Cucumber in IntelliJ: Shouldn't selecting a test item display its data? - intellij-idea

Suppose I am running a cucumber scenario inside IntelliJ 2019.2 .
All the tests passed successfully.
When I click the test item in the tree - should I see the test information?
I do see the scenario and feature information, but then I have to search the specific test info.
Some images for illustration:
However, for a specific test - no info:


Cucumber after each test I need to run a specific scenario, same as Background. Background is for before each, do we have similar for after each

Groups page functionality
Given When the user logs in
Then add the test group
Scenario: Verify the groups list page
When the user opens the groups page
Then the group's page title should be visible
Cucumber does not have an after hook like background, but there is a workaround: if you want to run a after hook for a specific feature file then add a tag to the feature file, and then use that tag to write an after hook in the env file.
The given example is for capyabra with ruby
Feature: test feature file
env.rb file
After('#test_tag') do
# code for after hook
If you want to run an after hook for a specific scenario, use the same method. Add a tag for the scenario and pass it in after hook.
After('scenario1') do
# code
If you want a general after hook to run after every scenario, then we can directly write the After hook without tag
After do
# code
Note: The scenario parameter passed gives information for the scenario e.g scenario.failed? to check if the scenario ran successfully if you want to run logic not associated with scenario details in the After hook you can omit the parameter
After do|scenario|
if scenario.failed?

Scenario outline step definition is not reachable and also UndefinedThrowable

In my Scenario outline with Examples data, feature file, I can't navigate or run the steps with included Example column. See as shown.
The initial steps under 'Given' keyword are able to be navigable and invoked fine, during normal run. The blue color 'username', 'password', and 'facility' are coming from Excel file. Where as the yellow color highlighted steps which contains the Scenario Outline Examples-columns are neither navigable, nor recognizable by the Cucumber run time. They display this message for each step: io.cucumber.junit.UndefinedThrowable: This step is undefined
I am using the latest IntelliJ IDE with latest cucumber plugin.
The solution I found is with respect to the step definition like for
And User enters recipient as recipient_email
And("^ User enters recipient as recipient_email(.*)$")
public void userEntersRecipientasRecipient_Email(String email){

Allure reports not showing categories section with webdriverio and cucumber

Once I execute the test, allure reports have two problems I am facing.
Currently Categories is showing as empty. There is nothing in that tab.
In suites section, the testbody is shown with request and response messages. How can I change with test steps and screenshots.
Categories Shown empty
Categories tabs shows failing tests. Actually you don't have any failing tests

Is the Selenium IDE test case property "Title" accessible to my script?

For example, if I create a new test case in the IDE, and it appears in the left hand side window pane, then right click that test case and chose "Properties", there are two properties available ... one of them is "Title".
The IDE allows one to create separate titles for each test case, even if you have included the same test case twice.
For example, I might have a script where I want to login twice (just an example only to serve the purpose of this question).
I could provide a title for the first instance of the login.html test case as "1st login", then add some test case, logout, and login again ... then title the second instance of the login.html test case as "2nd Login".
This is very handy. However, I want to be able to access the title value in the test itself. In that way, I might know that I am on the first or second instance of the same test case file.
I know some of you may have other opinions about how to accomplish the goal, but keep in mind, I am only using this as an example ...
I want to find out if the "Title" is available to me programmatically during a test run.
I'm not sure I understand your question, but maybe this can help.
"storeLocation" command is useful to store current selected window's URL in selenium IDE. The web application's URL will be stored into variable "varTitle1" and you will be able to use that variable value anywhere in your script.
*Command - Target*
open -
storeLocation - varTitle
echo - ${varTitle}
"storeTitle" command is storing title of current opened software web application's title. It will store current selected windows title in to variable "varTitle2".
Command - Target
open -
storeTitle - varTitle2
echo - ${varTitle2}

Fitnesse test suite with variables

Is it possible to set up a variable within the test suite so that it can be passed down to the setup fit page as a parameter value?
Sure. Use a !define xxx {yyy} on the suite page and a ${xxx} on the SetUp page. Make sure the SetUp page and all the test pages are children of the Suite page.
Have a look at the FlowFixture, this contains the keyword name.
More info at: