Write Bigquery results to Bigquery in Datalab - google-bigquery

I ran a query abc and got the result table m in Datalab.
Is there any way I can create a new table in Bigquery and write the content of table m to it in Datalab?
%%bq query --name abc
select *
from `test`

Yes you can, Datalab supports a number of BigQuery magic commands, among them is create, which allows for the creation of datasets and tables.
See the documentation here:
And specifically this section, which details all the available BigQuery commands:
positional arguments:
sample Display a sample of the results of a BigQuery SQL
query. The cell can optionally contain arguments for
expanding variables in the query, if -q/--query was
used, or it can contain SQL for a query.
create Create a dataset or table.
delete Delete a dataset or table.
dryrun Execute a dry run of a BigQuery query and display
approximate usage statistics
udf Create a named Javascript BigQuery UDF
execute Execute a BigQuery SQL query and optionally send the
results to a named table. The cell can optionally
contain arguments for expanding variables in the
pipeline Define a deployable pipeline based on a BigQuery
query. The cell can optionally contain arguments for
expanding variables in the query.
table View a BigQuery table.
schema View a BigQuery table or view schema.
datasets List the datasets in a BigQuery project.
tables List the tables in a BigQuery project or dataset.
extract Extract BigQuery query results or table to GCS.
load Load data from GCS into a BigQuery table.


Get table names in dataset after dataset truncate

It seems that the BigQuery CLI supports restoring tables in a dataset after they have been deleted by using BigQuery Time Travel functionality -- as in:
bq cp dataset.table#TIME_AGO_UNIX dataset.table
However, this assumes we know the names of the tables. I want to write a script to iterate over all the tables that were in the dataset at TIME_AGO_UNIX time.
How would I go about finding those tables at that time?

Duplicate several tables in bigquery project at once

In our BQ export schema, we have one table for each day as per the screenshot below.
I want to copy the tables before a certain date (2021-feb-07). I know how to copy one day at a time via the UI, but is there not a way to use the cloud console to write a code for copying the selected date range, all at once? Or maybe an sql command directly from a query window?
I think you should transform your sharding tables into a partitioned table. So you can handled your tables with just a single query. As mention in the official documentation, partitioned tables perform better.
To make the conversion, you can just execute the following commands in the console.
bq partition \
--time_partitioning_type=DAY \
--time_partitioning_expiration 259200 \
mydataset.sourcetable_ \
This will make your sharded tables sourcetable_(xxx) into a single partitioned table mytable_partitioned which can be query with just a single query trough your entire set of data entries.
For more details about the conversion commands you can check this link. Also, I recommend to check the links about querying partionated tables and partiotioned tables for more details.

U-SQL job to query multiple tables with dynamic names

Our challenge is the following one :
in an Azure SQL database, we have multiple tables with the following table names : table_num where num is just an integer. These tables are created dynamically so the number of tables can vary. (from table_1, table_2 to table_N) All tables have the same columns.
As part of a U-SQL script file, we would like to execute the same query on all of these tables and generate an output csv file with the combined results of all these queries.
We tried several things :
U-SQL does not allow looping so we were thinking creating a View in our Azure SQL database that would combine all the tables using a cursor of some sort. Then, the U-SQL file would query this View (using external source). However, a View in Azure SQL database can only be created via a function and a function cannot execute dynamic SQL or even call a stored procedure...
We did not find a way to call a stored procedure of the external data source directly from U-SQL
we dont want to update our U-SQL job each time a new table is added...
Is there a way to do that in U-SQL through a custom extractor for instance? Any other ideas?
One solution I can think of is to use Azure Data Factory (v2) to assist in this.
You could create a pipeline with the following activities:
Lookup activity configured to execute the stored procedure
For Each activity that uses the output of the lookup activity as a source
As a child item use a U-Sql Activity that executes your U-Sql script which writes the output of a single table (the item of the For Each activity) to blob or datalake
Add a Copy Activity that merges the blobs from step 2.1 to one final blob.
If you have little or no experience working with ADF v2 do mind that it takes some time to get to know it but once you do, you won't regret it. Having a GUI to create the pipeline is a nice bonus.
Edit: as #wBob mentions another (far easier) solution is to somehow create a single table with all rows since all dynamically generated table have the same schema. You can create a stored procedure for populating this table for example.

Insert query on Partitioned tables in Bigquery

I have some Insert queries written in hive to be migrated in Bigquery.
For example:
insert into test.abc partition(yrmth) select * from test.xyz
In Bigquery, partition is only supported in YYYYMMDD format. I'm able to dump the data in partitioned table through BQ command line tool by loading test.abc$20171125.
How can I achieve the same using DML statements in Bigquery?
I have learnt that Legacy SQL doesn't support writing DML statements and Standard SQL doesn't support the table specifications like test.abc$20171125 that is required for loading the data in corresponding partition.
You are correct - DML statements are not yet supported over partitioned tables.
Just do simple select select * from test.xyz with destination table test.abc$20171125. This is supported by Web UI, bq command line, API and any client of your choice
Check https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36383555 if you want to try alpha release for column based partitioned tables - DML over partitioned tables is part of it

Google BigQuery Partitione Tables - How to create tables automatically daily?

The question is how to let Google BigQuery automatically create partitioned tables on the daily base (one day -> one table, etc.)?
I've used the following command in the command line to create the table:
bq mk --time_partitioning_type=DAY testtable1
The table1 appeared in the dataset, but how to create tables for every day automatically?
From the partitioned table documentation, you need to run the command to create the table only once. After that, you specify the partition to which you want to write as the destination table of the query, such as testtable1$20170919.