The question about use the marker in react-native-maps - marker

I am working on a react-native app development. I set two screen, the main screen with a map and some markers in the map which show the different communities. Another screen will show some data in this community.
My question is when I click the marker on the map of main page. I want it to navigate to the specific second screen. I want to transfer the location data, which includes the longitude and latitude from the marker to the second screen.
Is someone know how to achieve it?


Screen Shot of image clicked react-naitve

I have multiple graphs on my screen, however I want to share the image of graph on which i have clicked. I am using to share the content and to capture the entire screen. Is there is any way to capture the image on which i have clicked and get the uri.?
I think one possible solution is when the user clicked on the graph, you can navigate him to a new screen and send and send graph data as param to it. In the new screen display that specific graph using param data and take screenshot then.
and finally share it.

How to load map markers in react native on region change

How to load 1000+ markers in slots in react native. I tried with all the markers but it takes lot of time to plot on map. Instead of it , i want to load markers in slots. As a changed region then markers from that particular region should gets loaded.
React-native-maps come with onRegionChange prop.
Take the longitude and latitude of the present reason where you want to show the markers and render the marker particularly on that geo location.
As soon as you start scrolling the map, it'll automatically call the onRegionChange function and then considering that region change call the function to get the markers on that particular region.
Also slow rendering of maps and high usage of memory and RAM are the bugs of react native maps on using custom markers. See this open issue in github.

Bottom sheet over map content, similar to google maps UI, in React Native

I am trying to implement a UI layout similar to google maps "explore" on Android, (see gif) in React Native.
In my UI design I have app navigation tabs at the bottom of the screen, with a full page map background, overlaid with a "bottom sheet" coming from above the tabs, and a search box component at the top. See UI sketch below.
I have found various react-native ui components which look useful, but I can't figure out the styling to arrange them in the layout I want.
Several of the bottomsheet components I'm looking at, for example, rn-bottom-drawer show gifs similar to what I'm trying to create, e.g this animation, but I can't find an actual code example of how that UI was created. For example, the same library example just shows the bottom drawer over an empty screen.
What combination of wrapping elements and styles would allow me to create the layout described? I come from a XAML background and this kind of layout is very easy to create, but I can't get my head around how to do it in react native.
It is halfway possible with the component "react-native-swipe-up-down".
The swipe up above the App works, but it is really buggy. Had the same problem as you and couldn't find anything better than swipe-up-down til today.

React Native. What is inner logic of starting guide screen of mobile app?

We start an app and there you see screen with multiple pages guide about how to use this app etc. How it works?
My suggestions: I have guide key in firebase, I load its value in local store on start. Its default value is 1. 1 - should show it, 0 - shouldn't show it. When I start I show it by default, but when user reaches the last screen, I set value of guide key to 0. And the guide is just a list of scenes (react-native-router-flux). Is it correct or not? What are best practices? What library allows me to create connected screens with dot navigation?
I recently implemented this. I would completely avoid having a guide key in firebase, because you can accomplish it locally. You can use async storage to write a boolean to storage like userDidCompleteGuide. Then, when you startup the app, if that value is not defined when reading from async storage, you know to display the guide component. After completing the guide, save that boolean to async storage. If you already use redux-persist, you can have it persist it through redux too.
I used react-navigation along with fluid transitions with react native for animating shared objects on screen.
On a basic level, it's really easy to create a dot component in react native, so don't use a library for it. It's just a view with a width, height, borderRadius, and color. Change the color to indicate an active or inactive dot depending the screen you're on. You can put a few of them in a row to show sequential steps, having the first one show an active color (like white) and the others be gray. You can then wrap your entire guide screen in a touchable opacity. That way, you can tap anywhere on the screen to advance to the next page of the guide, and when doing so, you can set the second dot to be white and the first to be gray. You could have the dots on both pages, and just change the color and nothing else when changing pages. Or you could have them be the same component and show the actual page above and dynamically change the color based on which page is active using the component state. Just set the state when changing to the next screen using the touchable opacity to indicate which should be active, and then display the page based off of that.

How would a slideable list control like this be achieved with React Native?

The Yelp app for iOS is designed such that after you enter and send a search query, something like this comes up:
The screen consists of a map control in the background, with a screen on top displaying a list view that you can swipe up/down depending on whether you want to see the list/map (respectively).
How would something like this be accomplished using React Native? For example, would the React Navigation or React Native Swiper libraries help me superimpose a list view on top of the map control?
You can use PanResponder.
Here is a good article which ay help you. Click here.