SQL Query Extract Totals by Month for Multiple Date Fields - sql

I have an Oracle Database I am trying to query multiple date fields by dates and get the totals by month and year as output.
This was my original query. This just gets what I want for the dates I want to input.
SELECT COUNT(*) as Total
FROM Some_Table s
WHERE (s.Start_DATE <= TO_Date ('2019/09/01', 'YYYY/MM/DD'))
AND (s.End_DATE IS NULL OR (s.End_DATE > TO_Date ('2019/08/31', 'YYYY/MM/DD')))
I would like to get an output where it gives me a count by Month and Year. The count would be the number between the Start_DATE (beginning of the month) and the End_DATE (end of the month).
I can't do
Edit: this was an example from another query and has no relation to the query above. I was just trying to provide an example of what I cannot do because I have two separate date fields. The example below was stating my knowledge of extracting month and year from a single date field. Sorry for the confusion.
SELECT extract(year from e.DATE_OCCURRED) as Year
,to_char(e.DATE_OCCURRED, 'MONTH') as Month
,count (*) as totals
because the Start_DATE and End_DATE are two separate fields.
Any help would be appreciated
Edit: Example would be
| Name | Start_DATE | End_DATE |
| John | 01/16/2018 | 07/09/2019 |
| Sue | 06/01/2015 | 09/01/2018 |
| Joe | 04/06/2016 | Null |
I want to know my total number of workers that would have been working by month and year. Would want the output to look like.
| Year | Month | Total |
| 2016 | Aug | 2 |
| 2018 | May | 3 |
| 2019 | Aug | 2 |
So I know I had two workers working in August 2016 and three in May 2018.

Do you want this?
SELECT count(*)
from some_table
where year(e.DATE_OCCURRED) > year(start_date)
and year(e.DATE_OCCURRED) < year(end_date)
and month(e.DATE_OCCURRED) > month(start_date)
and month(e.DATE_OCCURRED) < month(end_date)
note: using month and year functions is generally better when working with dates. If you convert to characters you might find that January comes after February (as an example) since J comes after F in the alphabet.

Are you looking for this?(Hoping that end_date > start_date)
select extract (year from end_dt2)- extract(YEAR from st_dt1) as YearDiff ,
extract (month from end_dt2)- extract (month from st_dt1) as monthDiff from tab;


How to write a SQL statement to sum data using group by the same day of every two neighboring months

I have a data table like this:
datetime data
2017/8/24 6.0
2017/8/25 5.0
2017/9/24 6.0
2017/9/25 6.2
2017/10/24 8.1
2017/10/25 8.2
I want to write a SQL statement to sum the data using group by the 24th of every two neighboring months in certain range of time such as : from 2017/7/20 to 2017/10/25 as above.
How to write this SQL statement? I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2.
The expected results table is like this:
datetime_range data_sum
2017/8/24~2017/9/24 100.9
2017/9/24~2017/10/24 120.2
One conceptual way to proceed here is to redefine a "month" as ending on the 24th of each normal month. Using the SQL Server month function, we will assign any date occurring after the 24th as belonging to the next month. Then we can aggregate by the year along with this shifted month to obtain the sum of data.
WITH cte AS (
YEAR(datetime) AS year,
CASE WHEN DAY(datetime) > 24
THEN MONTH(datetime) + 1 ELSE MONTH(datetime) END AS month
FROM yourTable
CONVERT(varchar(4), year) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(2), month) +
'/25~' +
CONVERT(varchar(4), year) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(2), (month + 1)) +
'/24' AS datetime_range,
SUM(data) AS data_sum
FROM cte
year, month;
Note that your suggested ranges seem to include the 24th on both ends, which does not make sense from an accounting point of view. I assume that the month includes and ends on the 24th (i.e. the 25th is the first day of the next accounting period.
I would suggest dynamically building some date range rows so that you can then join you data to those for aggregation, like this example:
| | period_start_dt | period_end_dt | your_data_here |
| 1 | 24.04.2017 00:00:00 | 24.05.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 2 | 24.05.2017 00:00:00 | 24.06.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 3 | 24.06.2017 00:00:00 | 24.07.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 4 | 24.07.2017 00:00:00 | 24.08.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 5 | 24.08.2017 00:00:00 | 24.09.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 6 | 24.09.2017 00:00:00 | 24.10.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 7 | 24.10.2017 00:00:00 | 24.11.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 8 | 24.11.2017 00:00:00 | 24.12.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 9 | 24.12.2017 00:00:00 | 24.01.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 10 | 24.01.2018 00:00:00 | 24.02.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 11 | 24.02.2018 00:00:00 | 24.03.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 12 | 24.03.2018 00:00:00 | 24.04.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
declare #start_dt date;
set #start_dt = '20170424';
period_start_dt, period_end_dt, sum(1) as your_data_here
from (
dateadd(month,m.n,start_dt) period_start_dt
, dateadd(month,m.n+1,start_dt) period_end_dt
from (
select #start_dt start_dt ) seed
cross join (
select 0 n union all
select 1 union all
select 2 union all
select 3 union all
select 4 union all
select 5 union all
select 6 union all
select 7 union all
select 8 union all
select 9 union all
select 10 union all
select 11
) m
) r
-- ON yourdata.date >= r.period_start_dt and data.date < r.period_end_dt
group by
period_start_dt, period_end_dt
Please don't be tempted to use "between" when it comes to joining to your data. Follow the note above and use yourdata.date >= r.period_start_dt and data.date < r.period_end_dt otherwise you could double count information as between is inclusive of both lower and upper boundaries.
I think the simplest way is to subtract 25 days and aggregate by the month:
select year(dateadd(day, -25, datetime)) as yr,
month(dateadd(day, -25, datetime)) as mon,
from t
group by dateadd(day, -25, datetime);
You can format yr and mon to get the dates for the specific ranges, but this does the aggregation (and the yr/mon columns might be sufficient).
Step 0: Build a calendar table. Every database needs a calendar table eventually to simplify this sort of calculation.
In this table you may have columns such as:
Date (primary key)
Half-year (e.g. 1 or 2)
Day of year (1 to 366)
Day of week (numeric or text)
Is weekend (seems redundant now, but is a huge time saver later on)
Fiscal quarter/year (if your company's fiscal year doesn't start on Jan. 1)
Is Holiday
If your company starts its month on the 24th, then you can add a "Fiscal Month" column that represents that.
Step 1: Join on the calendar table
Step 2: Group by the columns in the calendar table.
Calendar tables sound weird at first, but once you realize that they are in fact tiny even if they span a couple hundred years they quickly become a major asset.
Don't try to cheap out on disk space by using computed columns. You want real columns because they are much faster and can be indexed if necessary. (Though honestly, usually just the PK index is enough for even wide calendar tables.)

