Why not infer T::Boolean for true and false? - sorbet

Sorbet infers the type of true to be TrueClass, and the type of false to be FalseClass. Often it would be nice if it would instead infer T::Boolean. Why not special case true and false to have the type T::Boolean instead?
It's possible to work around this problem with a type annotation, initializing variables with T.let(true, T::Boolean) for example, but it would be nice to not have to provide this extra information.
# typed: true
T.reveal_type(true) # Revealed type: `TrueClass`
T.reveal_type(false) # Revealed type: `FalseClass`
extend T::Sig
sig {params(x: T::Boolean).void}
def test(x)
var = true
10.times do
var = false # Changing the type of a variable in a loop is not permitted
The assignment of false to var in the loop causes an error to be raised, as the type of var is being changed from TrueClass to FalseClass.

Sorbet's flow-sensitive typing is made more precise by true and false having different types. In the following example, a variable with the value true is used as the condition of an if-statement:
# typed: true
val = true
if val
puts "true!"
puts "false?"
The resulting error from sorbet is:
editor.rb:7: This code is unreachable https://srb.help/7006
7 | puts "false?"
Errors: 1
Behind the scenes, sorbet knows that the value being examined has the type TrueClass, and that the value true is the only value of that type. As a result, it knows that val cannot be false, and that the else branch will never be executed.
Now consider the case where we instead infer the type T::Boolean for true and false. T::Boolean is a synonym for T.any(TrueClass, FalseClass), so in the example it now means that val could be either true or false. As a result, it becomes impossible to tell from the type alone that the else branch will not be executed.
The flow-sensitive typing documentation on sorbet.org has more information on this topic.

Asked the same question today as well.
Ended up fixing it as you suggested with type annotations and initializing with T.let(true, T::Boolean)
# typed: true
extend T::Sig
sig {params(x: T::Boolean).void}
def test(x)
var = T.let(true, T::Boolean)
10.times do
var = T.let(false, T::Boolean)


Make Pydantic chuck error for wrong argument names

Suppose I have the following class:
class ModelConfig(pydantic.BaseModel):
name: str = "bert"
If I were to instantiate it with model_config = ModelConfig(name2="hello"), this simply ignores that there is no name2 and just keeps name="bert". Is there a way to raise an error saying unknown argument in pydantic?
You can do this using the forbid Model Config
For example:
class ModelConfig(pydantic.BaseModel, extra=pydantic.Extra.forbid):
name: str = "bert"
Passing model_config = ModelConfig(name2="hello") will throw an error

ActiveJob::SerializationError: Unsupported argument type: Date/Class

I am getting a weird error while passing class and date to an ActiveJob with the Sidekiq adapter.
1] pry(main)> StripeTransactionsSyncJob.perform_later(Stripe::SyncCharges, nil, 3.days.ago.to_date)
ActiveJob::SerializationError: Unsupported argument type: Class
from /home/amit/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.8#immosite/gems/activejob- `serialize_argument'
[2] pry(main)> StripeTransactionsSyncJob.perform_later('Stripe::SyncCharges', nil, 3.days.ago.to_date)
ActiveJob::SerializationError: Unsupported argument type: Date
from /home/amit/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.8#immosite/gems/activejob- `serialize_argument'
As per the doc, ActiveJob should support both types of arguments out of the box. What is wrong here?
The guide you have referenced in your post refers to the v6.1.4 of Rails. See the version info on top-right corner on that page.
The guide for v5.0 doesn't explicitly specify about the arguments types supported. And looking at the source code (see below) for the version of Rails you are using i.e
def serialize_argument(argument)
case argument
when GlobalID::Identification
when Array
argument.map { |arg| serialize_argument(arg) }
when ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY] = serialize_argument(true)
when Hash
symbol_keys = argument.each_key.grep(Symbol).map(&:to_s)
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY] = symbol_keys
raise SerializationError.new("Unsupported argument type: #{argument.class.name}")
your passed argument types Class and Date are not supported and hence you are getting SerializationError.
Note: Whenever referring to the API-docs or Guide I would recommend to view them for the specific version of Rails you are using.
The Class/Date/DateTime/Time etc were not supported in Rails 5.0. So I need to use String form of data being passed to the Job.
For reference, here is the method(simplified) that does deserialization
def serialize_argument(argument)
case argument
when *[ NilClass, String, Integer, Float, BigDecimal, TrueClass, FalseClass ]
when GlobalID::Identification
when Array
argument.map { |arg| serialize_argument(arg) }
when ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY] = serialize_argument(true)
when Hash
symbol_keys = argument.each_key.grep(Symbol).map(&:to_s)
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY] = symbol_keys
raise SerializationError.new("Unsupported argument type: #{argument.class.name}")

