Select Rows from 1 table with multiple criteria - sql

I'm trying to select rows from my table where I look at the DocumentNo and Description, and if the Description repeats, it gets neglected / tossed / looked over. This is in MS Access, but can switch to DBeaver if necessary.
My table is of the sort
DocumentNo Description
SSPT284886 Tongs
SSPT284894 Kit
SSPT284894 Tongs
SSPT284895 Tubing
SSPT284895 Tubing
SSPT284895 Countertop
In this case, my query should return everything except the 5th line.
I've tried
Select *
FROM Table1
WHERE Table1.DocumentNo <> Table1.DocumentNo AND Table1.Description <> Table1.Description;
But this yields nothing, as I assume it looks for values that aren't equal to itself, essentially.

I think you simply want SELECT DISTINCT:
select distinct DocumentNo, Description
from table1;


SQL statement to return data from a table in an other sight

How would the SQL statement look like to return the bottom result from the upper table?
The last letter from the key should be removed. It stands for the language. EXP column should be split into 5 columns with the language prefix and the right value.
I'm weak at writing more or less difficult SQL statements so any help would be appreciated!
The Microsoft Access equivalent of a PIVOT in SQL Server is known as a CROSSTAB. The following query will work for Microsoft Access 2010.
TRANSFORM First(table1.Exp) AS FirstOfEXP
SELECT Left([KEY],Len([KEY])-2) AS [XKEY]
FROM table1
GROUP BY Left([KEY],Len([KEY])-2)
PIVOT Right([KEY],1);
Access will throw a circular field reference error if you try to name the row heading with KEY since that is also the name of the original table field that you are deriving it from. If you do not want XKEY as the field name, then you would need to break apart the above query into two separate queries as shown below:
, Right([KEY],1) AS [Language]
, Table1.Exp
FROM Table1
ORDER BY Left([KEY],Len([KEY])-2), Right([KEY],1);
TRANSFORM First(qsel_table1.Exp) AS FirstOfEXP
SELECT qsel_table1.XKEY AS [KEY]
FROM qsel_table1
GROUP BY qsel_table1.XKEY
PIVOT qsel_table1.Language;
In order to always output all language columns regardless of whether there is a value or not, you need to spike of those values into a separate table. That table will then supply the row and column values for the crosstab and the original table will supply the value expression. Using the two query solution above we would instead need to do the following:
This is a new table with a BASE_KEY TEXT*255 column and a LANG TEXT*1 column. Together these two columns will define the primary key. Populate this table with the following rows:
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "D"
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "E"
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "F"
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "I"
"AbstractItemNumberReportController.SelectPositionen", "X"
This query remains unchanged.
The new table2 is added to this query with an outer join with the original table1. The outer join will allow all rows to be returned from table2 regardless of whether there is a matching row in the table1. Table2 now supplies the values for the row and column headings.
TRANSFORM First(qsel_table1.Exp) AS FirstOfEXP
FROM Table2 LEFT JOIN qsel_table1 ON (Table2.BASE_KEY = qsel_table1.XKEY)
AND (Table2.LANG = qsel_table1.Language)
GROUP BY Table2.Base_KEY
Try something like this:
select *
select 'abcd' as [key], right([key], 1) as id, expression
from table1
) x
for id in ([D], [E])
) p
Demo Fiddle

sql server - how to execute the second half of 'or' clause only when first one fails

Suppose I have a table with following records
value text
company/about about Us
company company
company/contactus company contact
I have a very simple query in sql server as below. I am having problem with the 'or' condition. In below query, I am trying to find text for value 'company/about'. If it is not found, then only I want to run the other side of 'or'. The below query returns two records as below
value text
company/about about Us
company company
value='company/about' or
How can I modify the query so the result set looks like
value text
company/about about Us
A bit roundabout, but you can check for the existence of results from the first where clause:
value='company/about' or
not exists (select * from tbl where value='company/about')
Since your second condition can be re-written as value = 'company' this would work (at least for the data and query you've presented):
select top(1) [value], [text]
from dbo.MyTable
where value in ('company/about', 'company')
order by len(value) desc
The TOP() ignores the second row if both are found, and the ORDER BY ensures that the first row is always the one with 'company/about', if it exists.

