WSO2 IS KM JavaException: org.jaggeryjs.scriptengine.exceptions.ScriptException: First Element must contain the local name, Envelope - api

I am using WSO2 Identity Server Key Manager (wso2is-km), and at im login to dashboard have message
HTTP Status 500 - org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException: JavaException: org.jaggeryjs.scriptengine.exceptions.ScriptException: First Element must contain the local name, Envelope , but found html (/dashboard/controllers/wsUtil.jag#76)

I was solve this issue, please check Log Category on WSO2IS-Km change from DEBUG to INFO


s4sdk openSAP develop extension Course - Address not created - no put operation in mock server log

I have created mock server and it shows GET operation selecting all partners and will get a partner by id.
If I click on the Add address button there is no put or post operation in the log file.
Mock server log:
Request: GET
Reading business partner 1003764
Log from application
12:51:35.357 [http-bio-8080-exec-10] ERROR - Successfully
connected to destination service.
Am I missing a setting?
You can implement an add functionality for a Business Partner Address in the following way:
BusinessPartnerAddress addressToCreate = BusinessPartnerAddress.builder()
new DefaultBusinessPartnerService()

Can't connect Azure Table Storage to PowerBI (415) Unsupported Media Type)

I'm getting the error below while connecting to Azure Table Storage,
Blockquote "AzureTables: Request failed: The remote server returned an error:
(415) Unsupported Media Type. (None of the provided media types are
The one thing I noticed is that if I fill up only the account name it will automatically add the rest of the url which is "" where in the portal its
With Im getting err "AzureTables: Request failed: The remote name could not be resolved". But it might messing up some headers while using
Please advise.
Thank you.
You should be able to connect to your azure table storage/CosmosDB account using powerBi using the following link structure: , or for cosmosdb
You can get the correct link by going to Portal > go to Storage accounts > Click on Tables/CosmosDB > You'll find the table link you would like to link to powerbi > remove the last table name after "/", then use it to connect in powerbi, it will later allow you to select the specific table in powerBI:
These are screenshots from testing for CosmosDB:
Errors 415:
When it comes to these errors, they can be caused by cache, which can be flushed by going to:
In Power BI Desktop: Go to "File" and select "Options". Under "Data Load" you have the option to clear the cache. After doing this you can use "Get Data" and "OData-feed" as normal and the URL won't return the 415 error
Check the following link for additional suggestions:
Not clear how you consume the table service API, but here is the solution that worked for me for React SPA and fetch api.
Request header must contain:
It was failing for me with single quotes, and worked with double.

SoapUI dataSource illegal character in authority

I am trying to use an external dataSource in SoapUI to send some basic GET http requests to a number of nodes, and i get "Illegal character in authority at index 7".
What i have setup.
1x dataSource (external file > excel):
The nodes setup appears to be correct (its called "nodes") > column required is called "node".
Getting the rows from the datafile from the dataSource options appear to be working correctly.
1x HTTP request
GET request, URL is: http://${nodes#node}:2040/api/doSometimes
I know i need to add the loop at the end, however the HTTP request isn't working with the first node yet, so i'll do the loop once the request works.
The error i get when trying to run the HTTP request:
Sun Aug 10 11:20:18 IDT 2014:ERROR:An error occurred [Illegal character in authority at index 7: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX /api/doSomething], see error log for details (where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the first ADDRESS from the nodes#node file). -- Also notice its missing the port.
The error log sais: Sun Aug 10 11:29:25 IDT 2014:ERROR:java.lang.NullPointerException
Clarification: we do not have a WSDL available, however the service does reply to different queries. /api/sendID WILL return the ID. I want to get all IDS from all NODES in the file.
Any ideas what i can do to mend this ?
Used a preset REST request which included the required parameters. Used standard testsuite > added the request port directly in the datasource #node which appeared to be causing the issue.

Passbook update tag: if-modified-since (null)

I am using Restlet2.0 (java) to build passbook server. When I send a Push Notification to APNs with PushToken, I got message 'if-modified-since (null)' from the server log:
entity.getText() : {"logs":["[2013-03-31 00:18:29 +1100] Get pass task
(pass type pass.xxxxxx.freehug, serial number ABC, if-modified-since
(null); with web service url encountered error:
Server response was malformed (Missing response data)"]}
This responding URL matches the router defined for the LoggingResource class (Line 4), but not the SerialNumbersPassWithDeviceResource class (Line 2) which defines the passUpdatedSince={tag} parameter to be captured for the latest pkpass comparison:
router.attach("/v1/devices/{deviceLibraryIdentifier}/registrations/{passTypeIdentifier}/{serialNumber}", DeviceRegistrationResource.class); //1/4. Registration - POST/DELETE
router.attach("/v1/devices/{deviceLibraryIdentifier}/registrations/{passTypeIdentifier}?passUpdatedSince={tag}", SerialNumbersPassWithDeviceResource.class); //2. SerialNumbers - GET
router.attach("/v1/passes/{passTypeIdentifier}/{serialNumber}", LatestVersionPassResource.class); //3. LatestVersion - GET
router.attach("/v1/log", LoggingResource.class); //5. Logging - POST
So where can I set the Update Tag (passUpdatedSince={tag}) and how can I get it under the router in above Line 2? Is my router setup for getting Update tag correct?
The passUpdatedSince={tag} value is set from the last successful response that your web service gave to the requsest:
You set it by providing a key of lastUpdated in the JSON dictionary response to the above request. The value can be anything you like, but the simplest approach would be to use a timestamp.
The if-modified-since value is set by the Last-Modified HTTP header sent with the last .pkpass bundle received matching the passTypeIdentifier and serialNumber. Again, you can choose what value to send in this header.
The specific error that you mention above is not due to either of these. It is caused by your web service not providing a .pkpass bundle in response to the request to:
You may want to try hooking your device up to Xcode, turning on PassKit logging (Settings -> Developer), then monitoring the device's console log as you send the push. This may give you more detail as to why the device sent the message to your web service log.

Adding file in S3 from salesforce using S3 API

I have installed AWS S3 toolkit on sdfc. I have the following code where AWS_S3_ExampleController is part of the installed toolkit. When i execute this code the debug log shows the generic "internal Server error" 500.
The returned soap message has
soapenv:Value>ns1:Client.InvalidArgument soapenv:Value soapenv:Code soapenv:Reasonsoapenv:Text xml:lang="en"Invalid id /soapenv:Text/soapenv:Reason soapenv:Detail ArgumentValue>SAmeer Thakur ArgumentValue>ArgumentName>CanonicalUser/ID/soapenv:Detail>soapenv:Fault> soapenv:Body>soapenv:Envelope>
I do not know how to resolve the Invalid id being seen
AWS_S3_ExampleController c = new AWS_S3_ExampleController();
c.OwnerId='Sameer Thakur';
c.bucketToUploadObject= bucketName;
c.fileBlob= Blob.valueOf(record);
System.debug('Before insert');
System.debug('After insert');
Any pointer would be appreciated
Thank you
The problem was i needed to define ownerid with canonical value.
This value is generated using access key and secret key.
The url to generate canonical user id value is #