How to bind a dynamic Object with v-bind in vue - vue.js

I would like to ask a question of v-bind dynamic object. When binding is a completely dynamic object, how to bind properties with operation expression? How do I keep the attr observable? thank you!
<component v-bind="dynamicAttrs"></component>
export default {
return {
// This dynamicAttrs object is dynamically defined and save into the mysql database by the secondary development user,
// will load it from mysql for component init.
// All the properties of this object are dynamic, that is, how many properties are there, and the name of the property is dynamic.
someAttr2:"someObject.a.b + 500" // How does this object with operation expressions bind? How do I ensure that it gets updated responsively, so that component gets the update automatically when `someobject.a.b` updated
The dynamicAttrs object is dynamically defined and save into the mysql database by the secondary development user, load it from mysql for component init.
How does this object with operation expressions bind? How do I ensure that it gets updated responsively, so that component gets the update automatically when someobject.a.b updated

Typically you'd use a computed property for this:
computed: {
dynamicAttrs () {
return {
someAttr1: 123,
someAttr2: this.someObject.a.b + 500
If someObject.a.b updates the computed property will be re-evaluated and the bindings will be updated.


vue unexpected reactivity from props

I just noticed an unexpected behaviour and now I don't know if it is normal or not.
I have a component named follows and a child component named follow-list-modal
I'm passing a followList (pagination ) from follows to its child component follow-list-modal
In the follow-list-modal I store the paginated array in the variable members
export default {
props: {
dataset: {
type: Object,
default: {},
<button #click="fetchMore"> More </button>
export default {
props: {
followList: {
type: Object,
default: {},
data() {
return {
dataset: this.followList,
methods: {
fetchMore() {
let nextPage = parseInt(this.dataset.current_page) + 1;
.get(this.dataset.path + '?page=' + nextPage)
.then(({ data }) => this.refresh(data))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
refresh(paginatedCollection) {
this.dataset = paginatedCollection;
this.members = this.members.concat(;
When I click the button More in the follow-list-modal to get more data, I then want to append the new data to the members array.
The unexpected behaviour ( for me at least ). is that if I use push in the refresh method
It appends data not only to members but also to followList which is data that comes from the parent component follows
But if I use concat instead of push, it appends data only to members variable and not to followList
this.members = this.members.concat(;
Is this behaviour normal ?
I don't get why the followList changes when the members variable changes, I thought that reactivity is one way.
In other words, the members changes when the followList changes, but not the other way around
P.S I don't emit any events from follow-list-modal to follows or change the data of the follows component in any way from the follow-list-modal
In JavaScript, the properties of an Object that are also Objects themselves, are passed by reference, and not by value. Or you might say that they are shallow copied.
Thus, in your example, this.members and are pointing to the same variable in memory.
So, if you mutate this.members, it will mutate as well.
You could avoid this by doing a deep copy of the objects. The easiest method, and arguably the fastest, would be to use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)), but look at this answer for more examples.
data() {
return {
members: [],
dataset: [],
created() {
this.members = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
this.dataset = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.followList));
You instantiate your data with a direct link to the (initially undefined) property of your prop. This property is a complex entity like an Object (Arrays are Objects), and is thus called via reference. Since members references the same thing in memory as, when you're calling members, it will follow the reference to the same entity as This doesn't have to do with Vue2 reactivity, but here's a link nontheless.
push mutates the array it is called on; it will follow the reference through members and change, updating its value when called through followList as well. Because the data key is not present on instantiation of the component, Vue can't watch it (just like you need to use Vue.set when adding a new key to a data object).
concat returns a new array of merged elements, and then replaces
the reference in members with the new array. Therefore from this point on you'll
no longer mutate, even with a push, as the reference has changed to a new entity.
When trying to set your initial members and dataset, I suggest using an initialization method that creates a clone of your followList and writes that to dataset, and running this on the created() or mounted() hook of your component lifecycle. Then create a computed property for members, no need to store thrice and potentially have dataset and members diverge.

