Can I direct a cpanel folder to a domain name hosted with a different registrar? - cpanel

I'm wondering if this is possible and I'm not sure that it is. Before I explain, I found one other post [here]: Separate Domain Registrar and Host, possible to use CDN? which sounds similar to my problem, but I specifically don't want to point the Name Servers away. I only mention this because my question is going to sound very similar.
So I'm trying to help a friend who has a Domain Name registered on Site A (let's assume it's a place like Wix). He also has a hosting package on Site B (to have cpanel access for a site he had built with HTML & PHP).
for example:
1. is hosted on Wix with a template website
2. "database" is a cpanel folder on Site B
Is there a way to have link to the "database" folder on Site B's hosting -- without changing the Name Servers?

I don’t believe you can point a directory to a completely different server or hosting package.
However creating a sub domain instead could be your answer.
Is there anything stopping you from using and creating an A record for this in your domain registrar and point it to the hosting package of database?


Swap primary domains on GoDaddy cpanel hosting

I have two domains hosted on GoDaddy cpanel - one is the primary and the other is an Addon. Each of the two domains has a live website hosted on it (both sites developed on Wordpress). Basically I just need to swap the Addon domain to become the primary domain. What's the best way of doing this?
I have researched and there are different approaches I gathered.
1- First approach is, to swap the primary domain website files (on File Manager) to be in a sub-folder under public_html. While the Addon domain website files to be placed directly under the root of the Public_HTML folder. Also to go into the Addon Domains option in cpanel, and do something about adding the "connect" to the Addon. I didn't understand what this meant. I can see my Addon domain is in the Addon Domains list. But not sure what else I need to do there?
2- Or I saw another way is, to create subfolders for each website and specify in the .htaccess (in the public_html) the folder which you want to be the main domain (after copying some template script of .htaccess and modyfying the main domain part of the script to be your domain). Then login to the Wordpress admin and in Setting ensure the wordpress address (url) and site address (url) are pointing to the correct sub folder under the domain hosted. Apparently the purpose of this approach is not to place an entire website folders and files directly under the root of public_html, which is very messy. But to keep each website organised in its own sub folder.
So which approach is more recommended? I.e. which is the least messy?
My last question is, I already have the main domain website folders and files directly under the root of the public_html. I don't know which folders and files belong to the website, that I need to move to a subfolder. Under the public_html, I have the following folders (exclusing subfolder of other websites, which obviously belongs to the other websites). I don't which of these folder are part of the main website (to move into a sub folder) and which folders are meant to stay under the public_html:
Please refer to the info below about the hosting info (in case it's required):
Hosting Package: Ultimate
cPanel Version: 78.0 (build 27)
Apache Version: 2.4.39
PHP Version: 5.6.40
Operating System: linux
Many thanks
Here is the solution to your question.
If you want to swap both site's data (add-on and primary domain) then first take the backup(files and databases) of both websites using some plugin (As you are using WordPress).
Then set add-on domain as primary domain.
Now primary domain will become parked domain and add this parked domain as add-on domain and install a fresh WordPress on it.
Now you can simply restore backup of both sites using the plugin you had used for backup.
For Reference you can relate to this video.

Point domain name to specific folder on server

I am currently working on a CMS type of site where users can create websites on my server.
I want to be able to create subdomains for the user's website for them to see the preview.
The next step would be for users to be able to point their domain name to my server, and when users go to the domain it would go to their own designated folder on my server.
How would I go about doing this automatically with php, I have been looking for solutions with no avail.
I currently have a Virtual Server with hostgator. Please advise, or point me in the right direction. Any solutions are welcome as well, I am pretty much stuck at this point.
Thank you very much.
For example, if my domain is, when a user makes an account, the subdomain is created. Later down the line, if the user buys the domain name, I want to make it so that if is entered, it shows what is on The URL should still show
The answer is depends on which web server you are using ?(apache / nginx or any other)
You need to have separate directory for each sub domain you created
In your virtual host configuration you need to match the host name and get the subdomain as a parameter to set the root directory for your host name.
CNAME is also possible but if you can tell your web server there is a possibility for detailed answer.

