How to implement Apostropecms authentication with fusionauth - fusionauth

I am implementing Apostropecms authentication with fusionauth. For this I use the apostrophe-passport and passport-oauth2 modules. I am having problems at a step in the flow where I must obtain user information. I don't get user information from fusionauth by /oauth2/userinfo or /api/user.
I modified the passport-oauth2 strategy to adapt it to the fusionauth flow.
This is the error:
InternalOAuthError: Failed to fetch user profile

You can use the User API or the Userinfo endpoint in the verify callback.
To call the User API provide the accessToken passed into the verify callback to send to FusionAuth in the Authorization header as described in the API JWT authentication.
Or use the Userinfo endpoint as described in the example.


Getting refresh_token server-side (sessionToken) with Okta

We wish to use our own httponly strict cookie with access and refresh token in it for our microservices architectures.
We are primary using OKTA Authentication API to log users with our own custom Sign-in page.
We were able to get the access_token on the authorize endpoint using the responsetype=token with sessionToken and redirecting the result as a form_post on our back-end endpoint.
I was unable to retrieve the refresh_token despite adding the offline_access in the scope even if it is checked in my okta application setting.
I don’t want to use resource password flow since we prefer using sessionToken which will work with multi factor if needed in the future.
I also try using the code flow and redirecting the result on our back-end but since the code flow is client-side it’s return this error "PKCE code verifier is required when the token endpoint authentication method is ‘NONE’." This error occur even if we choose a .NET application
How can we retrieve the refresh_token server-side with Okta?
Responded to your post here
Aside from making a call directly to /token with your access token you can also check our Early Access feature called Refresh Token Rotation. Let us know if this helps!
I was able to use the CODE flow and redirect from server-side to the authorized endpoint like so:
https://{YOUROKTADOMAIN}/oauth2/default/v1/authorize?client_id={YOURCLIENTID}&response_type=code&scope=openid%20offline_access&response_mode=query&redirect_uri={YOURSERVERSIDEGETURI}&state={Guid.NewGuid()}&sessionToken={SessionToken From Auth API}
This call will post back to my same server, so i can handle token myself and create my own cookie.

What is the best way to pass credentials to and from Dialogflow

I might be missing this entirely in the documentation, but I'm looking for examples of passing authentication to and from Dialogflow.
The Dialogflow examples I find are open for all users, but I want the Dialogflow interaction to be logged into a specific authenticated user. I setup Google Cloud Identity and Firestore Auth, but I can not find good examples of how to move that authentication information securely through Dialogflow in its requests to the Firestore database. I am using NodeJS on the backend webhooks.
There's no straight-forward option to authenticate a user for Dialogflow fulfillment. A suggestion to handle how to pass credentials and the webhook connection is as follows:
The end-user authenticates to your server
The server creates a new session for this conversation in Dialogflow (or validates the current session)
Your server uses the payload field in the QueryParameters object in the detectIntent request to pass the necessary information to validate the user during the fulfillment
Configure mTLS for your webhook to create a secure connection
Use the payload data in the webhook request to authenticate the user
When using Dialogflow-Messenger, you don't have access to the Dialogflow API directly; however, for the step 3, you can still pass a value to queryParams.payload through the user-id HTML customization.
Here's an example of how to set it dynamically:
const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
dfMessenger.setAttribute("user-id", YOUR_USER); // Sent to Dialogflow API through queryParams.payload

Generate Access Token and validate against IdentityServer4 through Azure API Management

I have an external endpoint which is going to hit the Azure API gateway and that would route it to the backend API which is protected by IdentityServer4 authorization.
I am getting the access token if I hit it through the Postman client with the interactive UI from IdentityServer.
Is there a way I can get the access token required from the Azure API Management to validate against the IdentityServer4 and append it to the header in the request to the backend API?
Yes it is possible to achieve it through custom policy. You can ask your external API-Client/Consumer to paas in credentials in heaser, and then you write a policy inside inbound to can read those user credentials and do a API request (similar to your postman) and get the access token. You can then append the same token and let your request gets forwarded to backend API.
As per your problem statement, this should work. In case not, you might have to explain your scenario with more description/steps.
Here are some of the reference materials for you, I hope it helps.
Postman has a luxury of a human user seeing the UI and authorizing API access and IdentityServer4 to issue a token for Postman. There is no such luxury when call is being processed by APIM server, as you could send request for token to IdentityServer4, but who would be presented UI to authorize the action?
The only way is to provision some sort of secret to APIM (header, query, certificate) that would be recognized by IdentityServer4 to allow it issuing tokens for APIM. If such secred is available you could use send-request policy to make a call to IdentityServer4 and obtain required token.
Or make sure that every request to APIM has a token already.

JWT handling with WSO2-AM

we plan to introduce an API management solution and we're currently setting up a proof of concept with WSO2 AM. We want to use the WSO2 API gateway to check whether a certain consumer application is allowed to use an API and to throttle the request rate.
I work on the identity workflow and I wonder how a consuming application can pass a JWT token to the backend service with WSO2-AM in between.
First, this is our current scenario:
Without API gateway
The consuming application gets a JWT token for its carbon user from an identity provider. The JWT contains some claims about the user, e.g. the roles he/she belongs to.
The app calls the service an passes the JWT token in the Authorization HTTP header like: Authorization: Bearer
The service validates the issuer and signature of the JWT and retrieves the claims from it.
So, this is pretty straight forward. Now we put an API gateway in between the application and the service:
With API gateway
The consuming application gets a JWT token for its carbon user from an identity provider.
The consuming application uses OAuth2 to get an access token for the following API calls. We can use the client_credentials grant type and simply pass the the client id and client secret. I haven't yet tried it, but we could possibly use the JWT grant type (see and use the JWT for passing user information to the API gateway.
The API gateway validates the JWT against the public key of the identity provider when using the JWT grant type.
An access token is returned to the app.
The app sends an API request to the gateway and passes the access token in the Authorization HTTP header.
The gateway validates the access token.
The gateway forwards the API request to the service.
And there is my problem: How can the JWT from 1/2. be passed to the service?
There is a documentation for "Passing Enduser Attributes to the Backend Using JWT" (see, but this would introduce a new JWT, issued and signed by WSO2-AM, and I'm not sure, whether this JWT contains all information from the JWT used to create the access token (or even the original JWT).
Another way I could think of is using a custom HTTP header for passing the JWT through the gateway to the service. I cannot use the Authorization header (as we do without the API gateway), because WSO2-AM expects the access token in that header.
Since I'm not happy with either solutions, I want to ask the experts: How would you solve this?
The only possibility I can think of is to send the JWT token in a custom Header for the backend service.

OAuth resource owner password flow and HMAC

I have a web api application which implements the Resource Owner Password flow from OAuth specification. Everything works correctly.
Actually I configure everything in my WebApiConfig class by using an Authentication filter like this
// Configure Web API to use only bearer token authentication.
config.Filters.Add( new HostAuthenticationFilter( OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType ) );
As some of my customer asked for a different method of authentication I am evaluating to add a couple of features to my services but stil did not have clear how those features can work together.
In particular I cam across a link which explain in very easy words how to implement a HMAC authentication in web api.
Can I implement this authentication method and let the client to choose which one he want to use? Do they can cohesist together?
Yes, your web api service can send back multiple schemes in the WWW-Authenticate challenge. In your case it can send back 'bearer' and 'hmac' for example.
See also this question for more info on using multiple schemes.
BTW, it's not your web api service that supports Resource Owner Password flow. The client uses this flow to get a token from the authorization server that it can use in a bearer scheme with your service (resource server). HTH.