docker run -v bindmount failing - selenium

I am rather new to docker images and am trying to set up a selenium/standalone-firefox image linked to a local folder.
I'm running Docker version 19.03.2, build 6a30dfc on Windows 10 and have unsuccessfully tried figuring out the correct working of the docker run -v syntax because it either is unspecific (i.e. too little context for me to make sense of it) or on the wrong platform).
Running docker as admin the the cmd, I used docker run -d -v LOCAL_PATH:C:\Users\Public.
This throws docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mode: \Users\Public as an error message.
I want to bind the running container to the folder C:\Users\Public (or another folder on the host machine - this is for illustration purposes).
Can someone point me to the (I fear obvious) mistake I'm making? I essentially want to achieve the container's output data (for later scraping) being stored in the host machine's folder C:\Users\Public. The container's output folder should be named myfolder.
** EDIT **
Digging around, I found this (see Volume Mapping).
I have thus tried the following code:
>docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name selenium-hub selenium/hub
>docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub -v C:/Users/Public:/home/seluser/Downloads selenium/node-chrome
while the former works fine (it only runs the container), the latter throws the error:
docker: Error response from daemon: Drive has not been shared.

Docker for Windows (and Mac) require you to share drives to be able to volume mount - (Under Shared drives).
You should be able to find it under your Docker Settings > Shared Drives. Ensure your C:\ is selected and restart the daemon. After that, you can run:
docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub -v C:/Users/Public:/home/seluser/Downloads selenium/node-chrome

base on the documation:
this path does not exist in container and its linux container.
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\TMP_DOCKERS\firefox selenium/standalone-firefo"


I need to run standalone-chrome-debug in offline mode

I have a linux server, with no connectivity to github (it's blocked in our office), and need to run standalone-chrome-debug docker image.
So in my side, i clone the repo and transfer it to the linux machine, but when i run the docker command:
docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -p 0:5900 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -e VNC_NO_PASSWORD=1 selenium/standalone-chrome-debug
i got a lot of error, such as not found, and different similar issues of missing files, so my question is:
how can i make this docker run successfully , if i have the repository locally, and have no access to github, can you assist me with this issue ?

Docker container cannot share data with host

I am running an automated test on a docker container that downloads a file as part of the test. The file ends up in the home/seluser/Download folder of the docker container. But I want to be ale to access it locally on my mac os x.
However, when I run the following command:
docker run -v /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder:/home/seluser/Downloads -d -P -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome:3.7.1-beryllium
The downloaded files don't appear in either the docker container or the host.
As soon as I remove
-v /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder:/home/seluser/Downloads
and end up with
docker run -d -P -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome:3.7.1-beryllium
the downloaded file shows up in the docker container
I can't seem to find a way to share that data with my host, so I can access the downloaded file in /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder
you are mounting /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder into docker container.
so it will overwrite the inside volume of docker container, so you can't see any files in the /home/seluser/Downloads directory, you can able to see data exst in host directory.
after running docker container.. you can able see all files whichever you download into /home/seluser/Downloads or in host directory

Docker container immediately exits when started after system reboot

I'm starting my custom docker container (OpenSuse, PHP, Apache, some add-ons) this way:
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=http://user:pwd#ip:port -t prefix/myapp myapp
create --name=myapp --hostname=myapp-p 80:80 -v ${PWD}/myapp:/srv/www/myapp prefix/myapp
docker start myapp
This works perfectly. I can stop and later start the container. However, if I reboot my host system (Windows 10), I'm not able to start the container again. When I try to, the container immediately exits.
How can this be? As stated above, I use the -p and -v flags to map ports and mount a directory.
This is the output of...
docker logs myapp
-> httpd (pid 1) already running
May or may not be your problem (the logs will be telling), but I ran into an issue with docker on windows where the container tries to start before the file system is ready, which causes an error with the volume mounts. I never found a great solution aside from running a task that verifies the volume mount and restarts the container if it failed.

Docker: Unable to view running container despite successful demo example

When I run the example from the Docker doc in the "Viewing our web application container" section, i.e.,
docker run -d -P training/webapp python
...I'm able to view the "Hello World" output in a browser. Success. This seems to indicate that the network I'm on may not be the problem.
Now I'm trying to view a container that runs a webdriver suite (test automation of a browser). Based on the output in docker logs -f, the webdriver suite runs to completion. But when I try to point a browser at the webdriver container (which is running the browser), I get a error saying:
Here are the steps I'm following:
Start webdriver container with this command
docker run -d -p 8080:5000 "/bin/bash" "-c" "/dir1/dir2/ $PARAMETER1 $PARAMETER2"
point a browser to:
Docker output:
user#server$ docker ps -l
2fa83fc0401a 65525ab9ad78 "/bin/bash -c '/opt/y" 55 minutes ago Up 55 minutes 2222/tcp,>5000/tcp
user#server$ docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' 2fa83fc0401a
Other info:
Server config: Ubuntu 14.04
Docker version: 1.8.1, build d12ea79
I've reviewed the following questions but I'm not running on a VM and I'm not running NodeJS.
Unable to view rails app running in docker container from browser
Docker: Unable to specify port for a running container
Does anyone have suggestions on how I might troubleshoot this problem? Any assistance gratefully accepted.
:) jay
Update 1:
Based on the NodeJS question noted above, I'm thinking that I'm not setting a port correctly in the Dockerfile. Maybe this is as simple as setting the correct port for Selenium?
Update 2: as #hunter noted, I had the ports in the wrong order, but switching the ports does not resolve the problem. I think the bigger problem is that I was assigning the wrong port. So, I changed docker run -d -p 8080:5000 to docker run -d -P. When I did that, I got the following output:
f375251b61d7 65525ab9ad78 "/bin/bash -c '/opt/y" About an hour ago Up About an hour>2222/tcp
I then pointed the browser to that port:
But I still get the same error: ERR CONNECTION REFUSED
I think you're using the wrong port - the external port is 8080 not 5000.

Reflecting code changes in docker containers

I have a basic hello world Node application written on express. I have just dockerised this application by creating a basic dockerfile in the applications root directory. I created a docker image, and then ran that image to run it in a running container
# Dockerfile
FROM node:0.10-onbuild
RUN npm install
CMD ["node", "./bin/www"]
sudo docker build -t docker-express
sudo docker run --name test-container -d -p 80:3000 docker-express
I can access the web application. My question is.. When I made code changes to my application, eg change 'hello world' to 'hello bob', my changes are not reflected within the running container.
What is a good development workflow to update changes in the container? Surely I shouldn't have to delete and rebuild the images after each change?
Thank you :)
Check out the section on Sharing Volumes. You should be able to share your host volume with the docker container and then any time you need a change you can just restart the server (or have something restart it for you!).
Your command would look something like: sudo docker run -v /src/webapp:/webapp --name test-container -d -p 80:3000 docker-express
Which mounts /src/webapp (on the host) to /webapp (in the container).