Get Recent Quarters Without Dates

I'm tasked with pulling the data for the four recent quarters. If I was dealing with dates this would be easy, but I'm not sure how to do so when I have a quarters table that looks like this:
| quarter | year |
| 1 | 2016 |
| 2 | 2016 |
| 3 | 2016 |
I know that I can get the current quarter by doing something like this:
FROM quarters
However, I'm not sure the best way to get the four most recent quarters. I thought about getting this quarter from last year, and selecting everything since then, but I don't know how to do that with tuples like this. My expected results would be:
| quarter | year |
| 1 | 2017 |
| 2 | 2017 |
| 3 | 2017 |
| 4 | 2017 |
Keep in mind they won't always be the same year - in Q12018 this will change.
I've built a SQLFiddle that can be used to tinker with this - http://sqlfiddle.com/#!17/0561a/1
Here is one method:
select quarter, year
from quarters
order by year desc, quarter desc
fetch first 4 rows only;
This assumes that the quarters table only has quarters with data in it (as your sample data suggests). If the table has future quarters as well, then you need to compare the values to the current date:
select quarter, year
from quarters
where year < extract(year from current_date) or
(year = extract(year from current_date) and
quarter <= extract(quarter from current_date)
order by year desc, quarter desc
fetch first 4 rows only;
For the case that there can be gaps, like 2/2017 missing, and one would then want to return only three quarters instead of four, one can turn years and quarters into consecutive numbers by multiplying the year by four and adding the quarters.
select *
from quarters
where year * 4 + quarter
between extract(year from current_date) * 4 + extract(quarter from current_date) - 3
and extract(year from current_date) * 4 + extract(quarter from current_date)
order by year desc, quarter desc;

Is it possible to group by day, month or year with timestamp values?

I have a table ORDERS(idOrder, idProduct, Qty, OrderDate) where OrderDate is a varchar column with timestamp values, is it possible to get the Qty of each day, week, month or year ?
The table looks like this :
|idOrder | idProduct | Qty | OrderDate|
| 1 | 5 | 20 | 1504011790 |
| 2 | 5 | 50 | 1504015790 |
| 3 | 5 | 60 | 1504611790 |
| 4 | 5 | 90 | 1504911790 |
and i want something like this
| idProduct | Qty | OrderDate|
| 5 | 70 | 08/29/2017|
| 5 | 60 | 09/05/2017|
| 5 | 90 | 09/08/2017|
looks like you want to do 2 things here: first group by your idProduct and OrderDate
select idProduct, sum(Qty), OrderDate from [yourtable] group by idProduct, OrderDate
This will get you the sums that you want. Next, you want to convert time formats. I assume that your stamps are in Epoch time (number of seconds from Jan 1, 1970) so converting them takes the form:
dateadd(s,[your time field],'19700101')
It also looks like you wanted your dates formatted as mm/dd/yyyy.
convert(NVARCHAR, [date],101) is the format for accomplishing that
select idProduct, sum(Qty), convert(NVARCHAR,dateadd(s,OrderDate,'19700101'), 101)
from [yourtable]
group by idProduct, OrderDate
Unfortunately, the TSQL TIMESTAMP data type isn't really a date. According to this SO question they're even changing the name because it's such a misnomer. You're much better off creating a DATETIME field with a DEFAULT = GETDATE() to keep an accurate record of when a line was created.
That being said, the most performant way I've seen to track dates down to the day/week/month/quarter/etc. is to use a date dimension table that just lists every date and has fields like WeekOfMonth and DayOfYearand. Once you join your new DateCreated field to it you can get all sorts of information about that date. You can google scripts that will create a date dimension table for you.
Yes its very simple:
TRUNC ( date [, format ] )
Format can be:
Result: '01-JAN-03'
Result: '01-AUG-03'
TRUNC(TO_DATE('22-AUG-03'), 'DDD')
Result: '22-AUG-03'
TRUNC(TO_DATE('22-AUG-03'), 'DAY')
Result: '17-AUG-03'

