Metro Bundler not running: After upgrading react native version - react-native

I have upgraded my app from React Native version 0.57 to 0.60.0 but after executing react-native run-android, the configurations in gradle executes successfully, but metro bundler isn't launched. And app crashes immediately after that.

You should try to use:
react-native upgrade --legacy=true
Beware that it will ask if you want to replace current android/ios files for new ones and then it will rebuild them.
Also, you need to check if your old dependencies are available on autolink, and if not you can try to link them.


React Native and Mediapipe ios framework compatible

I created a MediaPipe ios framework
And I'm trying to integrate it into a React Native project
But the app crash in Mutex::Lock() without any information
I believe the reason is my framework and RN both use glog
How can I disable glog for one of them ? or any idea to fix it
Thanks for reading
Xcode Output
I ran into a similar situation, Mutex loc() is associated with Metro Bundler dependency. Try doing npx react-native start this will start the Metro Bundler before you do npx react-native run-ios

React Native Expo app - unable to open app in iOS emulator

I want to run my React Native app in the iOS emulator. Here is what I done so far:
I installed XCode, along with its command line tools, and can bring up the emulator without issue.
I created an empty React Native app using the Expo CLI, per the instructions here. I am running on Node v10.0.0 on a Mac.
Afterwards I install all the necessary dependencies.
I then run "sudo npm run ios". This fires up the Metro Bundler as well as the iOS simulator. The Simulator loads up after about 5 minutes of waiting, but my app does not start up.
What am I missing here?
I should note that I prefer to stick with Expo, so I'd prefer not to have to eject.

How to recompile react native app without rebundling assets

I am working on a react native app, but on its native side.
If I run react-native run-android or run-ios it will first build
the native packages, to then start and complete the packager (at least for production). This process takes a long time. Is there a way to tell the script to use the latest built version of the assets, and just recompule the native binaries?
EDIT: I found out that you can add org.gradle.configureondemand=true to your, in order to skip bundleJsAndAssets. However, I can't find how to add the assets manually later.
you can install Webstorm IDE and then install React Native Console plugins for this.
Finally, link to the your project.
It's likely that you can see what you want

React-native app with expokit crash on android release build

Application is created with expo and detached to expokit. I'm using expoKit version 27.
It crashes only on first install, after refreshing app works as expected.
It's probably a late answer, but the correct workaround is here such that you have to run the Javascript packager first with the command expo start, after that you can start building with Android Studio.

react-native-azure-ad not launching with latest update of Expo app

To fix it, I also update iphone to the latest version.
Is it an issue with react-native-azure-ad OR expo ?
Getting below error:
If you get this error:
ScrollView has no propType for native prop RCTScrollView.onScrollAnimationEnd of native type BOOL
If you haven't changed this prop yourself this usually means that your versions of the native code and JavaScript code are out of sync. Updating both should make this error go away.
It's very likely that your device is trying to run JS code that doesn't correspond to the native code on your device. The first thing to do is look at your Expo SDK version. In app.json, you should see a field called "sdkVersion" -- for example, it might be "21.0.0" -- which tells the Expo client which version of the native code to run.
Using the correct version of React Native
We highly recommend that you use a release of React Native that has been tested to work with Expo. In the case of SDK 21, you'd put this in your package.json's "dependencies" section:
"react-native": "",
The above snippet works only for Expo SDK 21! If you are using a different SDK version, you must use a different version of React Native!
Clearing your caches
We also want to ensure that your device doesn't try to run a stale copy of your code. There are several caches with Expo and React Native, so let's clear them just to be safe:
Stop the React Native packager. Close exp or XDE.
Force quit the Expo client on your device
Clear the Watchman cache (if you are using Watchman): watchman watch-del-all
Clear the Metro bundler cache: rm -fr $TMPDIR/react-*
Make sure your npm dependencies are rebuilt and installed correctly: yarn --force
Start up exp (exp start --clear to make sure we clear the Metro bundler cache for good) or XDE
Open your project on your device in the Expo client