CPACK .deb installer backup previous installed version - cmake

Is there a way to backup the previous installed version of a .deb package generated by cpack?
I have a project that i need to deploy manually on multiple equipments in a live production site. To minimize error and time spent deploying, i would like to use cpack and a .deb generator to create a package.
But i also want to keep the previous installed version, and config files for fast roll-back.
I have already have a package with can be successfully installed with it's configuration files. Contained in a folder with the version as a name. But when I install the new version it automatically removes the older version. Is there a way to stop the installer from doing this?

I've solved my problem by moving away from the .deb package and I'm instead using the .stgz package with a custom script.
To create this script have a cmake folder in your project for cmake scripts. This is done by setting following line into your cmake file.
Copy a file into this directory. Normally you will find one in /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/.
Edit this file at will to reflect it what you want to do. Make sure to leave the 3 line that really unpack your package untouched.


impossible to install a intellij idea

I downloaded the ultimate version of IntelliJ from the official website and when I do ./ in the .. /bin directory of the file I get this error message in the terminal:
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /root/.jetbrains/jetbrains-agent-v3.2.0.de72.619 Error occurred during initialization of VM agent library failed to init: instrument
I don't know if I am supposed to have a .jetbrains file in my repersonel if so why I don't have it and if not how to get it?
What's the environment of your machine and I do not think you need to care about how to get .jetbrains manually by yourself. I've installed a IntelliJ idea on Ubuntu18.04, it works well. You can try run it as an administrative, also you can go to ./bin folder and then run ./ rather than ../bin folder
btw, as I said install, it does not indicate we need to compile it and get some executable binary file to run it. It's a green software that contains anything you need, you can run it directly
The Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /root/.jetbrains/jetbrains-agent-v3.2.0.de72.619 error indicate that there is a problem with the distribution you have downloaded. It was corrupted or modified improperly.
Re-download it from and install into a new empty directory.
You can also try deleting the IDE's config and system directories.

How do I tell ReadTheDocs to build my project packages from a sub-directory?

I have a repository that contains three python packages: a main package, and two addon packages, with shared documentation. Each project is in its own directory, with its own, as so:
Main Project
Addon One
Addon Two
RST files, RTD conf, etc.
Previously, I was using setuptools.find_packages() to build my packages, but was having issues with the contents of the packages bleeding together, as they shared namespaces. So I switched to specifying the packages I wanted to build, such as
packages=["Main Package"]
However, this broke my ReadTheDocs auto-build, where I had specified
- method: setuptools
path: Main Project
in .readthedocs.yml, with RTD now complaining my package (inside the Main Project directory) doesn't exist, as it attempts to build it.
In my project, I use a script to build the packages, where I move into each directory, run its setup, then move out. Works fine, my packages and documentation all build locally. However, it looks like RTD is only using the defined path to prepend my script, and therefore not finding the source package as the working directory is the parent directory (but I could be wrong!).
I've read through the documentation, including where the feature was originally added, but I have not been able to find a solution myself yet.
How can I tell RTD to change directory before building the packages, or is there an alternative approach that will support my repo structure?
Repository in question is here.
I found a solution:
I changed my local build script to use the root project directory, as per-RTD. I then added the directive package_dir={"": "[directory]"} to the setuptools.setup() calls in each project's

CPack WIX install a file outside the install tree

I'm using the CPack WIX generator to create an installer. The installer needs to install a file in a %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\foo\ folder on the target system.
I can't find a way to install files outside of the install tree (C:\Program Files\foo...)
How can this be accomplished?
I am not familiar with CPack, but the MSI System Folder Property for this is usually CommonAppDataFolder. So essentially you would use this as the target folder for the component hosting the files and resources you want installed in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%.
Folder Redirection: Without digressing too much, you should probably be aware that some of these system folder properties redirect based on whether the package is installed per-machine or per-user - relating to the value of ALLUSERS during installation. See link for more information ("Installation Context" and "Single Package Authoring" are illuminating). The folder you mention should be stable and not redirect.
Personal opinion: This folder redirection and per-user install feature are among my least favorite parts of MSI. My take is to install per-machine, whenever possible. Importantly (and the reason for this small rant): A package capable of installing per-user, should not target CommonAppDataFolder at all (since it does not redirect to a per-user target).
This is not possible at the moment. CMake does not allow to patch Directories at the moment.

