fastai ulmfit model trained on cuda machin for cpu - gpu

I have an export.pkl model which has been trained on a cuda machine. I want to use it on a macbook:
from fastai.text import load_learner
from utils import get_corpus
learner = load_learner('./models')
corpus = get_corpus()
res = [ str(learner.predict(c)[0]) for c in corpus ]
I get the following error:
File "/Users/gautiergilabert/Envs/cc/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 146, in forward
"them on device: {}".format(self.src_device_obj, t.device))
RuntimeError: module must have its parameters and buffers on device cuda:0 (device_ids[0]) but found one of them on device: cpu
I have two questions:
I found the raise in my export.pkl:
for t in chain(self.module.parameters(), self.module.buffers()):
if t.device != self.src_device_obj:
raise RuntimeError("module must have its parameters and buffers "
"on device {} (device_ids[0]) but found one of "
"them on device: {}".format(self.src_device_obj, t.device))
It is said about the module in the docstring: module to be parallelized. I don't really understand what it is. My macbook ?
Apart my macbook, I would like to run the model on a cpu
Is there a way to make this export.pkl model works on a cpu ?
Is there a way to make another export.pkl on cuda and make it available on a cpu ?

One way is to load the learner by specifying the model with empty dataset and loading the model weights afterwards. For resnet image classifier something like this should work:
from import *
# path where the model is saved under path/models/model-name
path = "model_path"
tfms = get_transforms()
data = ImageDataBunch.single_from_classes(".", classes=["class1", "class2"], ds_tfms=tfms)
learner = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=accuracy)
# loads model from model_path/models/model_name.pth
image = open_image("test.jpg")
pred_class, pred_idx, outputs = learner.predict(image)


Problem with connecting google Colab with google Cloud TPUs

I have this code which based on t5 notebook (
FINETUNE_STEPS = 3000##param {type: "integer"}
my code was working fine in 8 Augustus then something happened resulting of this error.
these two lines appeared when my model worked so i don't think they are the problem.
ERROR:root:Path not found: gs://my_bucket/my_file/models/small/operative_config.gin
Rest of the error.
From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ Variable.initialized_value (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use Variable.read_value. Variables in 2.X are initialized automatically both in eager and graph (inside tf.defun) contexts.
WARNING:absl:Using an uncached FunctionDataset for training is not recommended since it often results in insufficient shuffling on restarts, resulting in overfitting. It is highly recommended that you cache this task before training with it or use a data source that supports lower-level shuffling (e.g., FileDataSource).
SimdMeshImpl ignoring devices ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
Using default tf glorot_uniform_initializer for variable encoder/block_000/layer_000/SelfAttention/relative_attention_bias The initialzer will guess the input and output dimensions based on dimension order.
Using default tf glorot_uniform_initializer for variable decoder/block_000/layer_000/SelfAttention/relative_attention_bias The initialzer will guess the input and output dimensions based on dimension order.
From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ get_checkpoint_mtimes (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use standard file utilities to get mtimes.
From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/ Variable.load (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Prefer Variable.assign which has equivalent behavior in 2.X.
I changed the google cloud account and the Colab notebook to completely new gmail account, I think the problem is that something got updated in google Colab regarding connecting to Google Cloud TPUs.
Also, I can connect to my bucket normally using this code.
BASE_DIR = "gs://my_bucket/my_file" ##param { type: "string" }
if not BASE_DIR or BASE_DIR == "gs://":
raise ValueError("You must enter a BASE_DIR.")
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "data")
FINETUNE_MODELS_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "models")
print("Setting up GCS access...")
import tensorflow_gcs_config
from google.colab import auth
# Set credentials for GCS reading/writing from Colab and TPU.
tpu = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver() # TPU detection
TPU_ADDRESS = tpu.get_master()
print('Running on TPU:', TPU_ADDRESS)
except ValueError:
raise BaseException('ERROR: Not connected to a TPU runtime; please see the previous cell in this notebook for instructions!')
# Improve logging.
from contextlib import contextmanager
import logging as py_logging
tf.get_logger().propagate = False
def tf_verbosity_level(level):
og_level = tf.logging.get_verbosity()
it would be great if someone can help me I have been looking in the issue for a week and found nothing, is there any changes to how Google Colab works that I am not aware of.
Thanks in advance.

