How to run script on build host (not docker container) during gitlab CI pipeline - gitlab-ci

I'm new to Gitlab (and YML files, and just about everything else in this project ...), and want to add some script to the build pipeline to automate release file generation.
I added a few script lines to the branch's release section in gitlab-ci.yml, and can see they're generally doing what I want in the console output to the Gitlab UI. But, after a bit of head scratching I now realise the build itself is executed within a docker instance, which explains why I can't see the release file on the Gitlab host machine.
Is there a way of executing script from the YML file on the Gitlab host, as opposed to within the build container?

It depends on the executor type of the Gitlab Runner where the scripts are executed.
If the jobs are executed on a runner with a docker executor, each job will be run in a new container.
If the jobs are executed on a runner with a Shell executor the jobs will be executed directly on the runner machine.
BTW, it is not advised to have your runners on the same machine where you host your Gitlab server. Especially, runners with Shell executor. It compromises resiliency and scalability. A CI/CD job could break the entire host and make your gitlab server unavailable.


Reboot Machine in GitLab CI Script

I need to reboot a machine (e.g., call Restart-Computer -Force) in a GitLab CI script, reestablish contact with the runner, and continue executing the script. The runners are tied to specific machines and execute PowerShell scripts (shell executor). How can I do this, and ensure that anything that happens after calling Restart-Computer occurs after the machines are rebooted?

Why do I care which gitlab runner runs my pipeline

I have a gitlab-ci.yml file which I have inherited. And I have a local gitlab server running on my laptop. I have managed to create several gitlab runners and kickoff this inherited pipeline -- which gets immediately stuck. The error I am getting is:
...because you dont have any active runners online or available with any of these tags assigned to them: sometag
I have pieced together that the gitlab-ci.yml file references several tags and if there is a runner with a given tag, the runner will pickup my pipeline --- but why do I need this control (or hassle, more like it). What does it matter which runner runs my pipeline? Do i need to closely examine the gitlab-ci.yml file and based on that make some special runner for it ?
After I have modified my runners and gave them the missing tags, I am still getting the same error. Looking at the runner API results, the results do show that where it says "online" it shows "null". What does it mean? How do I make this runner "online"
There may be several runner, which will have different executors set up and thus, have different functionalities. So, the best practice is to give tags in gitlab-ci.yml file to run the jobs on particular runner.
In order to bring your runner online, you can go in the server where that particular gitlab runner is installed, and in the restart the gitlab-runner service using gitlab-runner restart with the user you have installed the runner or root user.
Sometimes, it might happen that you have changed the tags or added some tags to the runner using Gitlab UI but the same tags has not been saved in config.toml file. (config.toml file stores the gitlab-runner configurations. More details here
So, in this particular case, you have to go the server where the gitlab-runner is installed, and modify the tags in config.toml file and then restart the gitlab-runner service. If everything goes well, you can see the runner is online in Gitlab UI.

One Gitlab CI runner per project?

We upgraded from Gitlab 7.11.4 to 9 in one fell swoop (by accident). Now we are trying to get CI set up the way it use to run for us before. I understand that CI is an integrated thing now.
One of my coworkers got a multi-runner thing going. The running command looks like so:
/usr/bin/gitlab-ci-multi-runner run --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --config /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml --service gitlab-runner --syslog --user gitlab-runner
But previously we had 1 runner for each project and we had a user associated for each project. So, if we have 2 projects called "portal" and "engine", we would have users created thusly:
And being users, they would have home folders like:
In the older version of CI, you'd have a config.yml with the url of CI and the runners token. Now you have config.toml.
I want to "divorce" the engine runner from this multi setup which runs under user "gitlab-runner" and have its own runner that runs under "gitlab-runner-fps-engine".
Easy to do? Right now since all of this docker business is new to us, we're continuing on to use "shell" as our executor in gitlab, if that information is useful.
There are at least two ways you can do it:
Register a specific runner in each of the projects and disable the shared runners.
Use tags to specify the job must be run on a specific runner. This way you can have some CI jobs run on your defined environment while others (like lint for example) can be run on tagged shared runners.

Running Jenkins tests in Docker containers build from dockerfile in codebase

I want to deploy a continuous integration platform based on Jenkins. As I have various kinds of projects (PHP / Symfony, node, angular, …) and as I want these tests to run both locally and on Jenkins, I was thinking about using Dockers containers.
The process I’m aiming for is :
A merge request is opened on Github / Gitlab
A webhook notifies Jenkins of the merge request
Jenkins pulls the repo, builds the containers and runs a shell script to execute the tests
Once the tests are finished, Jenkins retrieves the results from one of the containers (through a shared volume) and process the results.
I do not want Jenkins to be in a container.
With this kind of process, I’m hoping to be able to run very easily the tests on each developer machine with something like a docker-composer up and then in one of the container ./tests all.
I’m not very familiar with Jenkins. I’ve read a lot of documentation, but most of them suggested to define Jenkins slaves for each kind of projects beforehand. I would like everything to be as dynamic as possible and require as less configuration on Jenkins as possible.
I would appreciate a description of your test process if you have ever implemented something similar. If you think what I’m aiming for is impossible, I would also appreciate if you could explain to me why.
A setup I suggest is Docker in Docker.
The base is a derived Docker image, which extends the jenkins:2.x image by adding a Docker commandline client.
The Jenkins is started as a container with its home folder (a folder e.g. /var/jenkins_home mounted from the Docker host) and the Docker socket file to be able to start Docker containers from Jenkins build jobs.
docker run -d --name jenkins -v /var/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ... <yourDerivedJenkinsImage>
To check, if this setup is working just execute following command after starting the Jenkins container:
docker exec jenkins docker version
If the "docker version" output does NOT show:
Is the docker daemon running on this host?
Everythin is fine.
In your build jobs, you could configure the process you mentioned above. Let Jenkins simply check out the repository. The repository should contain your build and test scripts.
Use a freestyle build job with a shell execution. A shell execution could look like this:
docker run --rm --volumes-from jenkins <yourImageToBuildAndTestTheProject> bash $WORKSPACE/<pathToYourProjectWithinTheGitRepository>/
This command simply starts a new container (to build and/or test your project) with the volumes from jenkins. Which means that the cloned repository will be available under $WORKSPACE. So if you run "bash $WORKSPACE/<pathToYourProjectWithinTheGitRepository>/" your project will be built within a container of "yourImageToBuildAndTestTheProject". After running this, you could start other containers for integration tests or combine this with "docker-compose" by installing it on the derived Jenkins image.
Advantages are the minimal configuration affort you have within Jenkins - only the SCM configuration for cloning the GIT repository is required. Since each Jenkins job uses the Docker client directly you could use for each project one or Docker image to build and/or test, WITHOUT further Jenkins configuration.
If you need additional configuration e.g. SSH keys or Maven settings, just put them on the Docker host and start the Jenkins container with the additional volumes, which contain those configuration files.
Using this Docker option within the shell execution of your build jobs:
--volumes-from jenkins
Automatically adds workspace and configuration files to each of your build jobs.

How to disable simultaneous build on drone io?

I use drone as CI and want to know how I can disable simultaneous build. What's happening is that when I submit two commits to git repo, drone will trigger two build on each of the submit. How can I let the second build wait until the first one finish?
Regarding the open source version of Drone: set the DOCKER_MAX_PROCS environment variable of your drone agent to 1, i.e. docker run -e DOCKER_MAX_PROCS=1 [...] drone/drone:0.5 agent. The agent will run one build concurrently, other builds will queue up.
See the Installation Reference section in the readme for more info.