Problems getting Durandal using Bower - durandal

We are using Durandal in our app and we use bower to fetch the dependencies. Now we started to get this error when trying to install dependencies in our project:
bower durandal#2.2.0 ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads", exit code of #128 remote: Invalid username or password. fatal: Authentication failed for ''
It is weird because it was working well.
How this can be fixed?

The problem is that the repository has been archived (seems like the project has been replaced by Aurelia).
You will need to download it, create a new GitHub project, and point Bower to use it.


RN Expo issue - Something when wrong installing JavaScript dependencies. Check your npm logs. Continuing to initialize the app

I am using react native and Expo. I am unable to build new app because after I use expo init appName it shows the following error.
Heres the full message:
📦 Using npm to install packages. You can pass --yarn to use Yarn instead.
√ Downloaded and extracted project files.
× Something when wrong installing JavaScript dependencies. Check your npm logs. Continuing to initialize the app.
✅ Your project is ready!
To run your project, navigate to the directory and run one of the following npm commands.
- cd Scanner
- npm start # you can open iOS, Android, or web from here, or run them directly with the commands below.
- npm run android
- npm run ios # requires an iOS device or macOS for access to an iOS simulator
- npm run web
I tried multiple times to create a blank project, also tried npm install to install failed/not downloaded libraries and continue after failure but it showed another error:
npm ERR! code Z_BUF_ERROR
npm ERR! errno -5
npm ERR! zlib: unexpected end of file
also tried npm cache verify that showed cache is ok Content verified: 3562 (252580364 bytes).
So, How can I solve this issue?
Problems related to npm installation are very common If you do any mistake in early installation, but is avoided. Learn more about npm tree.
Steps worked for me are :
npm cache clean --force
npm cache verify
npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save
npm install expo-cli --global
expo init app-name
cd app-name
npm start
Always run as administrator if working on Windows and in root directory.
The solutions above didn't work for me but if you use 'npm install' in the directory of the app you get a clue that you shuold try 'npm install --force'
err message
You should have all these files folders and files at the start of the project otherwise not all the dependencies have been installed which is why we were getting the problem.folder structure
After you have added --force to npm install you have all the dependencies installed. Now you can run the app with npm start.
Unfortunately, all the solutions described above didn't work on my machine...
Here is my latest solution for this problem...
This worked 100% on my machine...
Use npm i -g expo-cli
This will automatically add the required packages and also remove the unnecessary ones.
Yes, surely, you don't need to uninstall and re-install it again.
Just follow my steps.
And, you can create your expo project using expo init.
I hope my solution will help you out from this annoying problem....
I just did npm install and it worked for me, but I had do that every time I create a new expo project.
I also encountered this problem, and finally found that it was the problem of react native cli,I installed the latest version of react native cli,Expo is back to normal
This Error is regarding to the git account. expos need a git account to setup react native project
If you are using windows you need to install git in your local PC
after that open your Terminal and type this command
git config --global "your_username"
git config --global ""
after that clone any github project to your local computer. it will ask to login to Github
after all these steps try expo init <projectname>
The simple way to settle that error is by using "expo-cli init app-name" instead of "expo init app-name".
I tried and worked perfectly for me. Hope it will help you guys.
i have faced a similar problem and running yarn set version 1.22.1 fix it
Run the Command Prompt as an administrator. And run the following command:
npx create-expo-app AwesomeProject

Cannot find module 'tailwindcss'

I am trying out tailwindcss with my Vue project and while I solved some issue I had with the routing (while trying to break down my code into smaller components), I think I broke something else.
The code was compiling before I added my new routes. I can't seem to find what is wrong in this case.
Failed to compile.
./src/components/SiteHeader.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=css& (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--6-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/components/SiteHeader.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=css&)
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
Error: Cannot find module 'tailwindcss'
you can check out this repo, has very few files
First :
npm run dev
npm install -D tailwindcss#latest postcss#latest autoprefixer#latest
For More Info :
Tailwind Docs
Also check this out :Restarting NPM

npm cannot install some packages globally and locally?

I'm developing some JavaScript application with VSCode editor, and it says cannot find ESlint package. So i tried install it locally on app directory and globally, but both methods are failed. It gives following error(log file) and stops installation.
silly fetchPackageMetaData error for emoji-regex#^7.0.1 Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...gex-7.0.1.tgz","fileC'
i tried to install package that causes the error and it also get failed, i cleared cache of npm with npm cache clean --force and re-install eslint package. And it worked.

Install mapbox-gl package via jspm failing

I am trying to add the mapbox gl package to my Aurealia Typescript skeleton using jspm. I am using the following command.
jspm install npm:mapbox-gl
This is what I am getting.
Looking up npm:mapbox-gl
Updating registry cache...
Downloading npm:mapbox-gl#0.19.1
warn Error on processPackageConfig
Package.json dependency mapbox-gl-shaders set to github:mapbox/mapbox-gl-shaders#e4737bb136d718f9c5fe8d943380f05db6249b57, which is not a valid dependency format for npm.
It's advisable to publish jspm-style packages to GitHub or another registry so conventions are clear.
warn Error processing package config for npm:mapbox-gl.
err Error processing package config for npm:mapbox-gl.
warn Installation changes not saved.
I am using jspm 0.16.36.
When I try to install the package via npm install mapbox-gl it works normally. Any suggestions?
Considering you are using jspm, you might also want to try and reference it through the GitHub repo rather than through npm:
$ jspm install github:mapbox/mapbox-gl-js
It works for me with jspm v16.x and v0.21.0 of MapboxGL.

Error while bower installing 'bower-angular-translate-loader-static-files.git'

I am getting the following error while installing "bower-angular-translate-loader-static-files.git" -
bower angular-translate-loader-static-files#~2.7.2 cached git://
bower angular-translate-loader-static-files#~2.7.2 validate 2.7.2 against git://
bower angular-translate-loader-static-files#~2.7.2 ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://", exit code of #128 fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer
What could be the reason for the same ?
It worked fine after executing the following command in the command line:
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
Apparently there was a problem with proxy or firewall that might cause issues or block ports on git:// urls.