not a good solution. Also enabling session is manual work on each environment(as i experienced that in one server when i created session variable i got an error to enable it, but in other dev server i was able to do that).
I have done this using a public class in user control .cs page and defined all fields as static variables in side the class. now I'm able to access them in application page added inside layout folder of same project solution. Not sure if it is right approach , but it works

WinRT XAML Toolkit preloaded pages

I have a question to creator of WinRT XAML Toolkit that had helped me a lot.
What is the best mechanism for working with rich pages in WinRT?
These are the conditions:
There are about 2 pages that have a lot of elements and some high resolution images in the background. Obviously they consume time to load their content. That's why I use AlternativeFrame.Preload() method from the Toolkit.
Also these pages are the most frequently used.
That's why I stand before choosing to either constantly preload these pages (create, draw, fill) but when it is needed or creating my own page cache that would store them (maybe I am blind and the Toolkit already has this functionality?).
Can you advise what's the best practice in this problem and whether maybe there's a third way?
To add some more background - the WinRT XAML Toolkit library has two controls: AlternativeFrame and AlternativePage that are alternate implementations of the base Frame and Page classes that come out of the box in Windows 8 SDK for dealing with UI navigation - similar to how you navigate pages in a web browser. The API of these alternative controls is almost the same as in the base ones, but it adds some more support for asynchronous development model, page transition animations and preloading pages before they are requested.
Currently the Preload() method preloads a page of a given type in the background and puts it in a cache and when a Navigate() method is invoked to navigate to the page of that type - instead of instantiating a new page - the one in the cache is used, so it can immediately be shown, but also - the cache gets emptied and the next time you want to navigate to that same page - you need to preload it again. This works well if you don't return to the preloaded page often and the page uses a lot of memory, but if you want to keep that page in cache - there is not built-in support for that. The original Page class has a NavigationCacheMode property that allows to configure a page to be kept in cache once it is loaded the first time and it would be a good option for you, but AlternativePage doesn't have that support yet. I am thinking about adding it there today since I have some free time, so you might decide to wait for me to do it. Other options include
displaying your page on top of the navigation frame instead of navigating to it in the frame - then you could simply show/hide it when needed
or you can switch back to the standard Frame/Page controls and set NavigationCacheMode="Required" on your Page so it stays in memory forever, though you do lose the Preload() feature then.
or you can modify the Toolkit yourself
or you can cache the content of your page yourself - simply save the Content of your page in some sort of cache (e.g. a Dictionary<Type,UIElement> that maps page type to content) and remove it from the page (set Content to null) when you navigate away from the page and then add it back to the page when you navigate to it and the content is found in the cache. In that case you would probably want to make the Content be a separate UserControl and skip calling InitializeComponent() in the constructor if you retrieve the content from the cache since you can only have one Content and having it defined in a separate UserControl will allow you to get auto-generated code that gets executed in InitializeComponent() that grants you easy access to named elements, registers event handlers etc.

What should I prefer to use widget or renderPartial in Yii's view?

I am confused when I should use a custom widget or renderPartial in my view files. Sometimes I use widget and sometimes I use renderPartial.
You use widget when your application logic is defined in a separate CLASS file and the logic is somehow separated and standalone.
Widget's are chosen when the functionality is repeatedly used elsewhere, on lot of pages.
You use renderPartial for VIEW files that you want to embed into something bigger, or when you want to print something without using the application layouts.
renderPartial is chosen when all the variables it need to access are already prepared in the current action.
You can use widget when your site has some common part like header and footer or sometime some kind filter which require on every page of site.
Take example of search form of yii crude which is called by using renderPartial because that serach form is changing according to requirement of pages.
Sorry for english.

Need to access the Page object in Global.asax in the PreRequestHandlerExecute

I have a huge website (containing around 5000+) pages. There is a theme functionality in the website where user can choose different colors for their profile. Now i want to use the theme feature and put different CSS (for different colors) in the theme folder and in Global.asax i want check the user theme and render appropriate link element with the css. But my problem is, i am not able to access the Page element for adding the link in the page.
Here is my code
Dim page As System.Web.UI.Page = TryCast(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Handler,System.Web.UI.Page)
page.StyleSheetTheme = "Black"
But when i run this code I get a Null reference error.
P.s : My application is very huge so its not possible to have a master page or a base class and inherit it in every page.
Please suggest.
The page is not available in PreRequestExecute. This function is called before steps in to handle things, and is responsible for the page. Think of PreRequestExecute as being earlier in the scheme of things, like when IIS is first trying to figure out what to do with this thing it has, the thing is not even a page yet.
You might want to look into some of the other events that you can hook, there are events that would take place after the page has loaded that may allow you to do what you are suggesting.
Rather than going into global.asax for this, consider using master pages. One possibility is to have nested master pages, where the first master page sets up overall layout, and the nested master handles the theme. (Or one of several nested master pages, all referencing the same top-level master page). If necessary, you can use the PreInit event in the page to change master pages, and select the master that matches your theme selection.
You can centralize this function by having your own class that inherits System.Web.UI.Page, and have all your own pages inherit this new class. Handle the PreInit event there. (As well as other useful functions, like page-level handling of unhandled exceptions, general security issues, etc.
EDITED TO ADD: As #aepheus correctly notes, the page hasn't been instantiated at the PreRequestHandlerExecute event. So there's no page class you can access.