Running GluonCV object detection model on Android

I need to run a custom GluonCV object detection module on Android.
I already fine-tuned the model (ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_custom) on a custom dataset, I tried running inference with it (loading the .params file produced during the training) and everything works perfectly on my computer. Now, I need to export this to Android.
I was referring to this answer to figure out the procedure, there are 3 suggested options:
You can use ONNX to convert models to other runtimes, for example [...] NNAPI for Android
You can use TVM
You can use SageMaker Neo + DLR runtime [...]
Regarding the first one, I converted my model to ONNX.
However, in order to use it with NNAPI, it is necessary to convert it to daq. In the repository, they provide a precomplied AppImage of onnx2daq to make the conversion, but the script returns an error. I checked the issues section, and they report that "It actually fails for all onnx object detection models".
Then, I gave a try to DLR, since it's suggested to be the easiest way.
As I understand, in order to use my custom model with DLR, I would first need to compile it with TVM (which also covers the second point mentioned in the linked post). In the repo, they provide a Docker image with some conversion scripts for different frameworks.
I modified the '' script, and now I have:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tvm import relay
import mxnet as mx
from import get_model
from tvm_compiler_utils import tvm_compile
shape_dict = {'data': (1, 3, 300, 300)}
ctx = [mx.cpu(0)]
classes_custom = ["CML_mug"]
block = get_model('ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_custom', classes=classes_custom, pretrained_base=False, ctx=ctx)
block.load_parameters("ep_035.params", ctx=ctx) ### this is the file produced by training on the custom dataset
for arch in ["arm64-v8a", "armeabi-v7a", "x86_64", "x86"]:
sym, params = relay.frontend.from_mxnet(block, shape=shape_dict, dtype=dtype)
func = sym["main"]
func = relay.Function(func.params, relay.nn.softmax(func.body), None, func.type_params, func.attrs)
tvm_compile(func, params, arch, dlr_model_name)
However, when I run the script it returns the error:
ValueError: Model ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_custom is not supported. Available options are
Am I doing something wrong? Is this thing even possible?
As a side note, after this I'd need to deploy on Android a pose detection model (simple_pose_resnet18_v1b) and an activity recognition one (i3d_nl10_resnet101_v1_kinetics400) as well.
You actually can run GluonCV model directly on Android with Deep Java Library (DJL)
What you need to do is:
hyridize your GluonCV model and save as MXNet model
Build MXNet engine for android, MXNET already support Android build
Include MXNet shared library into your android project
Use DJL in your android project, you can follow this DJL Android demo for PyTorch
The error message is self-explanatory - there is no model "ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_custom" supported by You are confusing GluonCV's get_model with MXNet Gluon's get_model.
block = get_model('ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_custom',
classes=classes_custom, pretrained_base=False, ctx=ctx)
import gluoncv
block = gluoncv.model_zoo.get_model('ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_custom',
classes=classes_custom, pretrained_base=False, ctx=ctx)

How to use FasterRCNN Openimages v4?

I can't seem to find any documentation on how to use this model.
I am trying to use it to print out the objects that appear in a video
any help would be greatly appreciated
I am just starting out so go easy on me
I am trying to use it to print out the objects that appear in a video
I interpret that your problem is to print out the name of the found objects.
I don't know how you implemented where you got Fast RCNN trained on OpenImages v4. Therefore, I will give you the way with the model from Tensorflow Hub. Google Colab. AI Hub
After some digging around and a LOT of trial and error I came up with this
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import time,imageio,sys,pickle
# sys.argv[1] is used for taking the video path from the terminal
video = sys.argv[1]
#passing the video file to ImageIO to be read later in form of frames
video = imageio.get_reader(video)
dictionary = {}
#download and extract the model( faster_rcnn/openimages_v4/inception_resnet_v2 or
# openimages_v4/ssd/mobilenet_v2) in the same folder
module_handle = "*Path to the model folder*"
detector = hub.load(module_handle).signatures['default']
#looping over every frame in the video
for index, frames in enumerate(video):
# converting the images ( video frames ) to tf.float32 which is the only acceptable input format
image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(frames, tf.float32)[tf.newaxis]
# passing the converted image to the model
detector_output = detector(image)
class_names = detector_output["detection_class_entities"]
scores = detector_output["detection_scores"]
# in case there are multiple objects in the frame
for i in range(len(scores)):
if scores[i] > 0.3:
#converting form bytes to string
object = class_names[i].numpy().decode("ascii")
#adding the objects that appear in the frames in a dictionary and their frame numbers
if object not in dictionary:
dictionary[object] = [index]

