Jquery add loading=lazy to all images - lazy-loading

I have a bigger webpage and it would take days to add the loading=lazy attribute to all img tags on my site. Is it useful to use something like $('img'). attr('loading', 'lazy') (does this work?) to the site, or will it just make the site more slower?

It doesn‘t necessarly have the expected effect - if you‘re adding the attributes via JavaScript, the page itself has already been parsed by the browser and their preloading scripts as well and all of those images would be been put to the download queue, as if the attribute wouldn‘t have existed on them.
So I would heavily recommend to add those attributes within the source code itself already.


Svg-edit usage reference where i can find it?

I found this tool(https://code.google.com/p/svg-edit/) very useful, but there is any reference for this project allow to integrate properly in your applicatione instead of simply add it to an iframe?
For example i want to retrieve the svg code for save it in a variables or something like this
It's possible but might be a little tricky to strip out the required resources and load them in your own application while making sure that there aren't any conflicts. This is actually something I plan on doing for one of my own projects.
Do you need to do this though? You can talk to the iframe from your application pretty easily. For example, to get the SVG content you would use this (assuming you only have 1 iframe on the page) ->
var svgedit = window.frames[0];

There is a way in Tumblr to get media images URL in the same domain of the blog name?

Lets say my blog is http://foo.tumblr.com.
All the post's images are stored in xx.media.tumblr... (for example: https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kzjlfiTnfe1qz4rgho1_250.jpg) (first 2 numbers can be skipped)
But i want the URL of the image be in the same domain of my blog, and looks something like this:
(that doesn't exist)
Why i need that? I am creating a script, and it generates a canvas that detects if the image have transparency with a getImageData (all the .jpg are skipped), but since the subdomain is different, i get a cross-domain security error, and the canvas is tainted, avoiding the use of getImageData.
So.. how can i do that?
I think Tumblr API could be useful, but how?
Scrape your sitemap for all posts and get their images. You could use the API or just with Javascript in the browser console:
xmlin = prompt(); // view-source:biochemistri.es/sitemap1.xml
parser = new DOMParser();
posts = xmlDoc.querySelectorAll('loc');
postlist = [];
for (i=0;i<posts.length;i++) {postlist.push(posts[i].innerHTML)};
...to generate an array containing all posts, which can be navigated through for photo posts (div.post.photo) and their URLs copied.
Then simply generate a new list of images with a for loop and newImg = document.createElement('img'), setting an origin attribute using newImg.setAttribute('origin') = myPhotoList[n] which can then be used to select an image programmatically:
(or {PhotoURL-1280}, {PhotoURL-500}, {PhotoURL-250} etc. Once retrieved over an XMLHttpRequest, you could simply switch the post in the DOM. The {PhotoURL-HighRes} in my example above wouldn't work, it'd be an attribute from the page I'm just indicating which part you'd want to get from the theme HTML.
As explained in this post, there is a variable which could be used as a more concise attribute than the full origin URL if you want to be a bit more specific with regular expressions.
This would effectively put all of your images onto your local URL, with URLs like foo.tumblr.com/images/tumblr_kzjlfiTnfe1qz4rgho1_250.jpg, and avoid cross-domain restrictions. I'm guessing it'd work only if you don't have a ton of posts as custom pages such as you'd be using to store images do have a restriction on their size (though I suppose you could make a second one).
Also might be sensible to include CSS to set display: none in case anyone stumbles upon the page by accident, and a redirect function to the homepage with window.onload or similar.

SEO: Can dynamically generated links be crawled?

I have a page containing <div> tags with onclick="" code that calls an ajax request to get json data, and then iterates through the results to form links (<a />) to append to the page. These links do not exist in any other place on my website. How can I make these dynamically generated links crawlable?
My initial thought was to turn the <div> tags into <a> tags with a href="#", but with my limited knowledge of how typical crawlers work, i don't think this would solve my problem since the "#" would be what's recognized by the crawler, and not necessarily the dynamically generated output. This is besides the point that i don't want the scroll positioning to be altered at all, which would also rule out giving the <a> tag an id and having it reference itself.
Do I have any options aside from making a new page containing all of the links i need to be crawled? Thanks.
As a general rule, content that is created or made available through JavaScript cannot be found or indexed by search engines. Google does support crawlable Ajax but using it as the only means of accessing your content is bad for accessibility. Also, other search engines can't get to that content which is also not a good thing. Basically crawable ajax is a bad thing.
You should always make your content available without requiring JavaScript to get it. Then you can improve your site by adding JavaScript to make getting the content faster or easier. This is called Progressive Enhancement and is how good websites are built.

Does changing the order of HTML with Javascript help SEO

On my website, I have a booking widget at the top of each page to allow visitors to enter our booking engine. The code behind it uses quite a bit of HTML, pushing down the content on each page in the source. In an attempt to better my SEO, I decided to have the code placed in a DIV tag at the bottom of the page, and, when the DOM is ready, I use JQuery to physically move the DIV from the bottom of the DOM to the top where it needs to be to render correctly.
My question is if this is really helping SEO? Does Google look at the DOM/Source after all Javascript has run, or before? Does moving these few hundred lines of HTML to the bottom of the HTML source gain me any advantage?
Spiders do not process javascript. So any content that appears/moves or is created by javascript will appear as if it hasn't been moved or created at all.
I'd be really surprised if web crawlers execute the scripts on the page. They probably scan the raw response.
That doesnot have any effect on the SEO.
But placing the javascript at the bottom will defnitely help you to load the webpages faster.
There is no harm for SEO as well, you can defnitely proceed with your approach
There is a distinction between javascript executed on load versus during the user session. The on-load javascript is more times than not indexed by google. The dynamic content or alterations on the client side are not well indexed.
So, it can't be ignored.

How to tell image search which image matters?

Google image search seems to do a poor job on a site I run in identifying which image on a page should be indexed. In addition it doesn't seem to link that image with lots of the associated data.
Are there any ways of focusing attention for spiders on particular images and associated data, do they need to be within the same tags, or adjacent on the page?
A few tips:
Use a descriptive name, i.e. "tabby-cat.jpg" instead of "img02396.jpg".
Use alt tags on images.
Use descriptive text on the page and around the image.
Make sure the images are in the generated source, i.e. if you click "View source" in your browser, you see <img> tags.
It's also useful to validate your site at http://validator.w3.org in case there are major errors like missing brackets etc that could prevent a spider from parsing the page. (Note: I wouldn't worry about making everything 100% valid since Google is fine with invalid code)
Images in CSS (i.e. backgrounds) are not indexed AFAIK. However I'd suggest using CSS backgrounds for "design" images (a subtle way of getting Google to ignore site headers, custom borders, shadows, etc).
Nor are any images generated from Javascript.
Make sure you're not blocking images through robots.txt. I know that Joomla does this by default.
Sign up at Google Webmaster Tools, add your site, then allow it to be used in Google's "Image Labeller" game which should help tag images.
All images on a page should be indexed. If they aren't then improve your alt tags and possibly rename the image file. There really isn't anything more you can do since search-engines do not read any other context for the image itself except size. If google thinks the image is a duplicate it won't index it either.
Of course if images really do inherit context from the surrounding page then you could just use less images or move them into CSS.
I think Search robot can not read images as we do, so the simple and must thing you should do to your images is using descriptive names, so that spider could know what this image all about. Second one is using ALT tags on images, put in keywords relating to the images.
Those thing are what I do.