How to dynamically call date instead of hardcoding in WHERE clause?

In my code using SQL Server, I am comparing data between two months where I have the exact dates identified. I am trying to find if the value in a certain column changes in a bunch of different scenarios. That part works, but what I'd like to do is make it so that I don't have to always go back to change the date each time I wanted to get the results I'm looking for. Is this possible?
My thought was that adding a WITH clause, but it is giving me an aggregation error. Is there anyway I can go about making this date problem simpler? Thanks in advance
Ok I'd like to clarify. In my WITH statement, I have:
select distinct
from Database d
Which returns:
| | Date |
| 1 | 01-06-2017 |
| 2 | 01-13-2017 |
| 3 | 01-20-2017 |
| 4 | 01-27-2017 |
| 5 | 02-03-2017 |
| 6 | 02-10-2017 |
| 7 | 02-17-2017 |
| 8 | 02-24-2017 |
| 9 | ........ |
If I select this statement and execute, it will return just the dates from my table as shown above. What I'd like to do is be able to have sql that will pull from these date values and compare the last date value from one month to the last date value of the next month. In essence, it should compare the values from date 8 to values from date 4, but it should be dynamic enough that it can do the same for any two dates without much tinkering.
If I didn't misunderstand your request, it seems you need a numbers table, also known as a tally table, or in this case a calendar table.
Recommended post: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/11506/why-are-numbers-tables-invaluable
Basically, you create a table and populate it with numbers of year's week o start and end dates. Then join your main query to this table.
| week | startDate | endDate |
| 1 | 20170101 | 20170107 |
| 2 | 20170108 | 20170114 |
Select b.week, max(a.data) from yourTable a
inner join calendarTable b
on a.Date between b.startDate and b.endDate
group by b.week
dynamic dates to filter by BETWEEN
select dateadd(m,-1,dateadd(day,-(datepart(day,cast(getdate() as date))-1),cast(getdate() as date))) -- 1st date of last month
select dateadd(day,-datepart(day,cast(getdate() as date)),cast(getdate() as date)) -- last date of last month
select dateadd(day,-(datepart(day,cast(getdate() as date))-1),cast(getdate() as date)) -- 1st date of current month
select dateadd(day,-datepart(day,dateadd(m,1,cast(getdate() as date))),dateadd(m,1,cast(getdate() as date))) -- last date of the month

Best Practice in Scenario

I am currently trying to accomplish the following:
get the Last Weekstamp for the last 6 Months, the following ilustrates how the end result might look like:
Month | Weekstamp |
2013-12| 2013-52 |
2014-01| 2014-05 |
.... and so on
I have a auxiliary Table, which has all Weeks in it and allows me to connect to a Calender Table, which in turn has all months, meaning i am able to get all weekstamps per Month,
but how do i get all of the Last Week Numbers for the Last 6 Months ?
my idea was a Temporary table of some sor (never used one, am a beginner when it Comes to SQL)
which calculates all of the Weekstamps needing to be filtered out per month, and than gives out only values which i could than use to filter a query which contains all the data i Need.
Anybody have a better idea?
As i said I am just a beginner so i can't really say what the best way would be
Thanks a lot in Advance!
My guess is that your challenge is determining what the last six months are. To do this you can use a tally table (spt_values) and DateDiff to determine when the last six months are.
You can also depending on which DB and version easily do this without a calander or weeks table.
WITH rnge
AS (SELECT number
FROM master..spt_values
WHERE type = 'P'
AND number > 0
AND number < 7),
AS (SELECT EOMONTH(Dateadd(m, number * -1, Getdate())) dt
FROM rnge)
SELECT Year(dt) year,
Month(dt) month,
Datepart(wk, dt) week
FROM dates
Produces this output
| 2014 | 1 | 5 |
| 2013 | 12 | 53 |
| 2013 | 11 | 48 |
| 2013 | 10 | 44 |
| 2013 | 9 | 40 |
| 2013 | 8 | 35 |
I'll leave it to you to format the values
This assumes SQL Server 2012 since it uses EOMONTH see Get the last day of the month in SQL for previous versions of SQL Server