How can i prevent to have same values for one user - sql

I have this kind of tables:
Here in the UserPl table, the ProgrammingLanguageId and KnowledgeId are foreign keys, connected with Primary Keys of Knowledge and ProgrammingLanguage table.
I want to make when I insert for example
insert into userPLs values(1,'a7ac3486-e852-42c0-a458-9075eb5ed7d7','Doe',1,1)
here Doe says that he knows C# with basic knowledge. I want to prevent in the next insert to be impossible for Doe, to be inserted again something like this:
insert into userPLs values(1,'a7ac3486-e852-42c0-a458-9075eb5ed7d7','Doe',1,2)
insert into userPLs values(2,'a7ac3486-e852-42c0-a458-9075eb5ed7d7','Doe',1,2)
because he once said that his knowledge of C# is basic.
How can I achieve this?

Try to set a unique index, where required

You can prevent the insert with a constraint.
alter table UserPl
add constraint UserLanguageSkillLevel
unique (UserId, ProgrammingLanguageId);
You'll still gave to catch failed inserts or modify the front end to eliminate the opportunity to add contradictory information in the first place.
A uniqueness constraint is ultimately enforced with an index. If you create a unique index directly rather than by using a constraint you could also apply the ignore_dup_key index setting and let the engine silently discard bad inserts. I'm not going to endorse that as an ideal approach but it might be useful as a temporary stopgap.

Having Primary key / Cluster Index on the table UserPl would enforce whatever the combination of your needs i.e.
If User cannot know multiple programming languages, then key goes
Create clustered index CLU_UserPL on UserPl (UserID)
If User can can know multiple programming languages, but cannot have multiple level of knowledge in programming languages, then key goes
Create clustered index CLU_UserPL on UserPl (UserID, ProgrammingLanguageID)
If User can can know multiple programming languages, also have multiple level of knowledge in programming languages, then key goes
Create clustered index CLU_UserPL on UserPl (RecID) --- might be new identity column
Create clustered index CLU_UserPL on UserPl (UserPLID)

this can be achieved by using constraints UNIQUE.
Here is a detailed articles about UNIQUE constraint W3School UNIQUE Article
Simple words, UNIQUE is a constraint that will ensure there is no same value allowed in the selected field.
If you want to have another way to prevent Doe to insert new values in the table, you would like to use another method which is IF EXISTS
PRINT 'Data Already Exists! Insert will be ignored!'
PRINT 'Data doesn''t exists! Proceeding to insert the data!'
//Start inserting the data
Here is the modified SQL Query with IF EXISTS but with another condition.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM userPLs WHERE UserId = 'THE USER ID' AND ProgrammingLanguageId = 'The ID')
PRINT 'Data Already Exists! Insert will be ignored!'
PRINT 'Data doesn''t exists! Proceeding to insert the data!'
//Start inserting the data
The query above will solve your issue. If you are wondering how does it works, below is a simple explanation:
The query will check for the UserId first. Does the UserId has been registered to Database?
Next, the query will also check, does the data that will be inserted to Database (ProgrammingLanguageId) also exists in the Database for the selected user?
If the UserId is already registered and the UserId has the same ProgrammingLanguageId with the ID that will be inserted to database, it will ignore the insert and shows "Data Already Exists! Insert will be ignored"
But IF The UserId is already registered in the Database but HAS NO ProgrammingLanguageId that match with the data that will be inserted, it will start insert the data
For a better usage, I think you should create a trigger that will occur whenever an Insert is being executed.


Making a column unique with one exception

We have an application whose work flow involves submitting information to an outside group and then inputting the user's id number into the system.
For that reason we allow a set default value "00000000" to be put into the id field as a tentative value before the entry is approved and a permanent one is put in.
What I'm looking for is essentially a way to ensure that the column remains unique except for that one value.
What I'm basically looking for is a UNIQUE constraint, however instead of NULL being the blank option it being "00000000". I've considered doing it as part of a CHECK constraint, however that seems like it'd be a big performance hit. (Under the assumption that UNIQUE does some kind of indexing)
Use Filtered Index
as the Following:-
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_yourcolumn_notspecificvalue
ON YourTable(yourcolumn)
WHERE yourcolumn != "00000000";
-- Create Table
Create table Test (id int identity, code varchar (100))
-- Create Unique Filtered Index
ON Test(code)
WHERE code != '00000000';
-- Insert Dumy Data >> '00000000' is repeated and '0101' is once
insert into Test (code)
Values ('00000000'),
select * from Test
The Result:
-- Now try inserting '0101' again
insert into Test (code) Values ('0101')
The Result:
For more details:
Create Filtered Indexes
Approving the user entry through work flow sound like very crucial business logic. I would like to suggest that generate random but unique (like time stamp) number and insert with new user entry. Keep additional column which differentiate ( flag) approved entries from unapproved entries. Once the user gets approval from work flow, update the id and flag.

