I need help in filtering the content of this SQL column - sql

I need help in filtering the content of this SQL column. I have unfortunately been unsuccessful so far. I will be happy for any assistance.
My goal is for all the unc paths to bear the same format.
All should look like: \\ps9\wa033242. Meaning all should begin with the "\\" replacing the "///"
I tried truncating it but because of the different string length, I have problems.
I tried truncating and UPDATING
cw_platz.nummer = os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.platznr and
cw_logischerdrucker.nummer = os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.ldruckernr and
cw_platz.bezeichnung in cw_platz.bezeichnung
This is my result:

My first thought is to simply use something like REPLACE(yourstringhere, '/','\').
Is it something you already tried?
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/replace-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017

you could use replace
select replace('client/ps9///wa033242//', '/' ,'\');.
and for update
update your_table
set your_column = replace(your_column, '/' ,'\')
try avoid .. the where like
UPDATE os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz
SET os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.treibername = REPLACE(os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.treibername, '/' ,'\')
cw_platz.nummer = os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.platznr and
cw_logischerdrucker.nummer = os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.ldruckernr and
cw_platz.bezeichnung = cw_platz.bezeichnung

Try this it will help you.
UPDATE os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz
SET os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.treibername = REPLACE(os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.treibername, '\\','///')
cw_platz.nummer = os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.platznr and
cw_logischerdrucker.nummer = os_cw.cw_ldzuplatz.ldruckernr and
cw_platz.bezeichnung = cw_platz.bezeichnung
and TREIBERNAME like '\\%'


OrientDB update a field with an addition to the already existing string

I have a vertex that contains a string. I would like to update this string by adding a string to the end. The outcome should be the original string + the new string. I thought I could do this with append but it keeps making an embedded set. The code below returns ['123abc'] instead of '123abc'
I've posted a similar question here, but did not find a remedy. This seems like a simple sql command but I do not know the code. Please note I have also tried using unwind but it did not work. Thank you.
UPDATE V SET foo = (SELECT foo.append('abc')FROM(SELECT FROM V WHERE foo = '1'))
You can do it using
UPDATE V SET foo = foo.append('abc') where foo = '123'

Excel MS Query - How to write parameter equals "" or show all in SQL query

Just finished writing an SQL script in the MS-Query and I'm having difficulty trying to get it to work.
What I'm after is the equivalent of this SQL where clause:
AND ((examplefield = #Para) or (#Para = ''))
So if parameter = something in the field, only show that or if the parameter = blank then show all results.
So far this is what I have which works fine if I want to select a particular item, now I just need to include the additional if blank show all.
AND (`'Project Master List$'`.`Type of Work`= ?)
This unfortunately doesn't work.
AND ((`'Project Master List$'`.`Type of Work`= ?) OR (? = ""))
Any suggestions?
Try a case?
Case When ?="" THEN
WHEN ?="OtherValue" THEN
'DoCode '
The IIF Example:
I looked back at my original question and realised I wrapped the where clause in the wrong quotes. See below
Wrong statement
AND ((`'Project Master List$'`.`Type of Work`= ?) OR (? = ""))
Correct statement
AND (`'Project Master List$'`.`Type of Work`= ? OR ? = '')
Once I'd made the change right at the end of the clause it worked.

