How do I set up Openshift Origin router - openshift-origin

I am trying to stat an Openshift Origin single-node instance on a centos VM.
After installing docker and oc client tools I ran this command:
oc cluster up --public-hostanme=MyHostname
Everything seems to be working, except when I deploy an app, the router defined for it always routes to nginx welcome page, not my app.
Anyone know how to solve this?

So I managed to solved it. I found out that only works with the server ip, not domain name. I got the routing-suffix to work with the hostname by setting the routing-suffix to MyHostName.dom and adding a wildcard dns record that resolves *.ose-spank.dom to the server ip. (Since I don't have dns server I used Acrylic DNS as a dns proxy)


Apache and Yarn ports

I want to configure both apache and yarn servers on the same machine. Default web port is 80 and 443 for ssl as far as I know.
Is that possible for both services to share the same ports? What I need is:
http(s):// - go to apache server
http(s):// - go to yarn
I know I can configure it so I call:
http(s):// or other port. It's not intuitive for users however.
Or... make htaccess rule to redirect to for example? Or somehow internally redirect from apache to yarn...? :)
I'm pretty newbie in configuring servers... I always used default settings and vhosts and it was just enough. In fact I've never work with yarn at all so any advices will be appreciated.
apache in vhosts configuration is redirecting specific domain traffic from :80 to :3000 and node is run on 3000 port.
In my opinion you can using haproxy or squid proxy, to loading balancing, or you can set on domain server to set pointing the domain, but you must set other port on of app, on this case we must try to easy access without type the port on the address bar

EC2 public instance not accessible

I am facing this issue as I am new to AWS EC2. I have setup an instance and ssh working perfect. I installed httpd, mysql, php and httpd and mysql services running fine.
I can't access EC2 public DNS in a browser. I already added a rule for HTTP with port 80 but still not working. What can be the other reasons?
For this trouble shoot like below :
Step 1) ssh to instance and stop the iptables if it is running.
Step2) if above step not resolves the issue, please post the log out put of browser. is it 404 error or DNS not found or 403 something like that. Then I can assist you.

How to enable SSL in docker with nginx hosted in Ubuntu

I have a web application that's running inside a docker container.
It's written in Play Framework. My host is an Ubuntu 16.04 server with apache. Docker application use the nginx server. The port 443 is directed to that container. SSL in my Apache server is turned off. Now when i try visiting my domain with https the browser give the warning which is annoying.
So i got some free certificates from and used it with the docker application but still the warnings come up. Do i need to use those certificates in the apache server too?
Your browser speaks with Apache server trying to establish an SSL communication at first, then Apache will try to forward the request to your docker container.
So, indeed, it's only mandatory to secure your Apache instead of the container to have the browser not complaining.

Cannot install Wordpress Multisite (Network) on a custom port

I'm running a website at http://localhost:8080/sitename. However, when I'm trying to create a network of sites with wordpress, I'm getting the following error under Tools-> Network:
ERROR: You cannot install a network of sites with your server address.
You cannot use port numbers such as :8080.
I tried to create a virtual host and a fake domain but I can't make it work.
How can I solve that?
At this moment, Wordpress only seem to support 80 and 443 ports. A temporary possible workaround to use any custom (i.e. http 8080) port:
Open wp-admin/includes/network.php and find the section of code where it mentions array( ':80', ':443' ) and add :8080 too in that array.
After completing setup of network, you might need in wp-config to adjust to such:
define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', ''. (stristr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],'wp-login.php') ? '':':8080') );
As noted in comments (thanks) after creating first sub-site, it might have port number embedded in domain name, so try to enter Mysql Database (i.e. try hosting's phpMyAdmin, or even installed plugin before starting procedure) and in _blogs & _site& _options tables, to adjust homepage urls of subsites(i.e. separate port number from domain).
That's all. Login again to your project.
From my experience, WP is not designed to use custom ports for multi-sites so the blogs (sub-sites) hosts get messed up in the DB.
My solution: After you switch to multi-site or create a new site, you need to go to your db admin page (e.g. phpMyAdmin) and fix the blogs domain in the wp_blogs table. Basically WP failed to add a colon between the host and port; just have to add it-> localhost8080 becomes localhost:8080.
So, on the site's settings add the missing colon to the siteurl and home urls.
I found temporary solution:
running "netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0.80" in CMD will show you wich service is using the port 80. If PID is 4 it means that port 80 is used by the system (propably IIS or web matrix if it is installed - this was my case). i changed the port IIS was using from IIS Manager and i also deactivated MsDepSvc service (Web Matrix) which was also using port 80. After that i reconfigured apache to work in port 80 and everything worked OK!

DNS problem - dig resolves but curl cannot connect to host

I have recently created a Rackspace cloud server instance using CentOS 5.5. I have used yum to install the "Web Server" group (it includes Apache, etc.), added as the ServerName in httpd.conf, made sure iptables allows on port 80. I had registered this domain with Go-Daddy and changed their name servers to the Rackspace name servers on their site. I added "A" and CNAME records to the Rackspace name servers. httpd has been started. When I use curl on the server I can get the Apache landing page. When I dig from a remote machine(over the internet) the answer section returns: 300 IN CNAME 300 IN A
When I try a browser or curl, it can't connect:
curl -G
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
I know this has got to be pretty basic and config related but I'll be dammed if I can see it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
If dig resolves, this just means the DNS server returns the right values. It will even work if the IP doesn't exists.
If a HTTP connecting to the server fails, this is a configuration problem.
The server responds to ICMP requests, so it's not a routing problem.
When I use curl on the server I can get the Apache landing page
Your webserver is running, but you just can't reach it from outside. This is the problem. What does iptables --list outputs?