Error while bower installing 'bower-angular-translate-loader-static-files.git' - angular-translate

I am getting the following error while installing "bower-angular-translate-loader-static-files.git" -
bower angular-translate-loader-static-files#~2.7.2 cached git://
bower angular-translate-loader-static-files#~2.7.2 validate 2.7.2 against git://
bower angular-translate-loader-static-files#~2.7.2 ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://", exit code of #128 fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer
What could be the reason for the same ?

It worked fine after executing the following command in the command line:
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
Apparently there was a problem with proxy or firewall that might cause issues or block ports on git:// urls.


how can i fix problem in run npm installation?

by launching the installation of npm in symfony 6, I would have this error:
Failed to remove some directories
Invalid response body while trying to fetch 18180000:error:1C800066:Provider routines:ossl_gcm_stream_update:cipher operation failed:c:\ws\deps\openssl\openssl\providers\implementations\ciphers\ciphercommon_gcm.c:320:
I ran this command: npm cache verify and and restart npm install i have thuis error: ERR_SSL_CIPHER_OPERATION_FAILED
68140000:error:1C800066:Provider routines:ossl_gcm_stream_update:cipher operation failed:c:\ws\deps\openssl\openssl\providers\implementations\ciphers\ciphercommon_gcm.c:320:

Host key verification failed.. fatal: Could not read from remote repository

I just uninstalled loopback/cli using npm uninstall loopback/cli.Now I can't install it again and giving this error " Host key verification failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository."
Any ideas why?
My npm version is 6.13.0
Thanks in advance.
The problem was that the command was wrong. It is npm install -g #loopback/cli. I was typing npm install -g loopback/cli

Problems getting Durandal using Bower

We are using Durandal in our app and we use bower to fetch the dependencies. Now we started to get this error when trying to install dependencies in our project:
bower durandal#2.2.0 ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads", exit code of #128 remote: Invalid username or password. fatal: Authentication failed for ''
It is weird because it was working well.
How this can be fixed?
The problem is that the repository has been archived (seems like the project has been replaced by Aurelia).
You will need to download it, create a new GitHub project, and point Bower to use it.

Cannot install node-sass

I'm in an environment where I am required to run a local proxy, and I am unable to install node-sass. When I try the following:
npm install -g node-sass
I get an error:
Cannot download "": tunneling socket could not be established, cause=read ECONNRESET
I have already installed cntlm and configured it correctly. To verify I use the porxy server to access internet and it works fine.
The following environment variables are set
http_proxy -> http://localhost:3128
https_proxy -> http://localhost:3128
Have also added the following to my .npmrc
Also tried by adding slashes to the end but the result is the same.
Any clues and help would be appreciated since I have no idea how to resolve this.
Additional details:
node -v
npm -v
The workaround I found was to download the node-sass file from and then set the sass-path to the binaries downloaded:
and then doing
npm install -g node-sass
worked for me.

React native failed to upgrade : fatal: working tree '.' already exists

I tried to upgrade react native version from 0.41 to 0.44 using these instructions, but I got this error :
error Command failed.
Exit code: 128
Command: git
Arguments: clone /Users/abdelnacer/Library/Caches/Yarn/v1/.tmp/264e7f98ae7b8a32797877705f218964
Directory: /Users/abdelnacer/work/react/DuluxTradePoints
fatal: working tree '.' already exists.
git-upgrade ERR! An error occurred during upgrade:
git-upgrade ERR! Error: Command 'yarn add react-native#0.42.0' exited with code 1:
stderr: undefinederror Command failed.
Exit code: 128
Command: git
Arguments: clone /Users/abdelnacer/Library/Caches/Yarn/v1/.tmp/264e7f98ae7b8a32797877705f218964
Directory: /Users/abdelnacer/work/react/DuluxTradePoints
fatal: working tree '.' already exists.
stdout: yarn add v0.24.5
[1/4] Resolving packages...
info Visit for documentation about this command.
at ChildProcess.child.on.code (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/react-native-git-upgrade/cliEntry.js:58:18)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:194:7)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:215:12)
git-upgrade ERR! Restore initial sources
Note: checking out 'project-snapshot'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
HEAD is now at 4c8828d... Project snapshot
May be someone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I tried several yarn + react-native-git-upgrade but it didn't work for me
To make the upgrade work I had to remove the node_modules and clean the yarn cache too.
1) Remove node_modules:
rm -rf ./node_modules
2) Clean yarn cache
rm -rf /Users/<myUsername>/Library/Caches/Yarn/v1/.tmp
yarn cache clean
I am not sure if it would have worked with running just the removal of .tmp
3) Run yarn
4) Run upgrade again
Note: My upgrade was from 0.51.0 to 0.53.3
facing the same issue,
try to run
it might help you :