Integrating NuGet into a large, existing code base, with a shared packages directory and a shared solutions directory

Q: Is it possible/feasible, to have a multiple solutions stored in a single 'Solutions' directory, and multiple NuGet packages stored in another single 'Packages' directory, and for everything to work nicely with different versions?
Further details...
For example: I have 2 projects. ProjectA requires Newstonsoft.Json.4.5.11, ProjectB requires Newstonsoft.Json.5.0.6.
For sake of example I have a solution file for both. I need all my solution files in the same directory (this is just the process that is followed, all the solutions in a directory are built in turn).
By default NuGet will create a packages directory alongside each solution file.
I have created a nuget.config file to allow me to store packages in a single directory, called 'SharedPackages', following this answer: Nu-Get & issue with project level dependences for projects referenced by multiple solutions
This works great so far, so my structure is:
If I create ProjectB, it has Json.NET 4.5.11 by default. If I go to Manage NuGet Packages for Solution I have the option to update it to version 5.0.6. This is great as ProjectB needs the newer version. What is even better is now in my Shared Packages directory I have a directory for both versions of Json.NET side-by-side, so ProjectA can use the older version.
However, now I want to create ProjectC as a full MVC4 Web Application. For JQuery, you get version 1.8.2 currently when creating an ASP.NET MVC4 application in VS2012. I also get Knockout 2.2.0.
My process is, I delete the default packages directory, move the new solution to the Solutions directory alongside the existing nuget.config and edit the new solution file to update the relative path to the new .csproj file. Then when I build, NuGet Package Manager restores the extra packages I need (that weren't in use by ProjectA and ProjectB) to the Shared Packages directory. However... I get build errors, it cannot resolve some references including DotNetOpenAuth, WebGrease, System.Spatial... the references are pointing to the packages directory, not the SharedPackages directory...
As an aside: if I Enable Package Restore for solution, then it also tries to restore them to a packages folder within the Solutions directory by default, instead of restoring them to the SharedPackages directory.
Around about this point I realise that just creating the nuget.config file wasn't enough for ProjectA and ProjectB either, although they appeared to be working originally, the references in the .csproj. file are pointing to the bin folder beneath the project file, instead of my SharedPackages directory.
So I manually 'Find and Replace' ..\packages with ..\..\SharedPackages for all the references. I have to do this for ProjectA, ProjectB and ProjectC. Now everything builds and seems to work OK, new packages go into the right place.
Now, if I go back to ProjectA, and add the Knockout package, this is version 2.3.0. This installs happily alongside the other Knockout package in use by Project C which is version 2.2.0. Doing this also installs JQuery 2.0.3, alongside JQuery 1.8.2. So far so good.
Just as a sanity check, I create another Web Application - ProjectD, move the files around, update the references in the solution and the project. This time everything builds first time. I try and update WebGrease in ProjectD to see if it will retain the older version for ProjectC. This results in more issues, it installs it to the packages directory instead. WebGrease seems to have a separate config setting as well <WebGreaseLibPath>... it won't seem to restore...
I then go back to ProjectB and try 'Update All' - it looks like the files that already exist are updated in SharedPackages, with new version directories alongside the existing ones, but any new dependencies (e.g. now I have a reference to Owin.dll) get placed in the packages folder :( If I delete the packages folder, and the bin folder within ProjectB, then build the ProjectB solution, understandably I get build errors, the packages aren't automatically restored to the SharedPackages directory at any point.
Is it even possible to set NuGet to update packages in a common directory other than packages alongside the solution?
Would it be easier to just use the default packages folder, instead of SharedPackages, or would I still have problems?
This is turning into way too many questions. To try and keep it in scope, has anyone attempted a similar setup, what obstacles did they overcome and how did they manage it, or did they give up altogether? If you gave up, how did you end up using NuGet to manage packages in a massive code base?
I appreciate this is close to this question, which was well answered for that particular question, however the use case here is slightly different: NuGet and multiple solutions. It is also pretty much identical to this question: Setting up a common nuget packages folder for all solutions when some projects are included in multiple solutions, but I have decided to add this anyway as that question is more focused on the having different configurations for different solutions, whereas here I want all the packages in one place, I just want to implement it and see if it is possible. Also I think the troubleshooting and research time may be useful to someone.

How can I make sure a downgraded library is installed by my MSI?

I have an MSI that setups my application. It has a single component and installs only to %PROGRAMFILES% (no shared binaries). Simplified, it looks like this
Msi file, Monday build:
Program.exe (v1.0.0)
ThirdPartyLibrary.dll (v2.0.1)
Now, if I discover a bug in the program caused by my upgrade of the ThirdPartyLibrary dll from v2.0.0 to v2.0.1, and thus revert the reference to v2.0.0, it seems my MSI doesn't automatically replace the file in the installation directory?
Msi file, Tuesday build:
Program.exe (v1.0.0)
ThirdPartyLibrary.dll (v2.0) <- downgraded
What is the best practice here to ensure that the program folder always contains exactly the binaries in my setup? Should I a) wipe everything from the setup directory before copying the new files? Is there an option (in Wix) I can use that makes the msi force an overwrite of all files regardless of version?
What if I remove a file from the setup (a file that would cause errors if present at runtime), then the only way to have a working program after the setup, would be if it deleted all files first?
You can use a msi trick. In the File table in the msi database edit the Version column and enter a higher version, 3.0 for example. This way you will take advantage of the file versioning rules.