How to show Assign To list for bugs work item? - testing

I'm a tester and my manager has add new team project to the TFS and add my user and a developer user for this team project, when I've tried to add any type of work items the list of "Assigned To" shows all the users correctly, except for the "bug work item" only, I can't assigned to any user and shows that it is not in the list of supported values.
how can I solve this problem?

First, make sure the work item that you're manipulating currently in a state that has a valid transition to New. Otherwise, you will not be able to save the changes.
If you have customized the bug work item type. According to sounds like a rule in the bug workflow or field.
If you run the [witadmin exportwitd] command and export the bug work item type, look for the Assigned To Field and look at the rules on the field. Also take a look at the section and look at the rules for the transitions.
Also take a look at this similar question on TFS2015 Bug/Task unable to assign it to someone else than the user that creates it, try the suggestion mentioned in the link:
needed to give the relevant global top-level permissions for everyone
to view stuff
Just run the below in order to grant the needed rights :
tfssecurity /a+ Server FrameworkGlobalSecurity GenericRead
> "[DefaultCollection]\Project Collection Valid Users" ALLOW
> /collection:http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection


How can i introduce my own permission in a plugin

I would like to write an plugin for the cockpit app. The feature i would like to add includes also an additional item in the drop-down menu. However i also would like to introduce my own permission. If the role of the user has the permission the item in menu will be shown otherwise not. Is this possible at all? And how does at look like? I checked the online documentation but couldn't find anything about it. I hope someone could help me...
The only way to introduce new permissions is through a microservice in its manifest. With purely UI you cannot add those.
As an alternative you could base your plugin on any property of the user. You probably would than want to have a second plugin to set/manage this for a user.

Avoid creation of objects through SAP GUI

As a tester, I'd like to know whether it is possible to restrict the manual creation of new objects by the user. The restriction should be done programatically in ABAP, not by removal of permissions.
Background information: we have quite complex objects which are hard to set up manually. Therefore we have implemented a wizard, which does all the condition checking etc. when creating the object. Also, if the wizard shall work, the user must have appropriate permissions to create the object.
Is it possible to remove the object type for that complex object from the list which appears when creating a new object (pressing the New button)?
As I'm only a tester for this part of our software, I can't show any existing code. I just got the feedback "It's not possible" and that's hard to believe for me at the moment. Usability really suffers, because people try to create those objects manually and can't make it work.
I also don't need a working code example, just a hint (class or method or setting) for the developer where to find a solution. I'll then insist that he implements it :-)
Today, the user can click the "New" icon. Then, a dialog appears with 4 choices. 3 choices are for simple objects which he shall create like this. However, the first item in that list is for the complex object, which is impossible to create manually (why we have the wizard). I'd like to know whether it is possible to remove that item from the list programatically.
ᵺṓᵯᶏᵴ, the information you have provided is still a bit vague. However, here is an idea that may work for you.
It might not be possible to completely automate this process, but you could ask your developer to enhance the code that processes the New button, so that it would reject any attempt to bypass the wizard for the first item on the list.
Your developer can tell you if it is feasible in your case, to have the enhancement raise an error (message of type E) to stop the user from proceeding.
This would have to be combined with end-user training to tell people to avoid the New button for that item, and use the wizard instead
ᵺṓᵯᶏᵴ, it looks like a custom dialog so it should be possible to remove it the option, alternatively if it is a standard dialog in a SAP app there is always a way to restrict it, it can be as simple as disallow entry from specific transaction codes. for example the developer could set a variable at the start of the wizard and then check for that variable when creating the object, if it not there he can show a dialog "Please use the Wizard we carefully crafted for your use......" Ok maybe you wont say all of that but you get it.
So the answer to your query is yes it can be done but the approach will depend on what it is your changing custom or standard object etc,.

Sharepoint 2010 and infopath - access workflow variables?

I have a workflow which runs every time a new list item is added.
The list item comprises of 3 fields:
a question,
a person to answer the question,
an answer.
The first 2 fields are supplied by the user who creates the list item, and the workflow routes the item to the expert who supplies #3, the answer.
On the answer form, I would like the question field to be populated with the question, however I can't drag the question field onto the form without it creating a repeating section, when it should be creating a textbox? It says the type is a group rather than just a string?
I'd also like to know how to get workflow variables into InfoPath forms.
Any ideas on how I'd go about creating a simple q&a collection workflow would be most appreciated.
The tl;dr part is the workflow needs to do this :
ask a question and specify a named user
route to user via workflow
get an answer from user
and that's it.
Your first issue is caused by the fact that your question node is a repeating node in your xml schema (see Data, Show fields, then double click the node and see that the Repeating check box is ticked). I suspect you probably wanted a repeating group with Question and Answer nodes. You would then drag the group onto the form. However it might be easier to simply hard code your schema to a specific number of questions as it'll save a bit of jiggery pokery getting the question text loaded in as you'll see below.
The second part is a little more involved and there are few good explainations on the web on how to do it. I have 2 books and neither are great at explaining this! Firstly you need to create a secondary datasource in the form and link it to an ItemMetadata.xml file which contains
<z:row xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema" ows_Question1="" />
<z:row xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema" ows_Question2="" />
etc. - note no root node exaclty like shown.
Then in your workflow you can set the value that your form will get in this secondary datasource at runtime by using something like:
MyFirstTaskTaskProperties.ExtendedProperties["Question1"] = "The text
of question 1";
In your infopath form you should set the default value of Main datasource question field to the node in the secondary datasource. Then when the thing runs it will work.
I hope you are reasonably familiar with SharePoint workflows as there are quite few other things you need to do to get an infopath form working in a workflow. In my experience it's quite painful getting it all working. Good luck my friend.

Youtrack Custom field for who raised Issue?

I was expecting this to be a simple thing, but I am not quite sure how to go about doing it.
Basically on the current project we are trialling YouTrack and the agile board is great, but they could do with knowing who raised certain issues in case they need to go question them further on the issue. However I cannot seem to find a simple way to display this information.
I presumed it would be a custom field of type user, but it appears that this would manually need filling in and would not just be able to be pre-populated by the user who is making the task.
So is this possible?
Currently you can view only the assigned user's name on a ticket in Agile board.
I've created a task based on your request, you are welcome to vote and leave comments.
As a rough workaround, you can configure notifications on created issues in your projects.
In this way, developers will be notified about all created issues and their reporters.
For that, create a saved search (i.e created by: {Testers}), make this search visible to needed group (by clicking "Edit" on the saved search) and enable notification "on issue created" in user's "Profile". Also, user with admin permissions is able to allow this notifications for all needed users by himself(navigate to "Administration" area -> "Users" -> {user} ->"Profile").
Note, that you can receive notifications both via email and jabber.
Thank you.

How is the Trac Project List page customised?

We've been using Trac for a while now for our developers only. However we are now opening it up for our (internal) clients. We have a project listing page (based on the default one that comes with Trac). What we'd like to do, is display more information about the project than what is currently available.
I have searched google and here, to see if I can find how to get more information. There seems to be a variable called $project which has .name, .description and .href as attributes.
Is there somewhere, a list of the attributes available? Or perhaps a different solution altogether that will allow us to display more information on the project list page. Such as the number of open tickets etc.
As far as I known, you can use $project.env as well. It is an object, which provides a number of attributes:
More detail is available at
On the project page customization page there is not much variables, indeed. Looking at the source code there is also trac.version, trac.time, but that's all. There is also project.env that may hold more information. I do not have a multiproject setup at hand, so you might be interested to see for yourself what variables are available with TracDeveloper plugin. It dumps variables if enabled and you add debug=true in the URL.