Vue.js extend component and data updates

I'm using vue.js extends for the first time. I have a component that extends another and it needs to read the root components data to update the status in its own component.
What I'm finding is that the component that extends the other only seems to take a copy of the root's data when it's rendered but if I update a property in the root component it's not updated in the extended component.
So I might not be going about this the right way if the extended component doesn't update when the root does. For example I want to check the length of an array on the root component and update another data value. It updates the value on the root but not on the extended component.
Is this the expected behaviour and is there a way I can send the updated data down to the extended component?
Sample code:
<a inline-component>
<input type="text" v-model="myArray" />
<button v-on:click="saveData">Save</button>
<b inline-component>
<div v-if="myArray.length > 0">On Target</div>
var a = Vue.component('a', {
data: function () {
return {
myArray: [],
methods: {
saveData : function(){
var vm = this;'/save', {
.then(function (response) {
vm.myArray =;
.catch(function (error) {
Vue.component('b', {
extends: a,
I have a component that extends another and it needs to read the root components data to update the status in its own component.
For the purposes of my answer I'm going to assume that you have two component definitions, A and B, and B extends A. I assume that when you say root you just mean A.
What I'm finding is that the component that extends the other only seems to take a copy of the root's data when it's rendered but if I update a property in the root component it's not updated in the extended component.
Rendering is not really relevant here. The data properties are set up when a component instance is created. Typically rendering will happen just after creation but merging any data happens much earlier in the component life-cycle. Even if the component isn't rendered the data will still be initialised.
No copying takes place. Let's consider a data function on component A:
data () {
return {
myArray: []
Every time this function is invoked it is going to return a new object, each containing a new array. This is precisely what happens if you create an instance of A directly. For each instance, Vue will call this function and get a new object defining the data. Generally that's what you'd want, rather that having components sharing data.
Now let's consider B. That might define its own data function. When an instance of B is created Vue will call the data function for both A and B and then merge the objects. No copying takes place, just merging. If you want to know more about how Vue handles merging in general see the documentation but for data the strategy is pretty simple. Properties from both objects will be combined with B taking precedence over A if there's a clash of property names. There is no recursive merging of properties.
So the idea of updating 'a property in the root component' is not particularly well-defined. You might be thinking of it as a bit like a prototype chain, where modifying a superclass would impact the subclass, but that isn't what's going on here. The data functions are invoked when the component is created and that's that. There isn't a lasting link back to the component definition like there is with a prototype chain.
If you really want all your component instances to share the same data value then it can be done, you just need to make sure that the data function is returning the same object/array every time. e.g.
const myArray = []
export default {
name: 'A',
data () {
return {
Written this way all instances of A will share the same array for myArray. So long as B doesn't define it's own value for myArray it will share it too.
For example I want to check the length of an array on the root component and update another data value. It updates the value on the root but not on the extended component.
I'm struggling a bit to understand what that means. It seems there are lots of assumptions about things being shared, single instances here. It's not entirely clear how you update the 'root' given it's a component definition and not a component instance.
If possible you should use a computed property for this. That would be inherited by B. Each instance of A (or B) would have their own value for this computed property, which might be a little wasteful if they're all going to be the same, but it's probably still the best way to go.
You could in theory use a watch. That should be inherited too but keep in mind it would be manipulating values for that particular instance.
Reading between the lines a little, if you wanted to update something on the 'root' so that it magically appeared in the subcomponents you could use the same shared reference-type trickery that I demonstrated earlier for myArray. You may need to be careful with how you update it though. If, for example, you used a watch you might find the you end up updating the same object many times, once for each instance of the component.
Based on the code you've posted it could be made to work something like this:
var myArray = [];
var a = Vue.component('a', {
data: function () {
return {
myArray: myArray // Note: using the same, shared array
methods: {
saveData : function(){
var vm = this;'/save', {
.then(function (response) {
// Note: Updating the array, not replacing it
var myArray = vm.myArray;
myArray.splice(0, myArray.length);
.catch(function (error) {
Vue.component('b', {
extends: a,
Your example didn't include any ES6 so I've refrained from using it but it would be a bit simpler if that were available.
The example above works by sharing the same array between all instances of the component and then mutating that instance. Assigning a new array to that property won't work as it would only update that particular component instance.
However, all that said, this is increasingly looking like a case where you should give up on trickery and just use the Vuex store instead.