How to exclude subdomain directory from main website

I've setup a VPS with apache2.
I am using cloudflare for DNS management.
Now, I have my websites's files in "var/www/website" folder. Inside that, there is another folder for forum. like "var/www/website/forum" inside which there are all forum related files.
Now, suppose I have pointing to "var/www/website"
and I also have a subdomain pointing to "var/www/website/forum".
What I want to do is make the files inside "var/www/website/forum" accessible via subdomain only. I don't want users to access forum via, but I want them to access it only via ""
What you need to do is set up what's called a virtual host. You would put your forum at /var/www/forum and website at /var/www/website.
inside /etc/apache2/sites-available, you'll need to add an additional configuration file for that site called
You'll then need to create a symbolic link to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled for that file so that apache sees it. From there, you reboot the server and are good to go.
Here's some documentation:
This may be a bit different depending on the flavor of linux, but should be about the same. Control panels like Cpanel, Plesk and WebMan can make this process a bit easier by abstracting the configuration to a web control panel.
Hope this helps you.

What's the directory structure should be for multiple domains under a single user? (apache)

I have an account on some VPS(friend's apache server with cPanel) and there I have one public_html directory.
We have in there about 5-6 websites:
but I don't like this way, I'd like to orginise it better and be able to separate and isolate some stuff for each website.
So what if I create like that:
/home/myusername/websites/ and so on
Would it be a correct way of structurising web directories?
And would apache work like that?
Perhaps there are out there some other conventions or common workarounds?
This is perfectly fine. In fact I'd highly recommend against using the domain folder as the document root as typical web application will also contain data that is not publically accessable (e.g. configuration files, management scripts, version control files, etc.)
Personally I prefer the name htdocs and I keep my sites under /srv/http
For example:
That way you can set the DocumentRoot to the htdocs directory and put other stuff that is not meant to be delivered by the web server in a different sub directory of the domain directory.
Ok, I want just to conclude and to outline the way I went with.
Thanks to #bikeshedder for ideas!
So having a single account(none-root) /home/myusername/ under linux VPS server, I didn't want to abstract completely from existent directory structure, but at the same time I wanted to create proper environment to isolate and separate clients and their spaces.
Main goals were:
* The new directory structure should help to keep all files and folders in a nice and clear order.
* Easy to navigate and browse.
* Each developer or client would have access only to their space.
The structure:
As result:
* We have isolated client's space and isolated domain space. That makes enough room for any type of web projects.
* Files and dirs are not mixed up with other projects, domains and clients anymore.
* For subdomain paths it can be
- as subdirectories /
- or additional subdomain directory / on requirements or size of subdomain website.
* Public_html is going to be a DocumentRoot for each website.
I did not go for srv/ and var/www dirs, cuz to me it sounds like server in the server and also I don't feel variable data var/ in current setup falls under web stuff.
Though it may make sense for our coming soon local web/file sharing server
But here now I have another question:
How would I specify new path to be a default one for cPanel? and only for my user?
Cuz now there is going to be multiple DocumentRoot directories in one user space.
Is that possible by Apache design?
I better create new question :) And then will edit my question with answer
Any suggestion welcome!
Normally go with this once hosting from 5-30++ sites, depending on complexity of content, traffic, perceived future migration strategies to more dedicated virtual or bare metal servers/instances.

Building a service for a Drupal site to duplicate a node to another Drupal site in a multi-site setup

I'm trying to set up one of my Drupal sites to push a node to another Drupal site in a multi-site configuration. It looks like I need to do this with services somehow, but I can't find any tutorials out there and I need at least to be pointed in the right direction.
What I believe I need is set up Services on the receiving site to accept a call from the sending site which will be sending the node object via Json or serialized PHP using a Key that was set up on the receiving site. Can anyone show me an example of this working or give me some insight?
have you checked out the deploy module on d.o ( It's a great tool to push changes (also nodes) from one installation to another. It uses the services module for the communication.
I have not tested it with a multisite installation, but I guess it should work if at least the domain names are different for each site.