how metamacro_if_eq works in extobjc

Read at the source code https://github.com/jspahrsummers/libextobjc/blob/master/extobjc/metamacros.h#L158
// expands to true
metamacro_if_eq(0, 0)(true)(false)
when is expand the macro metamacro_if_eq(0, 0) manually, i get the following
metamacro_if_eq0(0) (true) (false)
continue expanding.
metamacro_if_eq0_0() (true) (false)
go on.
metamacro_consume_ (true) (false)
metamacro_consume is defined as:
#define metamacro_consume_(...) // why nothing here ?
then how can I get the expected value of "true" ?
Your production is incorrect. The operations go like this:
metamacro_if_eq(0, 0)(true)(false)
metamacro_concat(metamacro_if_eq, 0)(0)(true)(false)
metamacro_concat_(metamacro_if_eq, 0)(0)(true)(false)
metamacro_concat(metamacro_if_eq0_, 0)(true)(false)
metamacro_concat_(metamacro_if_eq0_, 0)(true)(false)
// You made a mistake at this point.
true metamacro_consume_(false)
After the second round of concatenation, true becomes the argument to metamacro_if_eq0_0(). The argument(s) to that macro is/are left in its place. metamacro_consume_() takes any numer of arguments and resolves to nothing.

Calling functions on require()d modules in Lua gives me "attempt to index local 'x' (a boolean value)"

I've read PIL and the ModulesTutorial on creating modules but I'm having trouble require()ing them correctly.
Here is my setup:
-- File ./lib/3rdparty/set.lua
local ipairs = ipairs
module( "set" )
function newSet (t)
local set = {}
for _, l in ipairs(t) do set[l] = true end
return set
-- File ./snowplow.lua
local set = require( "lib.3rdparty.set" )
module( "snowplow" )
local SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = set.newSet { "pc", "tv", "mob", "con", "iot" }
Then if I run snowplow.lua:
lua: snowplow.lua:4: attempt to index local 'set' (a boolean value)
stack traceback:
snowplow.lua:4: in main chunk
[C]: ?
What am I doing wrong in my module definition - what is the boolean exactly? Also, if I append a return _M; at the bottom of my set.lua, then everything starts working - why?
true is usually returned by require if module function is not used inside module and module code doesn't return a value.
But anyway it seems strange.
-- file m0.lua
--file dir1\m1.lua
--file test.lua
for k,v in pairs(package.loaded) do
if k:match'm%d' then print(k, v) end
table: 0036C8C8
table: 0036C8C8
table: 0036B6B0
m0 table: 0036C8C8
m1 table: 0036B6B0
dir1.m1 true
So, you can simply use global variable set instead of local set assigned a value returned by require.
It is recommended to avoid using module function and always return your table at the end of your module. In that case the whole picture is just fine:
-- file m0.lua
return 'string0'
--file dir1\m1.lua
return 'string1'
--file test.lua
for k,v in pairs(package.loaded) do
if k:match'm%d' then print(k, v) end
m0 string0
dir1.m1 string1
UPD2 :
Problem disappears if you replace module( "set" ) with module('lib.3rdparty.set').
So, each module must remember its relative path.
Now you could access it either by calling require'lib.3rdparty.set' or by reading global variable lib.3rdparty.set - the result would be the same.
local moduleName = moduleName
I'm not sure why Lua returns a boolean when you require a module on a different directory, but it seems the module is correctly set on the the global variable. So I simply used that and put it on a local variable with the same name.

