Nestjs CRUD modify response object - crud

I'm currently learning to work with Nestjs and CRUD module. I would like to know what is the bast way to change a response?
This is how response currently looks.
This is how i would like for response to look like.
"status": true,
"key": [

I'm not familiar with using #nestjsx/crud in general, but have you looked into adding an interceptor globally that has the return looking like this:
return next.handle().pipe(map(res => ({ status: 'true', key: res })));
This should map the value to what you are expecting based on what you've shown.


Shopware 6: how to delete all products via admin api

How to delete all products via admin api?
To achieve the goal i try to use the Bulk Payloads | Deleting entities
The doc says:
[...] To delete entities, the payload of an operation contains the IDs. [...]
to delete all products i have to read first all's?
or is there a alternative way with a type of "wildcard"?
My current request body (using Postman) ...:
"delete-product": {
"entity": "product",
"action": "delete",
"payload": []
... response with (products remains in db):
"extensions": [],
"success": true,
"data": {
"delete-product": {
"extensions": [],
"result": []
"deleted": [],
"notFound": []
With id's provided...:
const obj = {
"delete-products": {
"entity": "product",
"action": "delete",
"payload": [
{"id": "73af65014974440b95450f471b3afed8"},
{"id": "784f25a29e034fad9a416923f964ba8a"}
"url": "/_action/sync",
"method": "POST",
... the request fails in class Symfony\\Component\\Serializer\\Encoder\\JsonDecode with message:
detail: "Syntax error"
Debugging the request, payload is missing (empty content):
What is wrong with the configuration of the /api/_action/sync call?
Indeed, what it means is that you will need a low impacting query to get all product id's, store it into a variable & delete them. Use includes:["id"] filter to just get the ID's.
Here is an example of me deleting some products in Postman.
Request body:
"delete-product": {
"entity": "product",
"action": "delete",
"payload": {{gen_dynamic_products}}
Pre-request script (you'll need to adjust this sightly to get your ID's):
const map = new Array(30).fill(0).map((val, index) => {
return { id: pm.environment.get('gen_product_list_sub_' + index) };
pm.variables.set('gen_dynamic_products', JSON.stringify(map));
to delete all products i have to read first all's?
Yes, that is what you'll have to do. This is necessary to maintain the extendibility of the platform. The core or other plugins may react to the deletion of products by subscribing to an entity lifecycle event. This event includes the id of the deleted entity. Hence why it is necessary to explicitly provide the ids of the entities in the first place.

How To Set serializableCheck: false For Specific Slice ReduxToolKit React Native

I cannot find a way to set serializableCheck to false only for specific slice.
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
ApiSignalMenu: ApiSignalMenuSlice.reducer,
ApiSignalData: ApiSignalDataSlice.reducer,
ApiHistoricalMenu: ApiHistoricalMenuSlice.reducer,
ApiHistoricalYearData: ApiHistoricalYearDataSlice.reducer,
ApiUpProbabilityMenu: ApiUpProbabilityMenuSlice.reducer,
ApiUpProbabilityData: ApiUpProbabilityDataSlice.reducer,
ApiMoverData: ApiMoverDataSlice.reducer,
ApiChartingMenu: ApiChartingMenuSlice.reducer,
ApiChartingData: ApiChartingDataSlice.reducer,
ApiTicker: ApiTickerSlice.reducer
// middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
// getDefaultMiddleware({
// serializableCheck: false
// }
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware({
serializableCheck: {
ignoredPaths: ['ApiMoverData.apiData.0'],
I have array data in : ApiMoverData
If I set : ignoredPaths: ['ApiMoverData.apiData.0'],
Then I got error again for A non-serializable value was detected in an action, in the path: payload.0. Value:, ApiMoverData
Then I got error again for Then I got error again for A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: ApiMoverData.apiData.0
ApiMoverData.apiData.1, Then ApiMoverData.apiData.2, again.
How to set serializableCheck to false to all my array data in specific slice ?
This post : Is there a way to set the serializableCheck to false for one reducer only in redux?
did not tell a specific answer.
Thank You
My structure data looks like this :
Array [
ApiMoverData {
"change": "1,43",
"company": "Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk.",
"id": 0,
"last": "71",
"ticker": "GMFI",
"value": "99.343.200",
"volume": "13.992",
ApiMoverData {
"change": "1,44",
"company": "Kimia Farma Tbk.",
"id": 1,
"last": "1.765",
"ticker": "KAEF",
"value": "956.208.000",
"volume": "5.433",
If I set : ignoredPaths: ['ApiMoverData.apiData']
Then I got error again for A non-serializable value was detected in an action, in the path: payload.0. Value:, ApiMoverData
Then I got error again for A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path: ApiMoverData.apiData.0
ApiMoverData.apiData.1, Then ApiMoverData.apiData.2, again.
Same Error
recomended by #phry do not use class instance in redux-toolkit. Because it will effect negative in future. Also we will not be able to use Redux-Persist. Just use non-class javascript object and store that.

