React Native TabView Swipe - react-native

Iam looking React Native swipe tabs. Right now using "React Native Tab View" it as an issue like lazy loading, flatlist won't work, Tab indicator get delay. please suggest a good package or how to do swipeable tab in react-native. Thanks
"React Native Tab View"

You can try react-native-scrollable-tab-view . I have implemented in lot of projects and working fine

You can try Material Top Tabs Navigator #react-navigation/material-top-tabs, more info at


React Native horizontal scroll menu navigation

How can I achieve this effect in react native expo? mainly the navigating from one screen to another and with the screen headers at the top.
You can use react-navigation, for example with createMaterialTopTabNavigator.
here an example on how to do it.
Then you can customize the headers as you prefer:
I also found this library that was helpful

How should I implement the mini player like spotify using React Native?

I am thinking of using Bottom Tab Bar or a Bottom Sheet, but I am unable to make it visible on all screens of my Stack Navigator.
Any idea or suggestion will be hugely appreciated.
You probably need to use redux, and modal from react-native and wrap your component to the root.
if you use component in the root then you can use it anywhere with the help of redux.

Can i disable hardware overview button (a recent button) on a phone in react native?

I need disable a recent button. It is possible to implement this functionality when using react native?
About disable recent button when use react native i didn't find any thing. The difficulty is that my project uses expo, therefore i don't can use native modules Image for the button which must to be disabled
As I understand your question, you want to hide android navigation bar. There are 2 ways to achieve that:
Use React Native libraries: There are some libraries supporting you to hide navigation bar.
Hide Android Navigation Bar in React Native
How to hide React Native NavigationBar
How to hide android system' s bottom navigation bar in React Native App without changing MainActivity? Maybe through AndroidManifest?
Write a simple native module to do that: First, you need to read React Native document about Native Modules for Android. If you know how to use that, you can start searching: "android hide navigation bar". For example: How to hide navigation bar permanently in android activity?
In case you have any problems about creating native modules, just provide information about them.

React Navigator and React Native Interactable libraries

How to use ReactNavigator ( in pair with ReactNative Interactable( for animated transiotion between Navigator states ?
Has anyone tried this ?
In general I need to create a component, which takes routes config like StackNavigator proposes from React Navigator library and this component should gets left/right/top/bottom screens views and show then on swipe from left/right/top/bottom sides of the phone respectively.
So StackNavigator is suitable for me. But I need to switch between routes with screen custom animation. And I need to has a possibility to swipe from the any side of the phone device!
Help please!! Thanks!

React Native - Is it possible to add more than one RightButton to react native Navigator?

I would like to have two buttons on the right side of the navbar. I am using the React Native Navigator component. I know I can put a button to the right side of the navbar but how can I put more than one?
Something like that.
On Android if you are using ToolbarAndroid you can pass an array of items to actions prop.
On iOS if you are using NavigatorIOS unfortunately there is no way you can do such a thing but if you are using Navigator you can design it yourself