VueJS unexpectedly runs a function - vue.js

Hello guys specially VueJS devs theres something weird happened. Ill explain it one by one
Full video:
I use datatable and then i use this getDefaultPrice() to manipulate the price because the format of my price is like this ("65;75") to return the first value to PHP 65.00
then once i click the add to cart button please see image for codes the getDefaultPrice() also executed.
and I received an error "price.split is not a function" I tried to console.log the function and it really runs it without calling it in my add_to_cart();
class="btn main_bg_color add_to_cart_btn" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#productModal"
<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> Add to cart
add_to_cart(product) {
this.modal_data = [];
this.modal_data[0].variation = this.modal_data[0].variation.split(';');
this.modal_data[0].price = this.modal_data[0].price.split(';');
this.modal_data[0].drinks_price = this.modal_data[0].drinks_price.split(';');
this.modal_data[0].drinks = this.modal_data[0].drinks.split(';');
getDefaultPrice(price) {
var price_arr = price.split(";");
var default_price = parseFloat(price_arr[0]);
return "PHP " + default_price.toFixed(2);


Vue 2 Moving Window with Keyboard Navigation

I have created a list in my program. In this list, you press ArrowUp or ArrowDown to navigate between the items that are generated with a v-for in said list. When you use the arrows to navigate the list, a counter is used to know which item inside this list is the "selected" one. My current problem is: When you "select" an item that is outside your view, the Browser's Window doesn't follow it down, allowing the selection to keep "going down" this list, but the user isn't able to see the other selected items.
I've tried messing around with the focus() function, but I don't know how to focus() a specific item without using the ref atribute, which I also can't seem to implement since it's being generated with v-for.
Here's my current table:
<table class="table table-striped p-0 m-0" v-show="pedidos.length > 0">
<thead class="table-dark">
<tr class="">
<th>Cliente Emissor</th>
<!-- <th>Endereço</th> -->
<!-- <th>Valor</th> -->
<th>Data Emissão</th>
<template v-for="(pedido, index) in pedidos">
<itemPedido :pedido="pedido" :key="index" :endereco="endereco" :class="[(navegacaoAtual == index) ? 'teste' : '']" ref="teste"></itemPedido>
<itemEdit #atualizarListaPedidos="atualizarListaPedidos" #atualizarStatusModal="atualizarStatusModal" class="animation-dropdown" :pedido="pedido" :key="pedido.nome"></itemEdit>
Here's the current navigateWithArrows() function I've made:
navegarSetas(key) {
if (this.navegacaoSetasAtiva == false) {
this.navegacaoSetasAtiva = true
this.navegacaoAtual = 0
} else if (this.modalAtivado == false && this.navegacaoSetasAtiva == true) {
if (key == 'ArrowDown' && this.navegacaoAtual < this.pedidos.length - 1) {
Vue.nextTick().then(() => {
let teste1 = this.$refs.teste[this.navegacaoAtual]
} else if (key == 'ArrowUp' && this.navegacaoAtual <= this.pedidos.length && this.navegacaoAtual > 0) {
} else if (key == 'Enter') {
let pedidoSelecionado = this.pedidos[this.navegacaoAtual].id
Event.$emit('changeShow', pedidoSelecionado)
All help is appreciated. Thank you!
After taking a break and resuming my search, I stumbled upon something that did exactly what I wanted: the scrollIntoView() function.

Incorrect values for Navigation Timing API in IE11 for pages with iFrames

While Calculating the server response time by subtracting the requestStart time from responseStart time of the Navigation Timing API, the difference is close to 0 many times on IE11 and this doesn't match with the data from the server side. This happens on pages with iframes is this a known issue or is there a workaround for this?
on Chrome the results are closer to server side times but not on IE11
Please make sure the request page contains enough elements and spend time to load.
Then, try to clear the cache and refresh the page (could also use Ctrl+F5 or Enable the F12 developer tools "Always refresh from server" option).
You could refer to the following code:
Go back to the article
<h1>Navigation Timing API</h1>
<span id="nt-unsupported" class="hidden">API not supported</span>
<h2>Timing info</h2>
<ul id="timing-list"></ul>
<h2>Navigation info</h2>
<ul id="navigation-list"></ul>
<small class="author">
Demo created by Aurelio De Rosa
(#AurelioDeRosa).<br />
This demo is part of the HTML5 API demos repository.
<img src="Images/Image2.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Image1.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Image3.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Image2.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Image1.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Image3.jpg" />
if (!('performance' in window) ||
!('timing' in window.performance) ||
!('navigation' in window.performance)
) {
document.getElementById('nt-unsupported').className = '';
} else {
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
var list = '';
var timings = window.performance.timing;
for (var timing in timings) {
list += '<li>' + timing + ': <span class="value">' + timings[timing] + '</span></li>';
list += '<li>window.performance.timing.responseStart - window.performance.timing.requestStart : <span>' + (window.performance.timing.responseStart - window.performance.timing.requestStart) + '</span></li>';
document.getElementById('timing-list').innerHTML = list;
list = '';
list += '<li>redirectCount: <span class="value">' + window.performance.navigation['redirectCount'] + '</span></li>';
list += '<li>type: <span class="value">' + window.performance.navigation['type'] + '</span></li>';
document.getElementById('navigation-list').innerHTML = list;
the result as below:

v-html with conditional rendered

I'm learning Vue.js and I really love it, but I'm currently facing a problem.
I have this code in my template:
<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning ml-auto" v-if="steps.length - 1 == currentStep" #click="submitProject" v-html="paymentAmount">{{model.projectSelectedOptions.length < 1 ? 'Publish without option (free)' : paymentAmount }}</button>
And the paymentAmount computed:
paymentAmount() {
var amount = 0;
this.model.projectSelectedOptions.forEach(function(option) {
if (option == 1) {
option = 19.99
} else if (option == 2) {
option = 9.99
} else {
option = 7.99
amount += option;
return 'Next : payment (' + amount.toFixed(2) + ' € <span class="price-ht">HT</span>)';
My problem is that if I put v-html="paymentAmount" in my button, I never see "Publish without option (free)", just "Next : payment (0 € HT)".
If I remove v-html attribute, I can see "Publish without option (free)" but when I have selected some options, Vue.js render "Next : payment (0 € <span class="price-ht">HT</span>)" (so with raw span).
How should I do it?
For the moment, I added a button with a different v-if condition, but it would be cool if I can do it in one line of code, I don't like the duplicate 😅.
How about putting all your logic inside of your computed property?
HTML part:
<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning ml-auto" v-if="steps.length - 1 == currentStep" #click="submitProject" v-html="paymentAmount"></button>
Vue part:
paymentAmount() {
if(this.model.projectSelectedOptions.length < 1)
return 'Publish without option (free)';
var amount = 0;
this.model.projectSelectedOptions.forEach(function(option) {
if (option == 1) {
option = 19.99
} else if (option == 2) {
option = 9.99
} else {
option = 7.99
amount += option;
return 'Next : payment (' + amount.toFixed(2) + ' € <span class="price-ht">HT</span>)';
You might use a conditional span as button content:
class="btn btn-warning ml-auto"
v-if="steps.length - 1 == currentStep"
<span v-if="model.projectSelectedOptions.length < 1">Publish without option (free)</span>
<span v-else v-html="paymentAmount"></span>

How do i call the controller from a new folder in mvc4

How do i call a controller from anchor tag when Controller is on the:
Here is the code:
<a href="#Url.Action("TicketTemplate", "MyTickets", new {area = string.Empty,controller = "TicketTemplate", page = Model.PageNumber, sort = "DateCreated ", isAsc = isAsc })">
Date Created
<span class="#clsDateCreated" style="text-align: right;"></span>
The above code is not working..
How do i call the controller??
Here is the path:
You can do that and it will work, but i don't know if there is a better solution or not.
<a href="#Url.Action("MyTickets", "Ticket/TicketTemplate", , new {area = string.Empty,controller = "TicketTemplate", page = Model.PageNumber, sort = "DateCreated ", isAsc = isAsc })">
Date Created
<span class="#clsDateCreated" style="text-align: right;"></span>

How to get element with specific value in htmlagilitypack

I have ASP.NET MVC4 project where try to parse html document with HtmlAgilityPack. I have the following HTML:
<td class="pl22">
<p class='pb10 pt10 t_grey'>Experience:</p>
<p class='bold'>any</p>
<td class='pb10 pl20'>
<p class='t_grey pb10 pt10'>Education:</p>
<p class='bold'>any</p>
<td class='pb10 pl20'>
<p class='pb10 pt10 t_grey'>Schedule:</p>
<p class='bold'>part-time</p>
<p class='text_12'>2/2 (day/night)</p>
I need to get values:
"any" after "Experience:"
"any" after "Education:"
"part-time", "2/2 (day/night)" after "Schedule:"
All what I imagine is that
HtmlNode experience = hd.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//td[#class='pl22']//p[#class='bold']");
But it get me different element, which place in the top of the page. My Experience, Education and Schedule is static values. In additional my any, any part-time day/night is the dynamic values. Can anybody help me?
Below is an alternative which is more focused on the table headers (Experience, Education and Schedule), instead of the node classes:
private static List<string> GetValues(HtmlDocument doc, string header) {
return doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//p[contains(text(), '{0}')]/following-sibling::p", header)).Select(x => x.InnerText).ToList();
You can call that method like this:
var experiences = GetValues(doc, "Experience");
var educations = GetValues(doc, "Education");
var schedules = GetValues(doc, "Schedule");
You could do it something like this if you want to keep the XPath
var html = "<td class='pl22'><p class='pb10 pt10 t_grey'>Experience:</p><p class='bold'>any</p></td><td class='pb10 pl20'><p class='t_grey pb10 pt10'>Education:</p><p class='bold'>any</p></td><td class='pb10 pl20'><p class='pb10 pt10 t_grey'>Schedule:</p><p class='bold'>part-time</p><p class='text_12'>2/2 (day/night)</p></td> ";
var doc = new HtmlDocument
OptionDefaultStreamEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
var part1 = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//td[#class='pl22']/p[#class='bold']");
var part2 = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[#class='pb10 pl20']/p[#class='bold']");
foreach (var item in part2)
var part3 = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//td[#class='pb10 pl20']/p[#class='text_12']");
Output :
2/2 (day/night)