How do i call the controller from a new folder in mvc4 -

How do i call a controller from anchor tag when Controller is on the:
Here is the code:
<a href="#Url.Action("TicketTemplate", "MyTickets", new {area = string.Empty,controller = "TicketTemplate", page = Model.PageNumber, sort = "DateCreated ", isAsc = isAsc })">
Date Created
<span class="#clsDateCreated" style="text-align: right;"></span>
The above code is not working..
How do i call the controller??
Here is the path:

You can do that and it will work, but i don't know if there is a better solution or not.
<a href="#Url.Action("MyTickets", "Ticket/TicketTemplate", , new {area = string.Empty,controller = "TicketTemplate", page = Model.PageNumber, sort = "DateCreated ", isAsc = isAsc })">
Date Created
<span class="#clsDateCreated" style="text-align: right;"></span>


Add actionbutton in a dropdown menu , how do I know if the button was clicked in shiny

Like to know if a button was clicked or how integrate the actionButton of shiny need to know if a option was selected then used to run something
New using shiny, just want to do a easy dashboard
ui <-
enable_preloader = TRUE,
navbar = bs4DashNavbar(border = FALSE,
rightUi = HTML('<div class="dropdown">
<button class = "btn btn-outline-primary dropdown-toggle"
type = "button"
id = "dropdownMenuButton"
data-toggle ="dropdown"
Período de Consulta
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton">
<button id = "yr_anterior" class="dropdown-item" type="button">Año Pasado</button>
<button id = "mes_anterior" class="dropdown-item" type="button">Mes Pasado</button>
<button id = "sem_anterior" class="dropdown-item" type="button">Ultima Semana</button>
sidebar = bs4DashSidebar(title = "Opciones",skin = "light",status = "info",brandColor = "primary"),
footer = bs4DashFooter(),
title = "test",
body = bs4DashBody(
server <- function(input, output,session) {
output$valor <- renderText("hola")})
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I think the function pickerInput from shinyWidgets package can generate what you are looking for. You can use it like this with the labels in your example, and input$InputMenu gives the selected option on your server function
pickerInput(inputId = 'InputMenu',
choices = c("Período de Consulta","Año Pasado","Mes Pasado","Ultima Semana"),
options = list(style = "btn-outline-primary dropdown-toggle") )
or adding a label instead of that first choice label="Período de Consulta:"

VueJS unexpectedly runs a function

Hello guys specially VueJS devs theres something weird happened. Ill explain it one by one
Full video:
I use datatable and then i use this getDefaultPrice() to manipulate the price because the format of my price is like this ("65;75") to return the first value to PHP 65.00
then once i click the add to cart button please see image for codes the getDefaultPrice() also executed.
and I received an error "price.split is not a function" I tried to console.log the function and it really runs it without calling it in my add_to_cart();
class="btn main_bg_color add_to_cart_btn" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#productModal"
<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> Add to cart
add_to_cart(product) {
this.modal_data = [];
this.modal_data[0].variation = this.modal_data[0].variation.split(';');
this.modal_data[0].price = this.modal_data[0].price.split(';');
this.modal_data[0].drinks_price = this.modal_data[0].drinks_price.split(';');
this.modal_data[0].drinks = this.modal_data[0].drinks.split(';');
getDefaultPrice(price) {
var price_arr = price.split(";");
var default_price = parseFloat(price_arr[0]);
return "PHP " + default_price.toFixed(2);

How to select specific text to scrape

I'm trying to scrape the following HTML, I want just to get the Some Header part and not the additional info.
<li class="media">
<div class="media-body">
<h4> Some Header <span class="label label-info"> additional Info </span> </h4> Address info
</div> </li>`
I'm trying the following:
val li: Elements ="li")
val list: Elements ="a")
val headers: Elements ="h4")
and then when I try to get the inner text via, headers.text() I'm getting both Some Header and additional Info
How can I only scrape the Some Header part?
You are almost near to the solution .You are probably looking for calling ownText:
String s = "<li class=\"media\"> \n" +
" <div class=\"media-body\"> \n" +
" <h4> Some Header <span class=\"label label-info\"> additional Info </span> </h4> Address info\n" +
" <br> \n" +
" </div> </li>";
Document document = Jsoup.parse(s);
Elements element ="li");
Elements elements ="a");
System.out.println("h4").first().ownText()); ;
Some Header