Tensorflow on shared GPUs: how to automatically select the one that is unused

I have access through ssh to a cluster of n GPUs. Tensorflow automatically gave them names gpu:0,...,gpu:(n-1).
Others have access too and sometimes they take random gpus.
I did not place any tf.device() explicitely because that is cumbersome and even if I selected gpu number j and that someone is already on gpu number j that would be problematic.
I would like to go throuh the gpus usage and find the first that is unused and use only this one.
I guess someone could parse the output of nvidia-smi with bash and get a variable i and feed that variable i to the tensorflow script as the number of the gpu to use.
I have never seen any example of this. I imagine it is a pretty common problem. What would be the simplest way to do that ? Is a pure tensorflow one available ?
I'm not aware of pure-TensorFlow solution. The problem is that existing place for TensorFlow configurations is a Session config. However, for GPU memory, a GPU memory pool is shared for all TensorFlow sessions within a process, so Session config would be the wrong place to add it, and there's no mechanism for process-global config (but there should be, to also be able to configure process-global Eigen threadpool). So you need to do on on a process level by using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable.
Something like this:
import subprocess, re
# Nvidia-smi GPU memory parsing.
# Tested on nvidia-smi 370.23
def run_command(cmd):
"""Run command, return output as string."""
output = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0]
return output.decode("ascii")
def list_available_gpus():
"""Returns list of available GPU ids."""
output = run_command("nvidia-smi -L")
# lines of the form GPU 0: TITAN X
gpu_regex = re.compile(r"GPU (?P<gpu_id>\d+):")
result = []
for line in output.strip().split("\n"):
m = gpu_regex.match(line)
assert m, "Couldnt parse "+line
return result
def gpu_memory_map():
"""Returns map of GPU id to memory allocated on that GPU."""
output = run_command("nvidia-smi")
gpu_output = output[output.find("GPU Memory"):]
# lines of the form
# | 0 8734 C python 11705MiB |
memory_regex = re.compile(r"[|]\s+?(?P<gpu_id>\d+)\D+?(?P<pid>\d+).+[ ](?P<gpu_memory>\d+)MiB")
rows = gpu_output.split("\n")
result = {gpu_id: 0 for gpu_id in list_available_gpus()}
for row in gpu_output.split("\n"):
m =
if not m:
gpu_id = int("gpu_id"))
gpu_memory = int("gpu_memory"))
result[gpu_id] += gpu_memory
return result
def pick_gpu_lowest_memory():
"""Returns GPU with the least allocated memory"""
memory_gpu_map = [(memory, gpu_id) for (gpu_id, memory) in gpu_memory_map().items()]
best_memory, best_gpu = sorted(memory_gpu_map)[0]
return best_gpu
You can then put it in and set GPU in your TensorFlow script before first tensorflow import. IE
import utils
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(utils.pick_gpu_lowest_memory())
import tensorflow
An implementation along the lines of Yaroslav Bulatov's solution is available on

Multiple GPU training with tensorfow.slim.learning

The new learning module in tensorflow.contrib.slim looks very promising :
I'm trying to figure out how can I reproduce the CIFAR 10 multi-gpu example (or the ImageNet example) using this new module on a configuration where I have only a single worker node but with several GPU on it.
I've had some success using
When creating the config object you would set num_clones = [num_gpus]
For example,
config = model_deploy.DeploymentConfig(num_clones=2)
Check out the example in file.