How to load map markers in react native on region change - react-native

How to load 1000+ markers in slots in react native. I tried with all the markers but it takes lot of time to plot on map. Instead of it , i want to load markers in slots. As a changed region then markers from that particular region should gets loaded.

React-native-maps come with onRegionChange prop.
Take the longitude and latitude of the present reason where you want to show the markers and render the marker particularly on that geo location.
As soon as you start scrolling the map, it'll automatically call the onRegionChange function and then considering that region change call the function to get the markers on that particular region.
Also slow rendering of maps and high usage of memory and RAM are the bugs of react native maps on using custom markers. See this open issue in github.


React Native Map unable to dynamically render multiple different image array markers

I am trying to dynamically display 2-3 different sets of marker images on React Native maps in Android, however I am at most able to render only one category of marker image. I tried using 2 sets of marker arrays, 1 for each image, as well as a conditional rendering of marker image. Has anyone else had experience doing something like this?

The question about use the marker in react-native-maps

I am working on a react-native app development. I set two screen, the main screen with a map and some markers in the map which show the different communities. Another screen will show some data in this community.
My question is when I click the marker on the map of main page. I want it to navigate to the specific second screen. I want to transfer the location data, which includes the longitude and latitude from the marker to the second screen.
Is someone know how to achieve it?

How do I make my own (geo-spatial) map using React Native?

How do I make my own map on React Native? For example, a map of a shopping center with a floor plan.
Can this be implemented using react-native-maps? Can I make a map in 3D space?
Unless you implement your floor plan as some sort of overlay on a geographical map, react-native-maps may not be the tool for you.
I’ve had success in the past performing this kind of task by creating the floor plan as an SVG and using react-native-svg to render it while also making use of a gesture handler library to make the containing view scrollable/zoomable.

React Native Maps handling large amount of markers

I have to display above 1000 markers on map. I am using react-native-maps. But the phone becomes unresponsive. Any idea how to display large data on maps?
Marker clustering is what you are looking for.
Unfortunately, react-native-maps doesn't support it, yet. There is an issue and PR though.
Easiest solution for now is to use react-native-map-clustering module on top of react-native-maps

Offline map in React Native Mapbox GL

How to properly manage rendering map when device is offline?
Official documentation ( helped to get packs saved and being able to remove them, but trying to load component without network connection gives empty map. Mapbox.initializeOfflinePacks() is called in root component and offline packs may be seen and deleted from any point in app.
Other link suggested in documentation ( did not help.
Versions: React Native 0.46.4, React Native Mapbox GL 5.2.0
This was a bug in our app. Latitude and longitude inside bounds argument passed to method createPack were swapped so pack was correctly downloaded but contained a map of region that was far beyond visible area at high zoom level and, due to its small size, invisible at wide zoom.