Sencha Touch dynamically render a model - api

I have a database structure that is based on EAV model. Each objects has different kind of metafields with different names.
How could I create a Model in Sencha Touch that will be dynamic?

There's nothing preventing you from creating the Models at run time.
function processEAV(attributes, types){
var modelDef = {
for(var i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; i++){
modelDef.fields.push({name:attributes[i], type: types[i]});
Ext.regModel('NewModel', modelDef);
You can add all the additional properties that are needed like validations and associations.
This obviously isn't that great as you'll be doing it every time it is loaded. It may be better to, on the server, output the model definitions whenever they change and just include them into your mobile html document.


ArcGIS 3.28, clear() except specific graphics

In ArcGIS 3.28, I need to use clear() but exclude some graphics, is there a method to do this? I don't want to remove all the graphics on a layer
Well, ArcGIS JS API provides two way to remove the graphics:
clear() click here for more details...
remove(graphic) click here for more details...
In both the cases there is no provision to provide remove condition so I don't think you can directly remove the the feature base on certain condition.
However still if you need to achieve this below is the same for it-
var graphicsList =;
for (i = 0; i < graphicsList.length; i++) {
Hoping above sample will help you to achieve the same.

Adding effects by scripting in After Effects

Here I want to write a script that can stabilize the time lapse sequence by adding Warp Stabilizer VFX, then followed by deflicker using DEFlicker Time Lapse, and finally render and export the video, which runs before sleeping so that it does not slow down my computer at working time. However, I cannot find the API that adds effects to a layer in AE scripting documentation, does anyone knows how to do this? thanks in advance!
You can add effects to the layers like this:
if (!"Warp Stabilizer")){ //add only if no such effect applied
var theEffect ="Effects").addProperty("Warp Stabilizer"); // the regular way to add an effect
To test it you can add it to selected layer, full code to apply it to the selected layer can look like this:
var activeItem = app.project.activeItem;
if (activeItem != null && activeItem instanceof CompItem) { // only proceeds if one comp is active
if (activeItem.selectedLayers.length == 1) { // only proceeds if one layer is selected
var theLayer = activeItem.selectedLayers[0];
if (!"Warp Stabilizer")){
var theEffect ="Effects").addProperty("Warp Stabilizer"); // the regular way to add an effect
Solution is based on adobe forum:

