Ag Grid- Angular 5: multiple column edit using startCellEditing() - angular5

I have implemented onStartEditing() in ag-grid angular5 to make the multiple column editable. When I click on the edit button the fields becomes editable. But if i click on any rows the editable mode changes.
<button class="editButton" id="editButton"(click)="onStartEditing($event)">EDIT</button>
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this.***.gridOptions && this.***.gridOptions.api) {
rowIndex: i,
colKey: 'xxx',
rowIndex: i,
colKey: 'xxx',
What i want is to retain the editable mode even I click on any rows in the grid.


Angular material 7: Cannot correctly select radio buttons inside component using keyboad

I'm developing an app with Ionic 4/Angular 7/Angular Material 7.
In a screen there's a stepper.
Inside each stepper there's complex forms. Given its complexity I put this form inside components.
Inside the second step there's a radio group. When I open the second step I can set focus on a radio with keyboard, but can't select a radio button. The radio button get a grey circle around but not the color of selection.
In the first step there's also a radio group and in the initial state I can select it using keyboard. But if I open the second step and open the first step again the radio buttons are not selectable too.
I've simulated the situation without components inside the steppers and I was not able to reproduce the problem this way. Then I deduce the problem is caused by the component inside a step after this step is open.
How can I be able to correctly select the radio buttons inside a step?
Palliatively solved through a directive:
import { Directive, HostListener } from '#angular/core';
import { MatRadioButton } from '#angular/material';
selector: 'mat-radio-button'
export class MatRadioCorrectionDirective {
constructor(private host:MatRadioButton) { }
#HostListener('keyup', ['$event'])
onKeyup(event: KeyboardEvent) {
// console.log(event);
event.keyCode == 38 // arrow up
|| event.keyCode == 40 // arrow down
|| event.keyCode == 37 // arrow left
|| event.keyCode == 39 // arrow right
) {
event.preventDefault(); = true;
// TODO: send event;
// setTimeout(() => {
// }, 500);

Dojo - How to set "label" of togglebutton inside a grid from value?

i'm new to Dojo.
I have a "FullEditable" grid, with many columns, and one of them is a widget, it's a ToggleButton. This grid is used to show details of a purchase, so every line represents a product sold. When i click a button inside one of the columns it launches the product (dialog) browser and then the data of that product is passed to the grid. After some work i managed to display the button and being able to set it's label accordingly to the value received from that dialog.
But now i am editing that purchase and i need to be able to do the same, to be able to load the data from the preloaded array with data ("detalle") (as it's label) into the togglebutton, but nothing seems to work, not even the direct assignment of the widget or the row data or anything.
Here's a fragment of my code:
var grid = this;
var selectedRow = grid.row(i);
var cell = grid.cell(selectedRow, 'Moneda');
selectedRow.Moneda = detalle.MonedaItem; //didn't work
if(cell.row !== null && cell.row !== undefined && !== null && !== undefined) = detalle.MonedaItem; //didn't work
if(cell.element !== null && cell.element !== undefined){
cell.element.innerText = detalle.MonedaItem; //didn't work
cell.element.textContent = detalle.MonedaItem; //didn't work
if(detalle.MonedaItem === 'UF')
cell.element.widget.set('checked', true);
if(detalle.MonedaItem === 'CLP')
cell.element.widget.set('checked', false);
cell.element.widget.set('label', detalle.MonedaItem); //didn't work
cell.element.widget.set('value', detalle.MonedaItem); //didn't work
Whenever i set the value through the change event with "cell.element.widget.set('checked', boolean);" i get an error message from the editor, when it tries to get a cell but the variable is null, so it crashes.
The values of "label" and "value" of the widget, en cell are perfectly set, BUT the grid DISPLAYS the "emptyValue" value of the widget and not the one that is actually set.
AFAIK, best way to change the grid data is to update the store/ collection that is associated with the grid and just invoke grid.refresh(). The new data will be loaded automatically.
The statement = detalle.MonedaItem is actually changing the data in your store. Just refresh the grid after this and you are done!
Never try to set something in grid DOM element directly. Always work with store, renderCell and renderColumn. This will ensure consistency in store and grid attributes that reference the store.
I finally managed to get what i need through renderCell like this:
id: 'Moneda',
field: 'Moneda',
label: "Moneda",
renderCell: function (object, value, node, options) {
try {
var button = new ToggleButton({
node: node,
isWidgetInGrid: true,
parameterName: 'codigoMoneda',
label: object.Moneda,
showLabel: true,
onChange: function(newValue){
var grid = this.getParent();
var row = grid.row(this.node);
var data =;
if(this.get('label') === 'CLP')
data.Moneda = 'UF';
this.set('value', 'UF');
data.Moneda = 'CLP';
this.set('value', 'CLP');
catch (ex) {
Debug.log(this.declaredClass, arguments, ex);
emptyValue: 'CLP',
autoSave: true

vuejs, issue with delete on reorder element

remove: function(item) {
var self = this;
var list = this.list;
index= list.indexOf(item);
// console.log(JSON.stringify(this.list));
If I drag an element on 2nd box, if I drag it like first 2, then 3 then 1, and click on delete on right why it causes issue on delete? But there is no issue on delete on box 1?

How to add background-color to text navigation on image slider?

I have an image slider that is controlled by text navigation. The text is highlighted orange when it's relative slide is current in the gallery. I would like the other text to have an inactive state with a black background but cannot get this to work!
(In case that didn't make much sense! Basically, I want background-color orange when current, background-color black when inactive.) THANKS
if(e == 0){
$(this).attr('id', 'handle' + e);
$('.tabs li').each(function(e){
if(e == 0){
$(this).addClass('current'); //adds class current to 1st li
$(this).wrapInner('<a class="title"></a>'); //wraps list items in anchor tag
$(this).children('a').attr('href', '#handle' + e);//adds href to the anchors
t = $(this).children('a').text();
$('#handle' + e).append('<h2>' + t + '</h2>'); //adds h2 and text to big images
$('.tabs li a').click(function(){
c = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
showImage($(c), 20);
$('.tabs li').removeClass('current');
return false;
function showImage(img, duration){
"opacity" : 0.0,
"zIndex" : 2
img.animate({opacity:1.0}, duration, function(){
function rotateImages(){
var curPhoto = $("div.current");
var nxtPhoto =;
var curTab = $(".tabs li.current");
var nxtTab =;
if (nxtPhoto.length == 0) {
nxtPhoto = $('#featured div:first');
nxtTab = $('.tabs li:first-child');
showImage(nxtPhoto, 300);
function runRotateImages(){
xx = setInterval("rotateImages()", 5000);
I have added a jsfiddle -
However, on jsfiddle it does not seem to automatically cycle through the images, not sure why, have no problems in browser.
Try using not() method:
Basically, you need to create a new class disabled
Then, add the following line to your's each loop:
$(".tabs li").not(".current").addClass('disabled'); //add disabled class for non-current tabs
At last you need to remove disabled class in the rotateimage() function before assigning current and then disable non-current again. like this:
nxtTab.removeClass('disabled'); //remove diabled class
$(".tabs li").not(".current").addClass('disabled'); // disable non-current again
Working jsfiddle here:
This might not be the perfect solution but you will need to tweak it a little bit.
Hope this helps.

Cycle Jquery UI Tab on "previous" and "next" button

I am using Jquery UI Tabs for my website.
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery('#myTabs').tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle' }});
var jQuerytabs = jQuery('#myTabs').tabs();
var selected = jQuerytabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
jQuerytabs.tabs('select', selected+1);
var jQuerytabs = jQuery('#myTabs').tabs();
var selected = jQuerytabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
jQuerytabs.tabs('select', selected-1);
As you can see that i have been using the previous next button to move from one tab to another.
My question is "When i click on next and if the last tab is open then automatically the first tab should get open, and similarly When i click on previous and if the first tab is open then automatically the last tab should get open"
Please help me out, i am stuck from over 3 days now and no solution. I have searched a lot on net but no solution for this.
You can count the number of .ui-tabs-panel elements.
jQuery(window).load(function() {
var $tabs = jQuery('#myTabs');
fx: {
opacity: 'toggle'
var amount = $tabs.find('.ui-tabs-panel').length;
jQuery('.next-product').click(function() {
var selected = $tabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
$tabs.tabs('select', selected + 1 === amount ? 0 : selected + 1);
jQuery('.previous-product').click(function() {
var selected = $tabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
$tabs.tabs('select', selected === 0 ? amount - 1 : selected - 1);
select your tab element already and re-use the selector var $tabs = jQuery('#myTabs');, it'll be more efficient
no need to re-call .tabs() on your click handlers