How do I select only 1 row in sybase without using rowcount

How do I select only 1 row in sybase without using rowcount? I don't have the privilege to set rowcount in sybase. Is there a way to select only 1 row?
For example:
select * from table where name = 'jack'
This returns two rows; how do I select only one row from the result set without using set rowcount?
Try the query:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM mytable
WHERE name = 'jack'
As you might guess, this selects the TOP 1 matching results. If you wanted more (which you don't here) you could use any number (TOP 100 or TOP 1000, etc).
A more comprehensive example can be found on w3schools:
There seems to be a reason, why you're getting more than 1 row for "WHERE name = 'jack'", it looks as if the rows differ.
But if, the rows do not differ you can try adding "distinct":
or try with "GROUP BY" statement, then you should type explicitly all columns, eg.:
SELECT name FROM TABLE WHERE name = 'jack' GROUP BY name
if this is not what you wanted, can you paste here how the 2 rows look exactly?
If you want a single result, use 'GROUP BY' and 'HAVING column = max(column)'. Or replace max() with min().
This should work unless the max or min values are also not unique.

Use of CASE statement values in THEN expression

I am attempting to use a case statement but keep getting errors. Here's the statement:
select TABLE1.acct,
WHEN TABLE1.acct_id in (select acct_id
from TABLE2
group by acct_id
having count(*) = 1 ) THEN
(select name
from TABLE3
where TABLE1.acct_id = TABLE3.acct_id)
ELSE 'All Others'
END as Name
from TABLE1
When I replace the TABLE1.acct_id in the THEN expression with a literal value, the query works. When I try to use TABLE1.acct_id from the WHEN part of the query, I get a error saying the result is more than one row. It seems like the THEN expression is ignoring the single value that the WHEN statement was using. No idea, maybe this isn't even a valid use of the CASE statement.
I am trying to see names for accounts that have one entry in TABLE2.
Any ideas would be appreciated, I'm kind of new at SQL.
First, you are missing a comma after TABLE1.acct. Second, you have aliased TABLE1 as acct, so you should use that.
Select acct.acct
, Case
When acct.acct_id in ( Select acct_id
Group By acct_id
Having Count(*) = 1 )
Then ( Select name
Where acct.acct_id = TABLE3.acct_id
Fetch First 1 Rows Only)
Else 'All Others'
End as Name
From TABLE1 As acct
As others have said, you should adjust your THEN clause to ensure that only one value is returned. You can do that by add Fetch First 1 Rows Only to your subquery.
Then ( Select name
Where acct.acct_id = TABLE3.acct_id
Fetch First 1 Rows Only)
Fetch is not accepting in CASE statement - "Keyword FETCH not expected. Valid tokens: ) UNION EXCEPT. "
select name from TABLE3 where TABLE1.acct_id = TABLE3.acct_id
will give you all the names in Table3, which have a accompanying row in Table 1. The row selected from Table2 in the previous line doesn't enter into it.
Must be getting more than one value.
You can replace the body with...
(select count(name) from TABLE3 where TABLE1.acct_id = TABLE3.acct_id)
... to narrow down which rows are returning multiples.
It may be the case that you just need a DISTINCT or a TOP 1 to reduce your result set.
Good luck!
I think that what is happening here is that your case must return a single value because it will be the value for the "name" column. The subquery (select acct_id from TABLE2 group by acct_id having count(*) = 1 ) is OK because it will only ever return one value. (select name from TABLE3 where TABLE1.acct_id= TABLE3.acct_id) could return multiple values depending on your data. The problem is you trying to shove multiple values into a single field for a single row.
The next thing to do would be to find out what data causes multiple rows to be returned by (select name from TABLE3 where TABLE1.acct_id= TABLE3.acct_id), and see if you can further limit this query to only return one row. If need be, you could even try something like ...AND ROWNUM = 1 (for Oracle - other DBs have similar ways of limiting rows returned).

Check whether a table contains rows or not sql server 2005

How to Check whether a table contains rows or not sql server 2005?
For what purpose?
Quickest for an IF would be IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Table)...
For a result set, SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM Table returns either zero or one rows
For exactly one row with a count (0 or non-zero), SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table
Also, you can use exists
select case when exists (select 1 from table)
then 'contains rows'
else 'doesnt contain rows'
or to check if there are child rows for a particular record :
select * from Table t1
where exists(
select 1 from ChildTable t2
where = t2.parentid)
or in a procedure
if exists(select 1 from table)
-- do stuff
Like Other said you can use something like that:
--Do Something
--Do Another Thing
FOR the best performance, use specific column name instead of * - for example:
SELECT TOP 1 <columnName>
FROM <tableName>
This is optimal because, instead of returning the whole list of columns, it is returning just one. That can save some time.
Also, returning just first row if there are any values, makes it even faster. Actually you got just one value as the result - if there are any rows, or no value if there is no rows.
If you use the table in distributed manner, which is most probably the case, than transporting just one value from the server to the client is much faster.
You also should choose wisely among all the columns to get data from a column which can take as less resource as possible.
Can't you just count the rows using select count(*) from table (or an indexed column instead of * if speed is important)?
If not then maybe this article can point you in the right direction.
THEN 'empty table'
ELSE 'not empty table'
END AS info