How to update the Strapi GraphQL cache, after creating new data?

How to update the cache, after creating new data?
Error message from Apollo
Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided id but the store already contains an id of UsersPermissionsUser:1 for this object. The selectionSet that was trying to be written is:
"kind": "Field",
"name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "user" },
"arguments": [],
"directives": [],
"selectionSet": {
"kind": "SelectionSet",
"selections": [
{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "username" }, "arguments": [], "directives": [] },
{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "__typename" } }
Nativescript-vue Front-end Details
1- Watch Book Mobile app in action on YouTube:
2- Watch Question video for details on YouTube:
{N}-vue AddBook.vue file
// Query
mutation: mutations.CREATE_BOOK,
// Parameters
variables: {
update: (store, { data }) => {
console.log("data ::::>> ",;
const bookQuery = {
query: queries.ALL_BOOKS,
// TypeScript detail: instead of creating an interface
// I used any type access books property without compile errors.
const bookData:any = store.readQuery(bookQuery);
console.log('bookData :>> ', bookData);
// I pin-pointed data objects
// Instead of push(createBook) I've pushed
store.writeQuery({ ...bookQuery, data: bookData })
.then((data) => {
// I can even see ID in Result
console.log("new id ::::: :>> ",;
.catch((error) => {
// Error
What are these "Book:9": { lines in the cache?
console.log store turns out:
"Book:9": {
"id": "9",
"name": "Hadi",
"year": "255",
"__typename": "Book"
"$ROOT_MUTATION.createBook({\"input\":{\"data\":{\"name\":\"Hadi\",\"year\":\"255\"}}})": {
You can see all front-end GitHub repo here
Download Android apk file
Our goal is to update the cache. Add Book Method is in here:
Back-end details
However, this is a frontend question a running Strapi GraphQL Server is here:
GraphQL Playground
USER: admin
PASSWORD: passw123
You can see GraphQL documentation
I have so much simple Strapi GrapQL Scheme:
If you want to test it using postman or insomnia you can use;
POST GraphQL Query URL:
Bearer Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiaWF0IjoxNTkwODI3MzE0LCJleHAiOjE1OTM0MTkzMTR9.WIK-f4dkwVAyIlP20v1PFoflpwGmRYgRrsQiRFgGdqg
NOTE: Don't get confused with $navigateTo() it's just a custom method of nativescript-vue.
It turns out;
all code was correct accept bookData.push(createBook);
update: (store, { data }) => {
console.log("data ::::>> ",;
const bookQuery = {
query: queries.ALL_BOOKS,
// TypeScript detail: instead of creating an interface
// I used any type access books property without compile errors.
const bookData:any = store.readQuery(bookQuery);
console.log('bookData :>> ', bookData);
// I pin-pointed data objects
// Instead of push(createBook) I've pushed
store.writeQuery({ ...bookQuery, data: bookData })
Typescipt was helping
The point is; I shouldn't trust TypeScript errors, or at least I should read more about what it really says.
Typescript just asked me to be more specific while saying: Property 'push' does not exist on type 'unknown'
TypeScript was trying to tell me I need to be more specific while calling ROOT_MUTATION data. It said: Cannot find name 'createBook' But again I ignored it.
Solution Github Branch
how to update cache
Create interface for object Typescript