Binding to a method which takes a string literal parameter

In the below code VUE is interpreting "foo" as a function...therefore I get an error foo is not a function, but in fact I just need the string value "foo" passed to my method.
What is the correct syntax please?
Screen shot of code from my view component
and the MenuBuild which is in MenuBuilder.js
bind object needs to belong to Vue component itself. In case of external module, you can bind it to data or computed properties
// Vue components
import MenuBuilder from 'MenuBuilder.js'
export default {
data: function() {
return {
MenuBuilder: MenuBuilder
and then
<BlokMenu :menu="MenuBuilder.filterMenuItems('foo')"/>

Creating local copy of passed props in child component in vue.js?

In vue.js what is the right way to edit prop without changing parent data?
What I mean by that is whenever we pass any property from parent to child in vue.js then if we make any change to that property in child component then the change is also reflected in parent's component.
Is there any way in vue.js to make a local copy of passed property in a child?
I googled this but everywhere it is written that we can achieve this by doing this.
return {
localUser: Object.assign({}, this.user)
here the user is passed an object and I am creating a copy of it in local user but it doesn't work at all, the local user is undefined.
Have you encountered a scenario like this where you have to make changes to a parent property in child component without affecting the state of parent component i.e- making your own copy in child and then edit it?
Any insights on this will be helpful.
I have also read somewhere that in In vue#2.3.3,when we want to pass a prop from Father to Child component, we need to manually create a local data to save the prop, that makes lots of useless works.
we can maually create the local data like this :
props: ['initialCounter'],
data: function () {
return { counter: this.initialCounter }
but this is not working in my case as well.
I am using vue cli 3.0.1 for the developemnt purpose.
Here is my code for the same.
In my application I have a list view.
When user clicks on the See Focused View button user is redirected to below mentioned view i.e is actaully a bootstrap - modal view.
Here user can edit the value of Name, but as I am passing name here as a property from aprent component so editing it here causes it to update on parent component as well i.e in the list view as well.
In your fiddle, the child component is using Object.assign() to create a copy of data, which is an array of objects. However, this only creates a shallow copy, so the array elements would still refer to the original instances, leading to the behavior you're seeing.
A few solutions to deep copy the array:
Use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(, which works reasonably well for primitive object properties (String, Number, BigInt, Boolean, undefined, and null):
data() {
return {
local_data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(
(demo 1)
Map the objects into new ones, which works well if the depth is only 1 (nested arrays/objects will still be shallow copied):
data() {
return {
local_data: => ({...x}))
(demo 2)
Use a utility library, such as lodash's cloneDeep:
data() {
return {
local_data: _.cloneDeep(
(demo 3)

vueJS- prop is being mutated when local copy updates

My child component template has two input elements with v-models as below.
<input v-model="" />
<input v-model="" />
props: {
'account': {}
data: function() {
return { user : this.account.user }
When ever the text in the input fields changes, The user object is being updated which is expected. But the prop account.user is also updating with the changes. How can i make it to update just the user object and keep the prop account.user as it is?
This happens because in Javascript, object is passed by reference. When you do user : this.account.user, you are passing the object reference to user data. That's why when you edit user data, account.user gets edited as well, they refer to the same object.
You can clone it using ES6 spread operator.
return { user : {...this.account.user} }
If you are not using ES6, i would suggest you to use lodash clone instead.
return { user : _.clone(this.account.user) }
(Btw, the cloning methods above only works for shallow object. For deeply nested object, use lodash cloneDeep instead.)