Office UI Fabric React Word Addin some icons are not showing - office-ui-fabric

I found 3 sets of icons on the web for Fabric:
Developer documentation, select the "Fabric Core" at the bottom of page
Developer documentation, select the "Fabric React" at the bottom of page
I believe currently I can only use the icons in "Fabric Core" list. E.g I can use "AddNotes", but not "AddIn".
How can I use the icons in other sets?
I am using office-ui-fabric-REACT. I have following in the code:
import { initializeIcons } from "office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Icons";


how to display application in flat list in react native

How can I display a list of installed applications in React Native and show their respective icons along with their names?
How to display a list of installed applications in React Native, including:
Retrieving the list of installed applications
Displaying the names and icons of the applications
Implementing the display using the best practices and efficient methodologies in React Native.
I would probably use this library:
Initialize the library, get list of apps and persist it in some form of state.
Create a component with a list that uses the previous saved state to render the elements.

Is there a library for viewing and editing word documents within react native?

I am trying to make a mobile app that allows for viewers to view and edit word documents. I would like the view to be as similar as the official MS word app as possible.
I saw that the library syncfusion works with react but I could not get it working with react native.
Any advice would be much appreciated.

Can we use Kendo-React UI in React-Native?

I want to use Kendo UI React with my React Native application but I got some problems with the getting started.
I followed every step inside but I encounter this error : "Invariant Violation: View config not found for name button"
So is there a way to use it in my react native mobile application ?
Kendo React canĀ“t be implemented in React native at the moment. Telerik is considering since August last year to implement it according to market demand.
You should consider a different UI library or stack for your project.
Nativescript can be a valid option depending on your needs.

How to find fontAwsome icon's name

I'm trying to use font-awesome icons in a react native app, therefore I installed it and imported it using react-native-vector-icons :
import Icon from "react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome";
<Icon name="map-pin" />
however I don't know where to find the name of the icons, I browsed in the font awesome web site, found some icons, but when I tried to use them, it doesn't work for example in their website this icon's name is abacus, however, when I use it in my app, I get a warning and the icon doesn't display.
You can get the icon names from here
You can use to find the icon names. It has all the icons in the react-native-vector-icons library.
As you said, you can get the names from the official FontAwesome Webiste, but you need to be careful. There are regular icons and pro icons. The pro icons are marked with a small blue banner on the right top. By default, only the free/regular icons are available in the react-native-vector-icons package.
Regular Icon:
Pro Icon
As you can see, the abacus icon is a pro icon and therefore not available in the free tier.

Why is my text from TextView not showing in the Preview of Android Studio?

I was trying the basic Hello World program on Android Studio.
The "Hello World" text from TextView does not show on the Preview. Even if I change the Hello World to something else, I do not get it on screen. What am I doing wrong?
The Android Studio version is 3.1.3
The error can be fixed by the following steps:
Go to GradleScripts (Top Left Corner)-> build.gradle(Module:app) ->
in dependencies change
implementation '' to
implementation ''
Then press Sync Now in Top Right Corner(Download Updates if necessary)
The Preview will start working.
You can watch this video as well to fix the issue
Video Link-
You must also use Theme of IntelliJ(White Theme) as Dark Theme is having rendering issues.
You can watch this video to see how to change Theme in Android Studio
Change the device in Editor.You will get the text .Now in screenshot Nexus 4 is selected .