Load data in hive table stored in s3 whose location is stored in another static s3 location - amazon-s3

I need to load an s3 data in hive table. This s3 location is dynamic and is stored in another static s3 location.
The dynamic s3 location which I want to load in hive table has path format
and the static location has data format
{"datasetDate": "datePublished", "s3Location": "s3://s3BucketName/some-path/yyyy-MM-dd"}
Is there a way to read this data in hive? I searched about this a lot but could not find anything.

You can read JSON data from your static location file, parse s3Location field and pass it as a parameter to your add partition clause.
Possible way to read json is using Hive. You can use some other means for the same.
Example using Hive.
create table data_location(location_info string)
LOCATION 's3://s3BucketName/some-static-location-path/';
Then get the location in the shell script and pass it as a parameter to ADD partition statement.
For example you have table named target_table partitioned by datePublished. You can add partitions like this:
data_location=$(hive -e "set hive.cli.print.header=false; select get_json_object(location_info,'$.s3Location') from data_location")
#get partition name
partition=$(basename ${data_location})
#Create partition in your target table:
hive -e "ALTER TABLE TARGET_TABLE ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (datePublished='${partition}') LOCATION '${data_location}'"
If you do not want partitioned table, then you can use
ALTER TABLE SET LOCATION instead of adding partition:
hive -e "ALTER TABLE TARGET_TABLE SET LOCATION='${data_location}'"
If it is only the last subfolder name is dynamic (which is date) and base directory is always the same, like s3://s3BucketName/some-path/, only yyyy-MM-dd is changing, you can create table once with location s3://s3BucketName/some-path/ and issue RECOVER PARTITIONS statement. In this case you do not need to read the content of file with location specification. Just schedule RECOVER PARTITIONS to get new partition attached on daily basis.


How to create/copy data to partitions in hive manually

I am working on a hive solution wherein I need to append some values to the high volume files. So instead of appending them, I am trying using map-reduce method
The approach is below
Table creation:
create external table demo_project_data(data string) PARTITIONED BY (business_date string, src_sys_file_nm string, prd_typ_cd string)
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/demo/project/data';
hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse/demo/project/data/business_date='20180707'/src_sys_file_nm='a_b_c_20180707_1.dat.gz'/prd_typ_cd='abcd'
echo "ALTER TABLE demo_project_data ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(business_date='20180707',src_sys_file_nm='a ch_ach_fotp_20180707_1.dat.gz',prd_typ_cd='ach')
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/demo/project/data/business_date='20180707'/src_sys_file_nm='a_b_c_20180707_1.dat.gz'/prd_typ_cd='abcd';"|hive
hadoop fs -cp /apps/tdi/data/a_b_c_20180707_1.dat.gz /user/hive/warehouse/demo/project/data/business_date='20180707'/src_sys_file_nm='a_b_c_20180707_1.dat.gz'/prd_typ_cd='abcd'
echo "INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '/user/20180707' select *,'~karthick~kb~demo' from demo_project_data where src_sys_file_nm='a_b_c_20180707_1.dat.gz' and business_date='20180707' and prd_typ_cd='abcd';"|hive
I have some amount of data in the file but I dont see any results in the above query. The files are properly copied under the correct location.
What is that I am making wrong? Query has no issues
Also I will be looping over multiple dates. I would like to know if this is the right way to do it.
You can Use below command to fetch the results from the partition -
MSCK REPAIR TABLE <tablename>;

How to query data from gz file of Amazon S3 using Qubole Hive query?

I need get specific data from gz.
how to write the sql?
can I just sql as table database?:
Select * from gz_File_Name where key = 'keyname' limit 10.
but it always turn back with an error.
You need to create Hive external table over this file location(folder) to be able to query using Hive. Hive will recognize gzip format. Like this:
create external table hive_schema.your_table (
col_one string,
col_two string
stored as textfile --specify your file type, or use serde
See the manual on Hive table here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+DDL#LanguageManualDDL-CreateTableCreate/Drop/TruncateTable
To be precise s3 under the hood does not store folders, filename containing /s in s3 represented by different tools such as Hive like a folder structure. See here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42877381/2700344

Reading mutiple directories using HIVE external table

I have a directory in HDFS (say /user/hduser/table1) and under that directory there are multiple directories for different timestamps like /user/hduser/table1/20160912000000 , /user/hduser/table1/20160912100000 and /user/hduser/table1/20160912121000
How can I read all the files which are under those three directories through one HIVE external table. Means what do I have to specify in HIVE table's LOCATION parameter.
I am able to read nested folders with the below settings.
set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true;
set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true;
I did set it while creating the table and then able to select data from the table. Location keyword I mentioned as below
LOCATION '/user/hduser/table1/'
Try below code
CREATE TABLE TABLEname (coll INT, coll STRING, coll INT)
LOCATION ‘/user/hduser/table1/*/*’;

External Table in Hive - Location

The below table returns no data while running a select statement
LOCATION '/user/data/CSV/2016/1/27/*/part-*';
I need my hive to point to a dynamic folder so as a mapreduce job puts a part file in a folder and hive loads into the table.
Is there any way the location be made dynamic like
or just /user/data/CSV/* would do fine ?
(The same code works fine when created as internal table and loaded with the file path - hence there is no issues due to formatting)
First of, your table definition is missing columns. Second, external table location always points to folder, not particular files. Hive will consider all files in the folder to be data for the table.
If you have data that is generated e.g. on a daily basis by some external process you should consider partitioning your table by date. Then you need to add a new partition to the table when the data is available.
Hive does not iterate through multiple folders -
Hence for the above scenario
I ran a command line argument that iterates through these multiple folders and cat (print to the console) all the part files and then put it to a desired location.(that Hive points to)
hadoop fs -cat /user/data/CSV/*/*/*/*/part-* | hadoop fs -put - <destination folder>
This line
LOCATION '/user/data/CSV/2016/1/27/*/part-*';
Does not look correct, I don't think that the table can created from multiple locations. Have you tried just importing by a single location to confirm this?
Could also be the delimiter you're using is not correct. If you are using a CSV file to import your data try delimitating by ','.
You can use an alter table statement to change the locations. In the example below partitions are based on dates where data is stored in time dependent file locations. If I want to search many days I have to add an alter table statement for each location. This idea may extend to your situation quite well. You create a script to generate the create table statement as below using some other technology such as python.
alter table foo add partition (date='20160201') location /user/data/CSV/20160201/data;
alter table foo add partition (date='20160202') location /user/data/CSV/20160202/data;
alter table foo add partition (date='20160203') location /user/data/CSV/20160203/data;
alter table foo add partition (date='20160204') location /user/data/CSV/20160204/data;
You can use as many add and drop statements you need to define your locations. Then your table can find data held in many locations in HDFS rather than having all your files in one location.
You may also be able to leverage a
create table like
statement. To create a schema like you have in another table. Then alter the table to point at the files you want.
I know this isn't exactly what you want and is more of a work around. Good luck!

HiveQL Where In Clause That Points to a Set of Files

I have a set of ~100 files each with 50k IDs in them. I want to be able to make a query against Hive that has a Where In clause using the IDs from these files. I could also do this directly from Groovy, but I'm thinking the code would be cleaner if I did all of the processing from Hive instead of referencing an external Set. Is this possible?
Create an external table describing the format of your files, and set the location to the HDFS path of a directory containing the files.. i.e for tab delimited files
create external table my_ids(
id bigint,
other_col string
row format delimited fields terminated by "\t"
stored as textfile
location 'hdfs://mydfs/data/myids'
Now you can use Hive to access this data.