Allure reports not showing categories section with webdriverio and cucumber - webdriver-io

Once I execute the test, allure reports have two problems I am facing.
Currently Categories is showing as empty. There is nothing in that tab.
In suites section, the testbody is shown with request and response messages. How can I change with test steps and screenshots.
Categories Shown empty

Categories tabs shows failing tests. Actually you don't have any failing tests


Cypress making a duplicate of DOM element

The Cypress for some reason produces a duplicate of an element, which makes it hard to make certain assertions.
We're working in the WordPress environment with our plugin and the flow of the test is:
Creating a page with our plugin
Adding an element (Post Grid in this case)
Changing some attributes
Saving the page
Viewing the page
E.g. A post grid is a usual div element which contains two items (links to blog posts) in it, but due to its being duplicate, the following assertion fails.
.should('be.eq', 2)
Our plugin utilizes an iframe and generates content (HTML) inside it.
Note: This issue occurs only sometimes, NOT 100% of the time.
Is it a Cypress specific issue or a reaction for WordPress and possibly our plugin environment?

Cucumber in IntelliJ: Shouldn't selecting a test item display its data?

Suppose I am running a cucumber scenario inside IntelliJ 2019.2 .
All the tests passed successfully.
When I click the test item in the tree - should I see the test information?
I do see the scenario and feature information, but then I have to search the specific test info.
Some images for illustration:
However, for a specific test - no info:

How to capture screenshot on failure scenario and attach it to report in testcafe?

I'm using an HTML reporter in testcafe. Is it possible to capture a screenshot on the failure scenario and add that screenshot to report?
I'm able to capture a screenshot of failure scenarios. How to add it to an HTML report?
Does testcafe supports 'Extent' reports and 'beautify' reports?

Is there a way to get a QTP to fail a test if a particular element appears on a web page

I am trying to test a JSP based web application with QTP. On some of the pages the JSP is coded to return a particular div element, which will have an ID attribute, to the browser, only of the underlying model has a certain boolean flag set. I'd like to be able to develop a QTP test that fails if the div is present in the returned web page. However, the QTP documentation doesn't seem to have any details on how to do this.
The point is to detect if the condition applies and then explicitly fail the test.
If Browser("b").Page("p").WebElement("html tag:=div", "html id:=theId").Exist Then
''# Report failure
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Element Exists", "It shouldn't"
''# if you also want to stop the test
End If
The default behavior for QTP is to write in 'Report' when a check point fails. i.e. if an element is not found on the page , automatically the QTP will write in the log report. In order to disable that , and to customize your report depending on your test scenarios, you can disable the report logging from the
beginning and write only in case you found an abnormal behavior.
Reporter.Filter = rfDisableAll
'check point validations
Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll

Fitnesse test suite with variables

Is it possible to set up a variable within the test suite so that it can be passed down to the setup fit page as a parameter value?
Sure. Use a !define xxx {yyy} on the suite page and a ${xxx} on the SetUp page. Make sure the SetUp page and all the test pages are children of the Suite page.
Have a look at the FlowFixture, this contains the keyword name.
More info at: