LD_RUN_PATH equivalent for AIX - aix

Is there an environment variable equivalent in AIX for $LD_RUN_PATH ?
I am trying to include /usr/lib in the default search path of shared libraries of my program, but I don't want to modify LIBPATH (LD_LIBRARY_PATH equivalent for AIX).


How can I change the library path of an executable after it has been built/installed?

Let's say I build myTest with cmake. myTest uses /opt/path1/lib/lib.so at compile and link time. After running it a few times I decide that I want myTest to now use /opt/path2/lib.so (same lib name, same interfaces, just different path).
This might be cause I want to temporarily test changes to lib.so without affecting others that might be using it. I also may not have the source to myTest but know that it uses lib.so.
If I used a Makefile and used regular gnu/g++ make I can make this happen by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the local folder. CMake ignores LD_LIB_PATH - so how do I make this happen?
For find a library at runtime, ldd uses (among other things) RPATH directories, embedded into the executable.
By default, when build the executable/library, CMake adds to RPATH directories, where linked libraries are located.
E.g., when link with library /opt/path1/lib/lib.so, CMake adds directory /opt/path1/lib to RPATH. So ldd always finds lib.so library as /opt/path1/lib/lib.so.
For tell CMake to not set RPATH, set CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH variable:
After that, ldd will search lib.so in directory, listed in LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

set PKG_CONFIG_PATH in cmake

I have built opencv locally and installed it to a local directory (not the system default ). opencv.pc is present under a folder pkgconfig in this local folder. How can I find this opencv.pc from cmake, because I want to link and include opencv files from my program.
pkg_search_module(<PREFIX> [REQUIRED] [QUIET] <MODULE> [<MODULE>]*)
does not have any parameter in which I can force the command to use a specific path (similar to HINTS with find_package()) and not the system default.
So basically .cmake works:
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED HINTS "my/path/to/share/OpenCVConfig.cmake")
but I would like to use a opencv.pc located under my/path/to/pkgconfig/opencv.pc.
After doing some research and a hint from the #OlivierM, I found the answer.
Here are the steps:
Method I :
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH can be set to find the .pc files
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/opencv-install")
Method II
A second method is to use the PKG_CONFIG_PATH, which is a system environment variable to look for .pc files.
set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/opencv-install/lib/pkgconfig")
Irrespective of which method you use,
For old (traditional) CMake:
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_search_module(PKG_OPENCV REQUIRED opencv) # this looks for opencv.pc file
Please note that the PKG_OPENCV variable can be named anything. Whatever it is is named, its used as a prefix. For example if you name ABCD, then include directories will be ABCD_INCLUDE_DIRS
The variable PKG_OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIRS and PKG_OPENCV_LIBRARIES contains the header files (compile stage) and libraries (link stage) respectively.
One very important thing I noticed was that the variable PKG_OPENCV_LIBRARIES just provides the libraries and not the library path during the link stage. In order to use the library path as well in one command, one has to use
This variable contains the library path as well as all the libraries listed in the package config file.
for examaple:
target_link_libraries (FINAL_BINARY ${PKG_OPENCV_LDFLAGS})
For modern CMake:
In modern CMake we don't want variables, we want targets.
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
# this looks for opencv.pc file and creates a new target
# IMPORTED_TARGET requires CMake >= 3.6.3
All variables will still be created for backwards compatibility, but IMPORTED_TARGET will create a target you can use in your project which will automatically propagate all of its build and usage requirements:
target_link_libraries(my_proj PRIVATE PkgConfig::PKG_OPENCV)
You could set PKG_CONFIG_PATH with the CMake line:
set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/my/path/to/pkgconfig")
I did this workaround in this file
Interestingly, it seems CMake 3.1 extends PKG_CONFIG_PATH with some CMake variable see: https://cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=commitdiff;h=3df51470
I would propose you to call cmake with custom PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable, like below:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:my/path/to/pkgconfig cmake <some args>
Or can make PKG_CONFIG_PATH update to be permanent for whole bash session:
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:my/path/to/pkgconfig
$ cmake <some args>

What's the difference between CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH

I have a difficult time in understanding the difference between CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH.
If I understand well, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is the prefixed directory that will be installed. Therefore, if I use the following script for installation:
add_library(hello hello.h hello.cpp)
INSTALL(TARGETS hello EXPORT hello_export
Then the static library will be installed in C:/ABC/DEF/lib.
Then, my question is what's the point of using CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH?
On a system which supports paths of the form c:/ABC/DEF (i.e. Windows), none. Windows binaries don't have a notion of rpath.
On systems which do have DT_RPATH and DT_RUNPATH (= those which use ELF binaries), the CMake variable CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH is used to set up the value of DT_RPATH (or DT_RUNPATH) tags which will be written into the binaries at installation.
This is explained at CMake RPATH handling.
On Unix systems, dynamic libraries are searched for in a system-defined list of directories. (/etc/ld.so.conf -- Windows does this in its own way that is so convoluted that it usually boils down to "just use PATH". 😉)
If you install a library (like the one you just compiled) in a custom directory, not in that list, it will not be found if you run a dependent executable. RPATH is one way to fix this.
See the Wiki page linked above for details.
Firstly, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX determines a "root" for the installed location of headers, libraries, executables, and other resources.
On a system which does not support the notion of a "search hierachy" for dependencies, CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH is not used. However, on ELF-based systems (e.g. Linux) and Mach-based systems (e.g. macOS 10.5 and later) a set of additional locations to search can be set in executables and dynamic libraries (e.g. .so/.dylib files); this is the "Rpath" and you can set it during cmake's install phase, either for all targets by setting CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH or for individual targets by setting INSTALL_RPATH on that target.
Static libraries are not dynamic (obviously!) so, CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH has no utility at all for static libraries.
When installing dynamic objects, CMake will write the Rpath into the dynamic object provided CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH and CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH are both false. By default, the Rpath written will be set to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX followed by the library destination, e.g. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib. On Linux systems, this would by default see an Rpath of /usr/local/lib written as Rpath.
You can examine the Rpath on Linux thus:
readelf -d libmylib.so
which produces something like:
0x000000000000000f (RPATH) Library rpath: [/usr/local/lib]
or on macOS:
otool -l libmylib.dylib | grep -A 2 LC_RPATH
which produces something like:
cmdsize 40
path #loader_path/../Frameworks (offset 12)
To override the install Rpath you can set the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH. E.g. on Linux:
or on macOS:
set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "#loader_path/../lib")

CMake fails looking up mingw headers

Trying to change FindSDL.make to work with SDL2. The problem is that using mingw it doesn't find SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR, even though SDL2 is installed.
I've change the whole file, but the problems is in this line:
Thought it should look up MinGW folder, but it looks like it doesn't.
Actually, even this one doesn't work:
find_path(TEST_PATH stdio.h)
So what is the proper way to use find_path under mingw on Windows? Can it be related to mingw install path (preferred one is C:\MinGW, but I've installed it to E:\Programs\MinGW)?
Should I always explicitly write -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=<my path to mingw>\include or use environment variable that points to mingw folder and use it as a HINT to find_path?

Building and running binaries using Cmake (on Linux) linking problem

I have built a server binary using cmake (and also make) for arm and x86 targets. I am able to run my server on arm using correct linking paths for RPATH, for example populating CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH. However when I try to run my x86 server it complains about not being able to find my databases. Would I be right in saying that CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH is used for libraries only and not to find files or databases. Is there another cmake variable that is used to find files or databases at run time or by correctly populating CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH it should find files and databases as-well as libraries.
Thanks Paul.
You are correct that the CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH only deals with finding shared libraries. Specifically, setting the RPATH just gives the dynamic linker a list of directories to search for shared libraries.
If you want to find a file or database at runtime from within your application, you have to get the paths into your application some other way. This could be via a config file or hardcoded constants that are different for each platform.