CodeIgniter - Grouping where clause

I have this following query for CodeIgniter:
$q = $this->db->where('(message_from="'.$user_id.'" AND message_to="'.$this->auth_model->userdata['user_id'].'")')
->or_where('(message_from="'.$this->auth_model->userdata['user_id'].'" AND message_to="'.$user_id.'")')
I want to write this query with completely active record.
I have tried something like this:
$from_where = array('message_from'=>$user_id, 'message_to'=>$this->auth_model->userdata['user_id']);
$to_where = array('message_from'=>$this->auth_model->userdata['user_id'],'message_to'=>$user_id);
$q = $this->db->where($from_where)
The above code produces this query:
SELECT * FROM (`messages`) WHERE `message_from` = '2' AND `message_to` = '1' OR `message_from` = '1' OR `message_to` = '2'
But this is what I want to produce:
SELECT * FROM (`messages`) WHERE (message_from="2" AND message_to="1") OR (message_from="1" AND message_to="2")
There are similar questions here and here, but thosedid not provide a real solution for me.
How's this possible, If not via core libraries, is there an extension which allows writing such queries?
You can use sub query way of codeigniter to do this for this purpose you will have to hack codeigniter. like this
Go to system/database/DB_active_rec.php Remove public or protected keyword from these functions
public function _compile_select($select_override = FALSE)
public function _reset_select()
Now subquery writing in available And now here is your query with active record
$subQuery1 = $this->db->_compile_select();
$subQuery2 = $this->db->_compile_select();
Look at this answer of mine. This shows how to use sub queries. This will help
Using Mysql WHERE IN clause in codeigniter
Yes i have done it
Rewrite the query this way exactly you want
$subQuery1 = $this->db->_compile_select(TRUE);
$subQuery2 = $this->db->_compile_select(TRUE);
Compile select is with true parameter. Will not produce select clause. This will produce
SELECT * FROM (`messages`) WHERE (`message_from` = '2' AND `message_to` = '1') OR (`message_from` = '1' AND `message_to` = '2')

Selects in Joins

I have query
SET RepostFlag = 'Y'
,RunListNoRetroPolicyPrepay = ?
,RetroObject = ?
SELECT CustPolicyNo AS CustPolicyNo
,MIN(PremPeriod) AS PremPeriod
FROM TranHead
WHERE RepostFlag = 'Y'
AND PayoutTypeNo = ?
GROUP BY CustPolicyNo
) AS THDToBeReposted ON THD.CustPolicyNo = THDToBeReposted.CustPolicyNo
WHERE THD.RepostFlag = 'N'
AND THD.PremPeriod > THDToBeReposted.PremPeriod
fails in H2 with following message
Table "THD" not found;
I looked at http://www.h2database.com/html/grammar.html#table_expression to see if H2 supports selects in join. It appears it does. Maybe I am missing something when looking at the grammar, but it seems to me that the query should work in H2.
Anyone see what is wrong?
I don't believe FROM is allowed in the UPDATE syntax.
You can't update an alias, you need to have the table name specified.
Complementary to other answers, JOIN (just as FROM) is not allowed in UPDATE for H2. It would be allowed in a sub query.
Essentially, stick to the basic syntax:
UPDATE SomeTable as SomeAlias
SET SomeField = ?
WHERE (%GoWild%)
Whether or not you need the alias is up to your where clause.
Reference: http://www.h2database.com/html/grammar.html#update

Add up value using database field value with savefield in cakephp

my question is pretty simple but hard to find an answer for though search engines.
I simply want to update a field in the database, using that fields old value to add another value. I'm using the following at the moment:
$this->Advertisement->saveField('total_views', '(total_views + 1)', false);
But this gives me the next query:
UPDATE `advertisement` SET `total_views` = '(total_views +1)', `modified` = '2011-08-26 10:44:58' WHERE `advertisement`.`id` = 16
This is wrong and it should be:
UPDATE `advertisement` SET `total_views` = (total_views +1), `modified` = '2011-08-26 10:44:58' WHERE `advertisement`.`id` = 16
The problem is where it puts (total_views +1) between quotes.
Does anyone have an idea on how to get this working?
array('Advertisement.total_views' => 'Advertisement.total_views + 1'),
array('Advertisement.id' => 1)
Just in case anyone else gets stuck with this, the spaces in the query are important.
works: Advertisement.total_views + 1
does not work: Advertisement.total_views+1
$this->Advertisement->updateAll(array('Advertisement.total_views'=>'Advertisement.total_views+1'), array('Advertisement.id'=>$id));
I found that for a similar issue I was able to resolve it in the following manner,
array('Advertisement.total_views = Advertisement.total_views + 1'),
array('Advertisement.id' => 1)