How update a VUE component changing URL param in current page - vue.js

In my vue SPA I have a simple router like this:
{path: '/page/:userId', name: 'user', component: user},
Which means an url like shows the component user having the content about user 1.
In case on the same page I have some link as
<vue-link :to="{name:'user', params={userId:3}}">
The router update only the URL but the content page (because it assumes the page is the same where I'm at)
My user content loads data using the url params in data and in watch too
userId: this.$route.params.userId || 1,
watch: {
userId: function () {
return this.$route.params.userId || 1;
How to fix it without using router-view?
Thanks for any suggestion

If I correctly get your problem which is that you are not able to track your route change. You need to watch the route change, whenever your route changed on a same component it should do something.
watch: {
$route() {
methods: {
updatePage(param) {
// call api / do something


Nuxt refresh router view when router :id parameter changes

My Nuxt app loads a link and it's child view on the route I put the API calls for the user in mounted hook of the router view.
If route id changes, mounted is not triggered anymore because the child view is already loaded. I ended up with solution - watch the $ and moved the API call from mounted to this watcher.
watch: {
$route() {
Is there a better way to do this?
Solution 1
Force the reload when the route changes defining a :key for the <nuxt-child>, like this:
<nuxt-child :key="$route.fullPath"></nuxt-child>
Solution 2
Put the API call to load the user in a watch to the id coming from the URL instead to mounted, you can use immediate: true to call it in the fist load.
export default {
data() {
return {
user: null
asyncData({ params }) {
return {
watch: {
id: {
immediate: true,
handler(id) {
//Call the API to get the user using the id

vuex getter does not update on another component depending on timing

My app uses
axios to fetch user information from a backend server
vuex to store users
vue-router to navigate on each user's page
In App.vue, the fetch is dispatched
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
beforeCreate() {
In store.js, the users is an object with pk (primary key) to user information.
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
users: {},
getters: {
userCount: state => {
return Object.keys(state.users).length
mutations: {
SET_USERS(state, users) {
// users should be backend response
users.forEach(u => state.users[] = u)
actions: {
fetchUsers({commit}) {
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
console.log("Cannot fetch users: ", error.response)
Here Backend.getUsers() is an axios call.
In another component which map to /about in the vue-router, it simply displays userCount via the getter.
Now the behavior of the app depends on timing. If I visit / first and wait 2-3 seconds, then go to /about, the userCount is displayed correctly. However, if I visit /about directly, or visit / first and quickly navigate to /about, the userCount is 0. But in the console, it still shows the correct user count (from the log in SET_USERS).
What did I miss here? Shouldn't the store getter see the update in users and render the HTML display again?
Since it's an object Vue can't detect the changes of the properties and it's even less reactive when it comes to computed properties.
Copied from
When adding new properties to an Object, you should either:
Use Vue.set(obj, 'newProp', 123), or
Replace that Object with a fresh one. For example, using the object spread syntax we can write it like this:
state.obj = { ...state.obj, newProp: 123 }

How to initiate refresh of Vuejs page elements w/ new data?

I have a vuejs app using vue-router with the following routes.
const routes = [
{ path: '/list', component: list, alias: '/' },
{ path: '/resources/:id?', component: resources },
{ path: '/emails', component: emails },
{ path: '/list/:id', component: editHousehold, props: true },
{ path: '/list/turn-off/:id', component: editHousehold, props: true }
The first time the page loads the start event calls /resources w/o an ":id" and the page loads a list of resources (see below).
start: function () {
.then((res) => {
let gdriveInfo =;
this.files = gdriveInfo.files;
When the user clicks on one of the resources in the list I want to have /resources/1 called so a different set of resource data can be loaded and displayed.
I have a file click event attached to each resource where the "id" is appended to the path. This calls the server side module which would retrieve new data which would replace the "files" data in the component which I would expect would cause vuejs to "react" and update the contents of the page.
onFileClick: function (id, mimeType, event) {
const _this = this;
this.$http.get('/resources/' + id)
.then((res) => {
let gdriveInfo =;
this.files = gdriveInfo.files;
However, calling above does not initiate a call to the server module.
this.$http.get('/resources/' + id)
I've also tried
this.$router.push('/resources/' + id)
which did not work.
Being new to vuejs, any help in how to achieve this functionality would be appreciated.
You lack host, because this.$http.get('/resources/' + id) is u component resources, this not json...
It looks like you're not making the REST call correctly. I think you're getting routing and REST calls mixed up. What you show above is for routing not making calls to the server.
You're not calling the server here:
this.$http.get('/resources/' + id)
and doing this is just for the routing:
this.$router.push('/resources/' + id)
Look at using axios for REST calls:

VueJS: one component for many routes

I'm a newbie to the world of VueJS.
My app uses vue-router to handle with routes changing. This's how it's configured:
new Router({
routes: [{
path: "/",
component: Articles
}, {
path: "/articles/:category",
component: Articles
As you can see, I've got 2 routes handled by the same component. The idea is very simple. When we're on a home page, show articles from any category. When we're on a category page, show articles from that category.
The question is, how a component can detect whether the route's changed, e.g, from home page to category page?
I've come with this solution:
function loadArticles() {};
Vue.component("Articles", {
mounted: loadArticles,
watch: { "$route": loadArticles }
But I think, that's a bad solution.
Here's what I have done on a little project of mine, I'm using the template to display single article
This is my router
'/post/:id': {
name: 'post',
component: require('./components/article.vue')
In my .vue file, I get the $route.params to get the id of the article then displayed it in my ready function.
$.get('api/posts/' + this.$, function(data){
myPost.current = data;
You'll need to get the category parameter then rendered the template according to it.
It should look something like this:
watch: {
'$route' (to, from) {
if (this.$route.params.category) {
} else {
'watch' is recommended here, in docs.

is it possible to specify which component should be used on router.go() in VueJS

In VueJS im trying to setup a scenario where the component used is determined by the url path without having to statically map it.
router.beforeEach(({ to, next }) => {
.then((response) => {$ = response
// I'd like to specify a path and component on the fly
// instead of having to map it
router.go({path: to.path, component: response.pageComponent})
.catch((err) => {
router.go({name: '404'})
Basically, I'd like to be able to create a route on the fly instead of statically specifying the path and component in the
Hope that make sense. Any help would be appreciated.
I think that what you're trying to archive is programmatically load some component based on the current route.
I'm not sure if this is the recommended solution, but is what comes to my mind.
Create a DynamicLoader component whit a component as template
<component :is="CurrentComponent" />
Create a watch on $route to load new component in each route change
export default {
data() {
return {
CurrentComponent: undefined
watch: {
'$route' (to, from) {
let componentName = to.params.ComponentName;
this.CurrentComponent = require(`components/${componentName}`);
beforeMount() {
let componentName = this.$route.params.ComponentName;
this.CurrentComponent = require(`components/${componentName}`);
Register just this route on your router
{ path: '/:ComponentName', component: DynamicLoader }
In this example I'm assuming that all my componennt will be in components/ folder, in your example seems like you're calling an external service to get the real component location, that should work as well.
Let me know if this help you
As par the documentation of router.go, you either need path you want to redirect to or name of the route you want to redirect to. You don't the component.
Argument of router.go is either path in the form of:
{ path: '...' }
or name of route:
name: '...',
// params and query are optional
params: { ... },
query: { ... }
so you dont need to return component from your API, you can just return path or name of route, and use it to redirect to relevant page.
You can find more details here to create named routes using vue-router.