DB2 locking when no record yet exists

I have a table, something like:
create table state {foo int not null, bar int not null, baz varchar(32)};
create unique index on state(foo,bar);
I'd like to lock for a unique record in this table. However, if there's no existing record I'd like to prevent anyone else from inserting a record, but without inserting myself.
I'd use "FOR UPDATE WITH RS USE AND KEEP EXCLUSIVE LOCKS" but that only seems to work if the record exists.
A) You can let DB2 create every ID number. Let's say you have defined your Customer table
( CustomerID Int NOT NULL
, Name Varchar(50)
, Billing_Type Char(1)
, Balance Dec(9,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT
Insert rows without specifying the CustomerID, since DB2 will always produce the value for you.
(Name, Billing_Type)
(:cname, :billtype);
If you need to know what the last value assigned in your session was, you can then use the IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() function.
B) In my environment, I generally specify GENERATED BY DEFAULT. This is in part due to the nature of our principle programming language, ILE RPG-IV, where developers have traditionally to allowed the compiler to use the entire record definition. This leads me to I can tell everyone to use a sequence to generate ID values for a given table or set of tables.
You can grant select to only you, but if there are others with secadm or other privileges, they could insert.
You can do something with a trigger, something like check the current session, and if the user is your user, then it inserts the row.
if (SESSION_USER <> 'Alex) then
rollback -- or generate an exception
end if;
It seems that you also want to keep just one row, then, you can control that also in a trigger:
select count(0) into value from state
if (value > 1) then
rollback -- or generate an exception
end if;

Insert into ignore duplicates that are not the primary key

I'm trying to find a query for sql that will just insert values but not do it should the value exist. Now ive seen alot of examples but they all rely on primary keys or table to table moves. I just want to add a new row in the table and assuming that one of the collumns doesnt have the same value add it. I know the following wont work but its as close to I think it would be and might just clear it up if my writting is not enough.
INSERT INTO table (txtLastName,txtEmail,txtZip)
Values ('Tester','','12345')
WHERE txtLastName <> 'Tester'
or WHERE txtEmail <> ''
or WHERE txtZip <> '12345'
Using MS SQL Server.
You should create a Unique Constraint composed by the three fields (txtLastName, txtEmail, txtZip).
The links directs you to SQL Server docs, but the concept of unique constraint is RDBMS universal.
Just beware that when you create a Unique Constraint, your duplicate insert will not just fail silently: it will throw an error saying the insert tried to violate the unique constraint. And, of course, it should do that! Make sure your code handles that exception.
Try this:
INSERT INTO table (txtLastName,txtEmail,txtZip)
SELECT 'Tester','','12345'
FROM table
WHERE txtLastName = 'Tester'
AND txtEmail = ''
AND txtZip = '12345'

Including multiple columns in a single index in Postgres

I have a 'users' table with two columns, 'email' and 'new_email'. I need:
A case-insensitive uniqueness constraint covering both columns - i.e., if "" appears in one row's 'email' column, then inserting "" into another row's (or even the same row's) 'new_email' column should fail.
Fast case-insensitive searching for a given email address in either the 'email' or 'new_email' fields - i.e. find the row where the new_email OR email is "", case-insensitive.
I know that I could do this more easily by creating a related 'emails' table, but I'm expecting to be looking up users in this table (by primary key) from several applications, and I'd like to avoid duplicating the join logic in various places to also retrieve their emails. So I think some kind of expression index would be best, if that's possible.
If this isn't possible, I suppose my next best option would be to create a view that the other applications could use to easily fetch a user's emails along with their other information, but I'm not sure how to do that either.
I'm using Postgres 8.4. Thank you!
I think you'll have to use a trigger to enforce your cross-column uniqueness constraint. If you add unique indexes on each column and then a trigger something like this (untested off the top of my head code):
CREATE FUNCTION no_dups_allowed() RETURNS trigger AS $$
r ROW;
FROM users
WHERE LOWER(email) = LOWER(NEW.email_new)
OR LOWER(email_new) = LOWER(;
-- Found a duplicate so it is time for a hissy fit!
RAISE 'Duplicate email address found' USING ERRCODE = 'unique_violation';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
You'd want something like that as a BEFORE INSERT and BEFORE UPDATE trigger. That trigger would take care of catching cross-column duplicates and the unique indexes would take care of in-column duplicates.
Some useful references:
Trigger Procedures
You'll want the individual indexes for your queries anyway and using the uniqueness half of the indexes simplifies your trigger by leaving it to only deal with the cross-column part; if you try to do it all in the trigger, then you'll have to watch out for updating a row without really changing the email or email_new columns.
For the querying half, you could create a view that used a UNION to combine the two columns. You could also create a function to merge the user's email addresses into one list. Hard to say which would be best without know more details of these other queries but I suspect that fixing all the other queries to know about email and email_new would be the best approach; you'll have to update all the other queries to use the view or function anyway so why build a view or function at all?
No need for triggers. Try this:
create table et (email text, email2 text);
create unique index et_u on et (coalesce(lower(email),lower(email2)));
insert into et (email,email2) values ('',NULL);
insert into et (email,email2) values ('',NULL);
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "et_u"
insert into et (email,email2) values (NULL,'');
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "et_u"
insert into et (email,email2) values (NULL,'');
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "et_u"

SQL: dealing with unique values in the table when UNIQUE key constraint isn't applicable

What you do when you need to maintain a table with unique values when you can't use UNIQUE constraint?
For example, I use MySQL and want to map my urls to ids. So I create a table:
The problem is that mysql doesn't allow unique field bigger than 1000 bytes.
How in general do insert only if not exist in sql atomically?
You could create an extra field which would be the hash of a url e.g. md5, and make that hash field unique. You can certainly be sure that the URL is unique then, and with almost 100% certainty you can insert a new URL if it isn't already there.
It is tempting to create a table lock, however creating a table lock will implicitly commit the transaction you are working on:
You could create a single-row table e.g. name mutex, type=InnoDB, insert a row into it, and do a select for update on that row to create a lock which is compatible with transactions. It's nasty but that's the way I do table locks in MySQL in my applications :(
You could use a not exist condition:
insert YourTable
values ('blah blah blah')
where not exists
select *
from YourTable
where url = 'blah blah blah'
In my opinion the best way to handle it is to write a trigger. The trigger is going to check each value in the table to see whether they are equal and if yes, to raise an error. However, I don't think an URL will go beyond 1000 characters but if it does in your case, you should write a trigger to handle the uniqueness.