LeakCanary (2.0) blocking the main thread causes my instrumentation tests to fail - instrumentation

when I run my instrumentation tests against the debug version of my app, leak canary will block the UI thread and cause the instrumentation test to fail. I had to revert to the old version. Is there any way to avoid the leakcanary UI or companion app (not sure what is blocking the UI thread) from running, while running the instrumentation tests?

See the doc: https://square.github.io/leakcanary/recipes/#running-leakcanary-in-instrumentation-tests
LeakCanary automatically disables itself by setting LeakCanary.config.dumpHeap to false if it detects classes from the androidx.test dependency in the runtime classpath. If you run UI tests without androidx.test, we strongly advise that you set dumpHeap to false: LeakCanary.config = LeakCanary.config.copy(dumpHeap = false).


`vectorResource` throws RuntimeException when ProGuard applies optimizations

I am using Jetpack Compose 1.0.0-alpha09 with Kotlin 1.4.21. I use vectorResource to load an ImageVector from resources.
All works fine in the design previews and for debug builds. However, when I build a release build with ProGuard, I get the following exception at runtime:
org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: Binary XML file line #1<VectorGraphic> tag requires viewportWidth > 0
at androidx.compose.ui.autofill.AndroidAutofillDebugUtilsKt.vectorResource(AndroidAutofillDebugUtils.kt:142)
at ...
After a long tedious process trying to identify differences between release and debug which may cause this, I have discovered that disabling optimization in ProGuard using -dontoptimize 'solves' this issue.
What exactly causes this discrepancy in behavior? Is this a bug in, Jetpack Compose, ProGuard, or in my configuration of ProGuard?

RunJettyRun plugin and hot swap

I am using Java 1.8.0_144, Eclipse (Oxygen) and RunJettyRun plugin on Windows to test my web application. When I modify the Java code in a non-static method (not change to the method signature or adding a new method), the change does not get reflected unless I shut down and resart RunJettyRun. I did some configuration as shown below, but it was not working.
How can I see code change effective without shutting down RunJettyRun?

Ember.js Mocha tests failing randomly with async code

I’m writing tests for an Ember.js application with Mocha. I use the ember-mocha-adapter from Teddy Zeenny.
As soon as a promise is involved, the tests fail randomly. I usually get this error:
Error: Assertion Failed: You cannot defer readiness since the `ready()` hook has already been called.
Here is a JS Bin testcase. It contains 10 times the same test and usually fails (tested with Firefox and Chromium).
The same tests run fine with QUnit (maybe by chance :)) (JS Bin testcase). How can I make this work with Mocha? I tried wrapping the promise in an Ember.run() call, but it doesn’t solve the problem.
There is another question about the same problem, but the corrected JS Bin proposed by Teddy Zeenny also fails for me.
There are 3 problems with the code:
It should not call mocha.setup(), as is now explained in the README.
The function calls to setup Ember.js for testing should happen outside any Mocha callback, not in before().
mocha.run() should be called like this:
Ember.$(function() {
Here is the fixed JS Bin testcase.
Teddy Zeenny found the solution to this problem in teddyzeenny/ember-mocha-adapter#18.
Really the only reason the qunit is working and mocha isn't is because you're running reset before each test vs after each test.

Yii CAssetManager.basePath is invalid on PHPUnit test

i have a problem to run test. My model use extension Yii mail and then i run test its fail with wrong assert path. Another test runs finaly (model dont use any extensions). Preloading is only log.
I had a similar error and I explicitly set the basePath in config/test.php.
Im solved problem
public function setUp(){
Yii::app()->assetManager->basePath = '../../asserts';
Im dont know why this error throw only in one model...
PhpUnit runs primary in CLI mode and therefore some of environmental variables are missing. Yii's AssetManager uses one of such variable to determine webroot and since the variable does not exist, it will either throw error or set up invalid assets path on first attempt.
In my opinion, this issue is (indirectly) caused by PHPUnit because it only supports CLI testing mode, which makes some things really more difficult to test than it would be in HTTP request mode. Some guys therefore wrote tools to run unit tests via standard web GUI with whole native HTTP environment (e.g. https://github.com/NSinopoli/VisualPHPUnit). Eventually, you may use HTTP clients like Selenium to run your tests as if clicking over the page (see http://phpunit.de/manual/3.7/en/selenium.html).
Nevertheless, it's a matter of subjective opinion - somebody may argue, that testing in CLI mode has advantages, some guys will hate it. But the fact is, that one has to bear in mind differences between HTTP and CLI mode.

Gradle jettyRun: how does this thing work?

Normally, I would start Jetty by constructing a Server instance, setting a connector, a handler, and LifeCycleListener, followed by a call to start() on the Server instance. I haven't the foggiest idea how to make this happen with the jettyRun task in Gradle. The documentation is confusing to me, and I have yet to find an example of how this task works, other than page after page of gradle jettyRun.
This task is appealing to me because it allegedly returns immediately after execution. This is helpful for running Selenium tests after my webapp is running from Jenkins. I tried to do this via a JavaExec task, but this won't work since the JavaExec task does not terminate until the underlying JVM terminates as well.
It sounds like you want to start Jetty for in-container integration tests. Besides having a look at the source code these two posts should get you started:
War and Jetty plugins with http integration tests
Right way to do basic web integration testing?
The key feature you are looking for, starting Jetty in the background, is jettyRun.daemon = true.
What I'm using for integration test in build.gradle is looks like below. I think this code is simple and intuitive.
test {
exclude '**/*IntegrationTest*'
task integrationTest(type: Test) {
include '**/*IntegrationTest*'
doFirst {
jettyRun.httpPort = 8080 // Port for test
jettyRun.daemon = true
doLast {
jettyStop.stopPort = 8091 // Port for stop signal
jettyStop.stopKey = 'stopKey'