ArcGIS 3.28, clear() except specific graphics - arcgis-js-api

In ArcGIS 3.28, I need to use clear() but exclude some graphics, is there a method to do this? I don't want to remove all the graphics on a layer

Well, ArcGIS JS API provides two way to remove the graphics:
clear() click here for more details...
remove(graphic) click here for more details...
In both the cases there is no provision to provide remove condition so I don't think you can directly remove the the feature base on certain condition.
However still if you need to achieve this below is the same for it-
var graphicsList =;
for (i = 0; i < graphicsList.length; i++) {
Hoping above sample will help you to achieve the same.


Programmatically update the signal for a multi-click in vega/vega-lite

Following the example on the website:
I want to programmatically set the selections via signals. I realize that I could emulate a click by doing the following
VEGA_DEBUG.view.signal("select_tuple", {"unit":"","fields":[{"type":"E","field":"_vgsid_"}],"values":[1]})
However, I cannot proceed to select another, e.g., the shift select of the 2
VEGA_DEBUG.view.signal("select_tuple", {"unit":"","fields":[{"type":"E","field":"_vgsid_"}],"values":[2]})
This makes sense, since only shift-click accumulates the state.
I tried modifying the accumulated signal
VEGA_DEBUG.view.signal("select", {"_vgsid_":[1,2],"vlMulti":{"or":[{"_vgsid_":1},{"_vgsid_":2}]}})
However, this does not help. Is this not possible? I understand that a custom solution may be possible in hand-rolled vega, as opposed to that compiled from vega-lite.
Just need to set VEGA_DEBUG.view.signal("select_toggle", true) before adding the new select!!
After much research I made this example of how to change the vega-lite brush programmatically
Using #koaning example this stack overflow question I figured that you can change the brush by updating "brush_y" (assuming that your selection is called brush) or change the selection using "brush_tuple" (which doesn't seem to update the brush mark)
viewof chart = {
const brush = vl.selectInterval("brush").encodings("y");
const base = vl
vl.color().if(brush, vl.value("steelblue")).value("gray")
update = {
// From
// brush_y -> brush_tuple -> brush
// Updates on pixels
chart.signal("brush_y", [by0, maxY / 2]);
await chart.runAsync();
Crossposting here in case it might be useful for anyone

Prestashop disable Layout from module

I've created an API module in prestaShop and I am generating an XML output to a certain CMS page. Thing is that I can't disable the layout.
I just need to render the XML output from the module (and no html).
Any ideas please? (I am not using the webservice classes)
At least.. Is it possible to do this from a module?
Override the method "display" of your controller and output whatever you want.
If you do not want to display layout, do not call parent::display().
I have a problem like you. And I knew how to disable it.
You just need add two lines below to your module:
$this->display_header = false;
$this->display_footer = false;
public function initContent(){
$this->display_header = false;
$this->display_footer = false;

ExpandableListView in iOS

I am trying to get my brain around what I can and can't reasonably do UI-wise in a multi-platform app. Initially we are only concerned about iOS and Android, but may need a mobile Windows version eventually.
The specific question is: How do I replicate the Android ExpandableListView functionality in iOS? I've tried a few searches, but haven't found a hint. The key I need is collapsible sections. Is that doable with an iOS listview? If so, do you have/know of an example?
The related non-specific question is: What advice do you have for someone just starting out developing in multimobilemono? I've been working from Greg Shackles' excellent book, "Mobile Development in C#" (which has been wildly helpful!), so I've got some basics. But I'm sure there are some hidden landmines when you get into more complex UI design. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
You can use the UITableView, and merely change the size of your cell to display more content as needed.
Let us discuss DialogViewController (part of MonoTouch.Dialog) which simplifies the setup of a UITableView.
What you could do is create a UIView that contains both the content, and the expanded content. It would be controller with some property, for example:
bool expanded;
public bool Expanded { get { return expanded; }}
set {
if (expanded == value)
Frame = ComputeSize (value);
expanded = value;
Then, create a UIViewElement:
new RootElement ("My Root") {
new Section () {
new UIViewElement (new MyView ());
For your first question, perhaps you could try :

YouTube video on Flash Banner CS4 AS3

I am trying to make a flash banner in CS4 with AS3.
In this banner I have to embed youtube videos.
My problem is.. after the video loaded I cant have/see usual controls (fullscreen, pause, stop, etc) on the video.. and the video has the autoplay by default.
I am using this code:
var my_player1:Object;
var my_loader1:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader1.load(new URLRequest(""));
my_loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onLoaderInit);
function onLoaderInit(e:Event):void{
my_player1 = my_loader1.content;
my_player1.addEventListener("onReady", onPlayerReady);
function onPlayerReady(e:Event):void{
//this example is with parameter//
// this one is only the video id//
I was trying to pass the parameter in the url to try but seems to be is not working.
I was checking too the google API for AS3 ( but honestly I dont find the way to implement that I need.
Whats is the way to see this controls in the video??
Thank you :)
I was trying different thing and I found a partial solution that i want to share with:
var my_player1:Object;
var my_loader1:Loader = new Loader();
//before I used that:
//my_loader1.load(new URLRequest(""));
//Now is use this:
my_loader1.load(new URLRequest(";
my_loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onLoaderInit);
function onLoaderInit(e:Event):void{
my_player1 = my_loader1.content;
my_player1.addEventListener("onReady", onPlayerReady);
function onPlayerReady(e:Event):void{
Basically Instead of use the "Loading the chromeless player" I use the "Loading the embedded player"
My problem now is How I can modify for example the size of the controls bar.. because is taking 35px height and I want to reduce it

Sencha Touch dynamically render a model

I have a database structure that is based on EAV model. Each objects has different kind of metafields with different names.
How could I create a Model in Sencha Touch that will be dynamic?
There's nothing preventing you from creating the Models at run time.
function processEAV(attributes, types){
var modelDef = {
for(var i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; i++){
modelDef.fields.push({name:attributes[i], type: types[i]});
Ext.regModel('NewModel', modelDef);
You can add all the additional properties that are needed like validations and associations.
This obviously isn't that great as you'll be doing it every time it is loaded. It may be better to, on the server, output the model definitions whenever they change and just include them into your mobile html document.