How to implement UWP the right way

I run often into many problems which leads to refactoring my code...
That is why I want to ask for some recommendations.
The problems I'm running into are:
1) Providing data to XAML
Providing simple data to control value instead of using a value converter. For instance I have a color string like "#FF234243" which is stored in a class. The value for the string is provided by a web application so I can only specify it at runtime.
2) UI for every resolution
In the beginnings of my learning I got told that you can create a UI for every possible resolution, which is stupid.
So I've written a ValueConverter which I bind on an element and as ConverterParameter I give a value like '300' which gets calculated for every possible resolution... But this leads to code like this...
Height={Binding Converter={StaticResource SizeValue}, ConverterParameter='300'}
3) DependencyProperties vs. NotifyProperties(Properties which implement INotifyPropertyChanged) vs. Properties
I have written a control which takes a list of value and converts them into Buttons which are clickable in the UI. So I did it like this I created a variable which I set as DataContext for this specific Control and validate my data with DataContextChanged but my coworker mentioned that for this reason DependencyProperties where introduced. So I created a DependecyProperty which takes the list of items BUT when the property gets a value I have to render the buttons... So I would have to do something like
public List<string> Buttons
get { return (List<string>)GetValue(ButtonsProperty); }
SetValue(ButtonsProperty, value);
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Buttons. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty ButtonsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Buttons", typeof(List<string>), typeof(MainPage), new PropertyMetadata(""));
private void RenderButtons()
if(Buttons != null)
int added = 0;
foreach (var item in Buttons)
var cd = new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) };
var btn = new Button() { Content = item };
Grid.SetColumn(btn, added);
And have to use it like this:
x:Name="ButtonBar" Button="{Binding MyButtons}">
Since these are a lot of topics I could seperate those but I think that this is a pretty common topic for beginners and I have not found a got explanation or anything else
1. Providing data to XAML
There are two options: prepare data in the ViewModel or to use converter.
To my mind using converter is better since you can have crossplatform viewModel with color like you mentioned in your example and converter will create platform dependent color. We had similar problem with image. On android it should be converted to Bitmap class, while on UWP it's converted to BitmapImage class. In the viewModel we have byte[].
2. UI for every resolution
You don't need to use converter, since Height is specified in effective pixels which will suit all the required resolutions automatically for you. More info can be found at the following link:
There are two options how to deal with textblock sizes:
a) Use predefined textblock styles and don't invent the wheel (which is the recommended option):
b) Specify font size in pixels. They are not pixels, but effective pixels. They will be automatically scaled on different devices:
Furthermore, use adaptive layout to have different Layout for different screen sizes.
3) DependencyProperties vs. NotifyProperties(Properties which implement INotifyPropertyChanged) vs. Properties
As per your code you can try to use ListView or ItemsControl and define custom item template.
DependencyProperties are created in DependencyObject and are accessible in xaml. All controls are inherited from DependencyObjects. Usually you create them when you want to set them in xaml. They are not stored directly in the objects, but in the global dictionary and resolved at runtime.
DependencyProperties were created long time ago and you can find lots of links which explain them in details:
When should I use dependency properties in WPF?
What is a dependency property? What is its use?
What is a dependency property?
INotifyPropertyChanged INPC are the central part of MVVM. You bind your view to viewModel which implements INPC and when you change value of the property control is notified and rereads the new value.
Download the following video in high resolution which explains MVVM in details (by Laurent Bugnion):
MVVM: Tutorial from start to finish?
Normal properties are used in model classes or when there is no need to notify UI regarding changes.

data loading to qlikview extension this.Data

I'm trying to use extension for Qlikview 11SR2.
I've tried to access data with this.Data.Rows, but this object is empty even though the data is not empty and I can display the data in a table.
The code I have used is:
var obj = this.Data;
for(var prop in obj) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = "" + prop + "" + obj[prop];
I have no access to the internet - I work offline.
How can i make this.Data.Rows contain the data (it is undefined)?
Based on your feedback, I would say it might be worth trying a slightly different way of accessing your data as the this.Data.Rows object contains a collection of row objects which in turn contain one or more objects, which relate to the dimensions and measures passed to the script (and are defined in definition.xml).
For example, say that I have an extension that features a dimension and a measure (in that order). I can access each value of these in a loop as follows:
for (var rowIx = 0; rowIx < this.Data.Rows.length; rowIx++) {
var row = this.Data.Rows[rowIx];
myDimensionValue = row[0].text;
myMeasureValue = row[1].text;
I can then add code to output each value of myDimension and myMeasureValue to the loop, such as in your case adding a new div for each set of values.
I found the "QVConsole" extension invaluable when writing extensions, as it allows you to have a JavaScript console in your QlikView document, so you may then use statements like console.log(myDimensionValue) etc. to help you debug your extension. You can download it from
In you extension object in the webview, set the dimension and a valid expression. Let me know whether it works!

