I need to run standalone-chrome-debug in offline mode - selenium

I have a linux server, with no connectivity to github (it's blocked in our office), and need to run standalone-chrome-debug docker image.
So in my side, i clone the repo and transfer it to the linux machine, but when i run the docker command:
docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -p 0:5900 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -e VNC_NO_PASSWORD=1 selenium/standalone-chrome-debug
i got a lot of error, such as entry_point.sh not found, and different similar issues of missing files, so my question is:
how can i make this docker run successfully , if i have the repository locally, and have no access to github, can you assist me with this issue ?


docker run -v bindmount failing

I am rather new to docker images and am trying to set up a selenium/standalone-firefox image linked to a local folder.
I'm running Docker version 19.03.2, build 6a30dfc on Windows 10 and have unsuccessfully tried figuring out the correct working of the docker run -v syntax because it either is unspecific (i.e. too little context for me to make sense of it) or on the wrong platform).
Running docker as admin the the cmd, I used docker run -d -v LOCAL_PATH:C:\Users\Public.
This throws docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mode: \Users\Public as an error message.
I want to bind the running container to the folder C:\Users\Public (or another folder on the host machine - this is for illustration purposes).
Can someone point me to the (I fear obvious) mistake I'm making? I essentially want to achieve the container's output data (for later scraping) being stored in the host machine's folder C:\Users\Public. The container's output folder should be named myfolder.
** EDIT **
Digging around, I found this (see Volume Mapping).
I have thus tried the following code:
>docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name selenium-hub selenium/hub
>docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub -v C:/Users/Public:/home/seluser/Downloads selenium/node-chrome
while the former works fine (it only runs the container), the latter throws the error:
docker: Error response from daemon: Drive has not been shared.
Docker for Windows (and Mac) require you to share drives to be able to volume mount - https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/ (Under Shared drives).
You should be able to find it under your Docker Settings > Shared Drives. Ensure your C:\ is selected and restart the daemon. After that, you can run:
docker run -d --link selenium-hub:hub -v C:/Users/Public:/home/seluser/Downloads selenium/node-chrome
base on the documation:
this path does not exist in container and its linux container.
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\TMP_DOCKERS\firefox selenium/standalone-firefo"

Installing and upgrading help Data directory (/var/www/moodledata) cannot be created by the installer

I'm trying to deploy Moodle into Docker.
Here is the steps I followed:
First, create a new network for the application and the database:
$ docker network create moodle
Then, start a new database process in an isolated container:
$ docker run --name mysql --network moodle -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql
Finally, you can run this moodle image and link it to your mysql container:
$ docker run --name my-moodle --network moodle --link mysql:database -p 8080:80 -d aesr/moodle
Access it via http://localhost:8080 or http://host-ip:8080 in a browser.
But while installing moodle I'm getting this error:
Data directory (/var/www/moodledata) cannot be created by the installer.
Maybe because of Apache doesn't have the proper permission. I'm running Docker on Windows.
My solutions worked on Centos 7.
Just move out the moodledata to somewhere else, like
mkdir /moodledata
chown -R apache:apache /moodledata
Because it calls the folder /var can be expose from internet and not accept to start the Installation

Tf Serving - Docker from source or build from git?

Struggling to understand the workflow here for tf serving.
Official docs say to “docker pull tensorflow/serving”. But they also say to “git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/serving.git”
Which one should I use? I assume the git version is so I can build my own custom serving image?
When I pull the official image from docker and run the container, why can’t I access the root? Is it because I haven’t “built it” properly yet?
If you have added some custom code, then clone first and then build image.
If you want to deploy image directly, pull image and run.
BTW, what do you mean by "access the root"? AFAIC, root is the default user in a container.
I think that is a good observation.
Only place where I feel cloning Git hub repository using "https://github.com/tensorflow/serving.git" is required if you want to run the examples like 'half_plus_two', 'half_plus_three' or if you want to run the Examples mentioned in the link,
Except that, as far as I know, pulling the Docker Image should do everything needed.
Even building the Custom Docker Image using our Custom Model doesn't need us to clone the Git hub repo.
Code for building Custom Docker Image is shown below:
sudo docker run -d --name sb tensorflow/serving
sudo docker cp /usr/local/google/home/abc/Jupyter_Notebooks/Premade_Estimator_Export sb:/models/Premade_Estimator_Export
sudo docker commit --change "ENV MODEL_NAME Premade_Estimator_Export" sb iris_container
sudo docker kill sb
sudo docker pull tensorflow/serving
sudo docker run -p 8501:8501 --mount type=bind,source=/usr/local/google/home/abc/Jupyter_Notebooks/TF_Serving/Premade_Estimator_Export,target=/models/Premade_Estimator_Export -e MODEL_NAME=Premade_Estimator_Export -t tensorflow/serving &
saved_model_cli show --dir /usr/local/google/home/abc/Jupyter_Notebooks/Premade_Estimator_Export/1556272508 --all
curl http://localhost:8501/v1/models/Premade_Estimator_Export #To get the status of the model
Regarding access to Root, if I understand it correctly, you don't want to run the docker commands using Sudo at the start for each command. Please follow the below mentioned command to get access to Root.
i. Add docker group if it does not already exist
ii. Add the connected user $USER to the docker group. Below are the commands to be run in the Terminal:
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
iii. Reboot your PC and you should be able to execute Docker commands without sudo.

Docker container cannot share data with host

I am running an automated test on a docker container that downloads a file as part of the test. The file ends up in the home/seluser/Download folder of the docker container. But I want to be ale to access it locally on my mac os x.
However, when I run the following command:
docker run -v /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder:/home/seluser/Downloads -d -P -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome:3.7.1-beryllium
The downloaded files don't appear in either the docker container or the host.
As soon as I remove
-v /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder:/home/seluser/Downloads
and end up with
docker run -d -P -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome:3.7.1-beryllium
the downloaded file shows up in the docker container
I can't seem to find a way to share that data with my host, so I can access the downloaded file in /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder
you are mounting /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder into docker container.
so it will overwrite the inside volume of docker container, so you can't see any files in the /home/seluser/Downloads directory, you can able to see data exst in host directory.
after running docker container.. you can able see all files whichever you download into /home/seluser/Downloads or in host directory

Httpd docker stops after a number of days

I'm trying to run a small personal web server in docker using the httpd image in the docker store (https://store.docker.com/images/httpd).
However, it works ok in the beginning, but tends to simply stop a number of days later, and needs to be restarted using "docker start", and I've not found what is wrong. There are some advice on the net for a CentOS build, but I've not found any for the Docker Store image as-is.
Docker file is:
FROM httpd:2.4
LABEL maintainer "mats.ohrman#gmail.com"
COPY ./content/ /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
COPY ./config/httpd.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
COPY ./config/httpd-vhosts.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Docker "build" cmd I used:
docker build -t matsohrman/web .
Docker "run" cmd I used:
docker run -dit --name web -p 80:80 matsohrman/web