Cakephp3 Tiny Auth Allow Auth fail

I am using the TinyAuth plugin with my Cakephp3. I have a controller with the following namespace:
namespace App\Controller\Api\Datatables;
The controller is Listings and my function is Filter
I have the following route setup:
Router::scope('/datatables', ['prefix' => 'api/datatables'], function (RouteBuilder $routes) {
$routes->extensions(['json', 'xml', 'ajax']);
This allows me to call the following url:
I want to allow the filter function:
datatables/Listings = filter
When I call my URL I am re-directed to login. If I login the url works, so the allow_auth works.
I have also tried the following:
api/datatables/Listings = filter
api/Datatables/Listings = filter
Api/Datatables/Listings = filter
api/datatables/Listings = filter
datatables/Listings = filter
Datatables/Listings = filter
api/Listings = filter
No matter what the path is not allowed. If I move the controller to the default location then in allow_auth:
Listings = filter
the filter function is accessible without authorisation. This suggests that there is a problem with the plugin when using a router scope.
Here is the plugin's composer.json
"name": "ypnos-web/cakephp-datatables",
"description": "jQuery DataTables for CakePHP 3",
"homepage": "",
"type": "cakephp-plugin",
"keywords": ["cakephp", "datatables"],
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Frank Heider",
"homepage": "",
"role": "Author"
"name": "Johannes Jordan",
"homepage": "",
"role": "Author"
"require": {
"php": ">=7.0",
"cakephp/cakephp": "^3.6"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"DataTables\\": "src"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"DataTables\\Test\\": "tests",
"Cake\\Test\\": "./vendor/cakephp/cakephp/tests"
Am I correct in stating that the slashed routes do work for the acl.ini - they seem to as far as I can see.
I am using the slashed routes to better organise my functions.
My request params are as follows when I call /datatables/listings/filter.json?
'controller' => 'Listings',
'action' => 'filter',
'pass' => [],
'prefix' => 'api/datatables',
'plugin' => null,
'_ext' => 'json',
'_matchedRoute' => '/datatables/:controller/:action/*',
'?' => [
'string' => 'seat'
If I call /api/datatables/listings/filter.json:
Controller class Datatables could not be found.
I'm not overly familiar with the plugin, but api/datatables/Listings seems to be the correct format, however looking at the plugin's source, it seems that nested prefixes aren't supported:
if (strpos($key, '/') !== false) {
list($res['prefix'], $key) = explode('/', $key);
That code would parse api as the prefix, and datatables as the controller.
You may want to open an issue, or add support for it yourself if you can.

How to use dojox/data/JsonRestStore with dojox/grid/LazyTreeGrid?

I have now this code:
], function(
) {
var layout = { ... },
store = new JsonRestStore({
target: "/api/items" // for example
limitParam: "limit",
offsetParam: "offset"
model = new LazyTreeGridStoreModel({
serverStore: true,
store: store,
childrenAttrs: [ "children" ]
return declare("CustomTreeGrid", [ LazyTreeGrid ], {
treeModel: model,
structure: layout
My widget send thousand requests to target URL after startup and freeze my browser. How to fix wrong behavior and save compatibility with RESTful API?
Solution with QueryReadStore work, but not in my situation - Django REST Framework return page with API declaration on GET requests.
Server return data in JSON format:
"items": [ ] //Array of items
"identifier": "id",
"numRows": 12 // Total count of items
Also I change the server response for returning array. Response headers also contain key "Content-Range: 0-2/3" (for example) and it's not work for me.
Server response headers:
Content-Range: items 0-1/2
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: accept
Server response body:
"id": 1,
"children": false,
"name": "name1"
"id": 2,
"children": false,
"name": "name2"
It is pretty hard to make a jsfiddle out of it because you need the server part as well.
I found this implementation:
It uses a combination of :,, and
Maybe you can do something with it...
See how it is used :
myStore ={target:"usstates/"}),;
grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({store: dataStore ={objectStore: myStore})