dynamicly build <div> with razor

Hi i want to dynamicly build a div layout depending on the data i send to view, i want make 2 rows of divs and when there is odd number of models sent to view i want the layout to close as you can see in the code every 2nd model or on last model and start div every odd model .... but when i uncomment the commented code there are errors ....
(if i am not mistaken something similar worked in with C# so i hope it's only synax error)
#For Each procesData In Model
curElement = curElement + 1
elemNumb = elemNumb + 1
If (curElement = 1) Then
'#<div id="row"> !Comented
End If
#<h3>Element number #elemNumb</h3>
#<br />
If (curElement = Model.Count) Then
If (elemNumb = 1) Then
'#</div> !comented
End If
End If
If (curElement = 2) Then
'#</div> !comented
elemNumb = 0
End If
I tweaked .css file and i managed to 'avoid' my problem but if anyone knows how to solve this without bypassing the original problem i would be greatfull for answer :)
<div id="toggle">
#For Each procesData In Model
curElement = curElement + 1
elemNumb = elemNumb + 1
Dim idName As String = "element" + elemNumb.ToString
#<div id=#idName>
<div class="heading">
#procesData.Name ::::::: Status <img class="statusIMG" id=#procesData.Status.ToString align="right" src="/" />
<div class="content">
Dokladniejsze informacje o wskazniku (potrzebne bedzie id zeby wygenerowac partial view! zapamietac)
<br />
np.Html.ActionLink("Edit Me", "Edit", new { id=item.ID })
If (curElement = 2) Then
elemNumb = 0
End If

How to get element with specific value in htmlagilitypack

I have ASP.NET MVC4 project where try to parse html document with HtmlAgilityPack. I have the following HTML:
<td class="pl22">
<p class='pb10 pt10 t_grey'>Experience:</p>
<p class='bold'>any</p>
<td class='pb10 pl20'>
<p class='t_grey pb10 pt10'>Education:</p>
<p class='bold'>any</p>
<td class='pb10 pl20'>
<p class='pb10 pt10 t_grey'>Schedule:</p>
<p class='bold'>part-time</p>
<p class='text_12'>2/2 (day/night)</p>
I need to get values:
"any" after "Experience:"
"any" after "Education:"
"part-time", "2/2 (day/night)" after "Schedule:"
All what I imagine is that
HtmlNode experience = hd.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//td[#class='pl22']//p[#class='bold']");
But it get me different element, which place in the top of the page. My Experience, Education and Schedule is static values. In additional my any, any part-time day/night is the dynamic values. Can anybody help me?
Below is an alternative which is more focused on the table headers (Experience, Education and Schedule), instead of the node classes:
private static List<string> GetValues(HtmlDocument doc, string header) {
return doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//p[contains(text(), '{0}')]/following-sibling::p", header)).Select(x => x.InnerText).ToList();
You can call that method like this:
var experiences = GetValues(doc, "Experience");
var educations = GetValues(doc, "Education");
var schedules = GetValues(doc, "Schedule");
You could do it something like this if you want to keep the XPath
var html = "<td class='pl22'><p class='pb10 pt10 t_grey'>Experience:</p><p class='bold'>any</p></td><td class='pb10 pl20'><p class='t_grey pb10 pt10'>Education:</p><p class='bold'>any</p></td><td class='pb10 pl20'><p class='pb10 pt10 t_grey'>Schedule:</p><p class='bold'>part-time</p><p class='text_12'>2/2 (day/night)</p></td> ";
var doc = new HtmlDocument
OptionDefaultStreamEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
var part1 = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//td[#class='pl22']/p[#class='bold']");
var part2 = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[#class='pb10 pl20']/p[#class='bold']");
foreach (var item in part2)
var part3 = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//td[#class='pb10 pl20']/p[#class='text_12']");
Output :
2/2 (day/night)