drupal multiple node forms on one page

I have a view that displays several nodes. I want to place node form below each displayed node. Both node_add and drupal_get_form directly in template.php works fine, but I get forms with same form ID of NODETYPE_node_form and validation and submitting does not work as expected.
If you had to put several node forms on one page, what would be your general approach?
Progress so far...
in template.php while preprocessing node
$author_profile and $content is set before.
$unique = $vars['node']->nid;
$node = new StdClass();
$node->uid = $vars['user']->uid;
$node->name = $vars['user']->name;
$node->type = 'review';
$node->language = '';
$node->title = t('Review of ') . $vars['node']->realname . t(' by ') . $vars['user']->realname . t(' on ') . $content->title;
$node->field_review_to_A[0]['nid'] = $nodeA->nid;
$node->field_review_to_B[0]['nid'] = $vars['node']->nid;
$node->field_review_to_profile[0]['nid'] = $author_profile->nid;
if(!function_exists("node_object_prepare")) {
include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/');
//$vars['A_review_form'] = drupal_get_form('review_node_form', $node);
$vars['A_review_form'] = mymodule_view($node, $unique);
in mymodule module
function mymodule_view($node, $unique) {
if(!function_exists("node_object_prepare")) {
include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/');
$output = drupal_get_form('review_node_form_' . $unique, $node);
return $output;
function mymodule_forms($form_id, $args) {
$forms = array();
if (strpos($form_id, "review_node_form_") === 0) {
$forms[$form_id] = array('callback' => 'node_form');
return $forms;
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (isset($form['type']) && isset($form['#node']) && $form_id != $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form' && $form['type']['#value'] == 'review') {
$type = content_types($form['#node']->type);
if (!empty($type['fields'])) {
module_load_include('inc', 'content', 'includes/content.node_form');
$form = array_merge($form, content_form($form, $form_state));
$form['#pre_render'][] = 'content_alter_extra_weights';
$form['#content_extra_fields'] = $type['extra'];
//$form['#id'] = $form_id;
//$form['#validate'][0] = $form_id . '_validate';
$form['title']['#type'] = 'value';
$form['field_review_to_A']['#type'] = 'value';
$form['field_review_to_B']['#type'] = 'value';
$form['field_review_to_profile']['#type'] = 'value';
My take on summarizing unclear questions...
Is this good general approach for displaying multiple node forms on same page?
Is it OK to copy/paste code from content modules content_form_alter function in function mymodule_form_alter? Will it not brake things if content module is updated?
Should i set $form['#id']? Without it all forms has same HTML form ID of node_form, with it ID is unique, like review_node_form_254. Thing is that there is no difference of how form is submitted. Setting $form['#validate'][0] does not seem to influence things too. Maybe I should set $form[button]['#submit'][0] to something else? Now its node_form_submit.
Why validation does not work even with unique form id and form validate function? If i submit last form without required field all previous forms gets particular fields red. should I make my own validation function? what level - form or field? Any tips on where to start?
You need to implement hook_forms() to map different ids to the same builder function.
The NODETYPE_node_form ids you mention are already an example of this mechanism, as they are all mapped to the same builder function (node_form()) within the node modules node_forms() implementation.
You can find links to more examples in the 'Parameters' explanation off the drupal_get_form() function.
This was exceptionally useful to me.
Documentation on all the drupal APIs is so lacking - I was tearing my hair out. The crucial bit for me, that I don't think is covered anywhere else on the net:
CCK adds its fields to your form through hook_form_alter() . But it does this based on the form_id. So if the form ID is different (cause you want multiple ones on the same page), you need to replicate a bit of the CCK code to add the fields to your form regardless.
That is what this does brilliantly.
I really did not dig to the bottom of it, but it seems to me that you pretty much did all the relevant digging by yourself.
From what I understand by inspecting the code only, you are right in thinking that content_form_alter() is the show-stopper.
Maybe this is a naïve suggestion, but what about writing your own implementation of hook_form_alter() starting from the content_form_alter() code but changing the conditions that make the alteration to occur? I am thinking to something along these lines:
function modulename_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (isset($form['type']) && isset($form['#node']) &&
stripos($form_id, $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form')) {
I did not actually test the code above, but I hope it is self-explenatory: you actually trigger the changes for a give customised type of content if MYCCKTYPE_node_form is a substring of the actual form_id (es: MYCCKTYPE_node_form_234).
Hope this helps at least a bit... Good luck! :)
It just occurred to me that since your custom implementation of hook_form_alter() will live aside the CCK one, you would like to add a check to avoid the form to be modified twice something like:
&& $form_id != $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form'
The other way you might try to implement this by not using CCK but implementing you custom type programmatically (this might even be an advantage if you plan to use your module on various different sites).