Check if a file exists with Lua

How can I check if a file exists using Lua?
function file_exists(name)
local f=io.open(name,"r")
if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end
but note that this code only tests whether the file can be opened for reading.
Using plain Lua, the best you can do is see if a file can be opened for read, as per LHF. This is almost always good enough. But if you want more, load the Lua POSIX library and check if posix.stat(path) returns non-nil.
Lua 5.1:
function file_exists(name)
local f = io.open(name, "r")
return f ~= nil and io.close(f)
I will quote myself from here
I use these (but I actually check for the error):
-- no function checks for errors.
-- you should check for them
function isFile(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
if not isDir(name) then
return os.rename(name,name) and true or false
-- note that the short evaluation is to
-- return false instead of a possible nil
return false
function isFileOrDir(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
return os.rename(name, name) and true or false
function isDir(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
local cd = lfs.currentdir()
local is = lfs.chdir(name) and true or false
return is
os.rename(name1, name2) will rename name1 to name2. Use the same name and nothing should change (except there is a badass error). If everything worked out good it returns true, else it returns nil and the errormessage. If you dont want to use lfs you cant differentiate between files and directories without trying to open the file (which is a bit slow but ok).
So without LuaFileSystem
-- no require("lfs")
function exists(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
return os.rename(name,name) and true or false
function isFile(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
if not exists(name) then return false end
local f = io.open(name)
if f then
return true
return false
function isDir(name)
return (exists(name) and not isFile(name))
It looks shorter, but takes longer...
Also open a file is a it risky
Have fun coding!
If you're using Premake and LUA version 5.3.4:
if os.isfile(path) then
For sake of completeness: You may also just try your luck with path.exists(filename). I'm not sure which Lua distributions actually have this path namespace (update: Penlight), but at least it is included in Torch:
$ th
______ __ | Torch7
/_ __/__ ________/ / | Scientific computing for Lua.
/ / / _ \/ __/ __/ _ \ | Type ? for help
/_/ \___/_/ \__/_//_/ | https://github.com/torch
| http://torch.ch
th> path.exists(".gitignore")
th> path.exists("non-existing")
debug.getinfo(path.exists) tells me that its source is in torch/install/share/lua/5.1/pl/path.lua and it is implemented as follows:
--- does a path exist?.
-- #string P A file path
-- #return the file path if it exists, nil otherwise
function path.exists(P)
return attrib(P,'mode') ~= nil and P
If you are willing to use lfs, you can use lfs.attributes. It will return nil in case of error:
require "lfs"
if lfs.attributes("non-existing-file") then
print("File exists")
print("Could not get attributes")
Although it can return nil for other errors other than a non-existing file, if it doesn't return nil, the file certainly exists.
An answer which is windows only checks for files and folders, and also requires no additional packages. It returns true or false.
io.popen("if exist "..PathToFileOrFolder.." (echo 1)"):read'*l'=='1'
io.popen(...):read'*l' - executes a command in the command prompt and reads the result from the CMD stdout
if exist - CMD command to check if an object exists
(echo 1) - prints 1 to stdout of the command prompt
An answer which is windows only checks for files and folders, and also requires no additional packages. It returns true or false.
You can also use the 'paths' package. Here's the link to the package
Then in Lua do:
require 'paths'
if paths.filep('your_desired_file_path') then
print 'it exists'
print 'it does not exist'
Not necessarily the most ideal as I do not know your specific purpose for this or if you have a desired implementation in mind, but you can simply open the file to check for its existence.
local function file_exists(filename)
local file = io.open(filename, "r")
if (file) then
-- Obviously close the file if it did successfully open.
return true
return false
io.open returns nil if it fails to open the file. As a side note, this is why it is often used with assert to produce a helpful error message if it is unable to open the given file. For instance:
local file = assert(io.open("hello.txt"))
If the file hello.txt does not exist, you should get an error similar to stdin:1: hello.txt: No such file or directory.
For library solution, you can use either paths or path.
From the official document of paths:
Return a boolean indicating whether path refers to an existing file.
Return a boolean indicating whether path refers to an existing directory.
Although the names are a little bit strange, you can certainly use paths.filep() to check whether a path exists and it is a file. Use paths.dirp() to check whether it exists and it is a directory. Very convenient.
If you prefer path rather than paths, you can use path.exists() with assert() to check the existence of a path, getting its value at the same time. Useful when you are building up path from pieces.
prefix = 'some dir'
filename = assert(path.exist(path.join(prefix, 'data.csv')), 'data.csv does not exist!')
If you just want to check the boolean result, use path.isdir() and path.isfile(). Their purposes are well-understood from their names.
If you use LOVE, you can use the function love.filesystem.exists('NameOfFile'), replacing NameOfFile with the file name.
This returns a Boolean value.
How about doing something like this?
function exist(file)
local isExist = io.popen(
'[[ -e '.. tostring(file) ..' ]] && { echo "true"; }')
local isIt = isExist:read("*a")
isIt = string.gsub(isIt, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1')
if isIt == "true" then
return true
return false
if exist("myfile") then
print("hi, file exists")
print("bye, file does not exist")
if you are like me exclusively on Linux, BSD any UNIX type you can use this:
function isDir(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
return os.execute('if [ -d "'..name..'" ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi')
function isFile(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
return os.execute('if [ -f "'..name..'" ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi')
Actually this looks even better:
function isDir(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
return os.execute('test -d '..name)
function isFile(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
return os.execute('test -f '..name)
function exists(name)
if type(name)~="string" then return false end
return os.execute('test -e '..name)
IsFile = function(path)
print(io.open(path or '','r')~=nil and 'File exists' or 'No file exists on this path: '..(path=='' and 'empty path entered!' or (path or 'arg "path" wasn\'t define to function call!')))
Looks good for testing your way. :)