Split a Column with Delimited Values and Compare Each Value - sql

I have a column that contains multiple values in a delimited(comma-separated) format -
id | code
1 11,19,21
2 55,87,33
3 3,11
4 11
I want to be able to compare to each value inside the 'code' column as below -
SELECT id FROM myTbl WHERE code = '11'
This should return -
I've tried the solution below but it does not work for all cases -
SELECT id FROM myTbl WHERE POSITION('11' IN code) <> 0
This will work with a 2 digit number like '11' as it will return a value that is <> 0 if it finds a match. But it will fail when searching for say '3' because rows with 'id' 2 and 3 both will be returned.
Here is link that talks about the POSITION function in REDSHIFT.
Any other approach that will solve this problem?

you can get the count of this string
SELECT id FROM myTbl WHERE regexp_count(user_action, '[11]') > 0

I think we can use regexp_substr() as follow.
select tb .id from myTbl tb where '11' in (
select regexp_substr( (select code from myTbl where id=tb.id),'[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) from dual
connect by regexp_substr((select code from myTbl where id=tb.id) , '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) is not null);
just try this.

Use split_part() function
SELECT distinct id
FROM myTbl
WHERE '11' in ( split_part( code||',' , ',', 1 ),
split_part( code||',' , ',', 2 ),
split_part( code||',' , ',', 3 ) )

This is a very, very bad data model. You should be storing this information in a junction/association table, with one row per value.
But, if you have no choice, you can use like:
FROM myTbl
WHERE ',' || code || ',' LIKE '%,11,%';


REGEXP to validate a specific number

How can I search for a specific number in an array using REGEXP?
I have an array and need to verify if it has a specific number.
Ex: [5,2,1,4,6,19] and I am looking for number 1, but just the number 1 and not any number that contain the digit 1.
I had to do this:
case when REGEXP_INSTR(JSON_QUERY(MY_JSON_COLUMN,'$.path') , '[[]{1}[1][,]')<>0
or REGEXP_INSTR(JSON_QUERY(MY_JSON_COLUMN,'$.path') , '[,]{1}[1][,]{1}')<>0
or REGEXP_INSTR(JSON_QUERY(MY_JSON_COLUMN,'$.path') , '[,]{1}[1][]]')<>0
or REGEXP_INSTR(JSON_QUERY(MY_JSON_COLUMN,'$.path') , '[[]{1}[1][]]') <>0
then 'DIGIT_ONE' else 'NO_DIGIT_ONE'
Is there anything simpler?
You can use
This will seach for 1 not enclosed with other digits.
See this regex demo.
(^|\D) - start of string or non-digit
1 - a 1 char
(\D|$) - non-digit or end of string.
Do NOT use regular expressions, use a proper JSON parser and then filter for the number you want:
SELECT my_json_column,
WHEN JSON_EXISTS( my_json_column, '$?(#.path[*] == 1)' )
END AS has_one
FROM table_name;
or (if you are using Oracle 12.1 and cannot use path filter expressions with JSON_EXISTS, which is only available from Oracle 12.2):
SELECT my_json_column,
value NUMBER PATH '$'
WHERE value = 1
FROM table_name t;
Which, for the sample data:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
my_json_column CHECK ( my_json_column IS JSON )
) AS
SELECT '{"path":[5,2,1,4,6,19],"not_this_path":[1,2,3,4,5]}' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '{"path":[5,2,4,6,19],"not_this_path":[1,2,3,4,5]}' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '{"path":[11],"not_this_path":[1]}' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '{"path":[2],"not_this_path":[1]}' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT '{"path":[1,11]}' FROM DUAL;
Both output:
:-------------------------------------------------- | :-----------
{"path":[5,2,1,4,6,19],"not_this_path":[1,2,3,4,5]} | DIGIT ONE
{"path":[5,2,4,6,19],"not_this_path":[1,2,3,4,5]} | NO DIGIT ONE
{"path":[11],"not_this_path":[1]} | NO DIGIT ONE
{"path":[2],"not_this_path":[1]} | NO DIGIT ONE
{"path":[1,11]} | DIGIT ONE
db<>fiddle here
Alternatively, with a little bit more typing (a little bit? Am I kidding?!), splitting the string into rows and comparing values to the search string:
SQL> with test (col) as
2 (select '[5,2,1,4,6,19]' from dual)
3 select t.col,
4 case when '&par_search_string' in
5 (select regexp_substr(substr(col, 2, length(col) - 1), '[^,]+', 1, level) val
6 from test
7 connect by level <= regexp_count(col, ',') + 1
8 )
9 then 'Search string exists'
10 else 'Search string does not exist'
11 end result
12 from test t;
Enter value for par_search_string: 1
-------------- ----------------------------
[5,2,1,4,6,19] Search string exists
SQL> /
Enter value for par_search_string: 24
-------------- ----------------------------
[5,2,1,4,6,19] Search string does not exist

Oracle SQL - Combining columns with 'OR' bit function

Oracle 12.2 - I have a table with 3 columns... ID, ParentID and ProductList. ID is unique, with multiple IDs rolling up to a ParentID. (this is a account model... basically multiple accounts have the same parent...) ProductList is a string...also exactly 20 bytes... right now it is 20 letters of 'Y' and 'N', such as YYNYNYNYNNNY... but I can change the 'Y' and 'N' to 1 and 0 if it will help... what I need to do is within a group of ParentID, calculate a bitwise OR of the ProductList. The end result I need is a 20 byte string (or some type of 20 bits of data) that says - for each respective letter/bit - if any 'Y' then return 'Y'. Again, I can use 1/0 if easier than Y/N.
Here is pseudoCode of what I am trying to do... Any help appreciated.
with T1 as
select 10 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'YYNNYNYNYNYYNNYNYNYN' as ProductList from dual
select 11 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'NNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYY' as ProductList from dual
select 22 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'YYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN' as ProductList from dual
SELECT ParentID, BitWiseOr(ProductList) FROM t1
group by ParentID;
You can use the brute force method of taking the maximum of each character and then using ||:
(max(substr(productlist, 1, 1)) ||
max(substr(productlist, 2, 1)) ||
max(substr(productlist, 3, 1)) ||
. . .
max(substr(productlist, 20, 1)) ||
This works because 'Y' > 'N'.
Note: This is a lousy data model. You should have a separate table with one row per id and product.
You can destruct string to atomic values, compute result of or operation and assemble it back into string. (Credit to #GordonLinoff for Y>N trick.) dbfiddle here.
Unfortunately, Oracle does not allow something like unpivot (val FOR substring(ProductList,i,1 in ... and also Oracle does not have equivalent to Postgres bool_or, which would both made solution simpler. At least this solution scales with ProductList length.
Anyway you should avoid violating 1st normal form. If you cannot, it IMHO does not matter how boolean is modelled.
with T1 as
select 10 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'YYNNYNYNYNYYNNYNYNYN' as ProductList from dual
select 11 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'NNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYY' as ProductList from dual
select 22 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'YYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN' as ProductList from dual
), series (i) as (
select level as i
from dual
connect by level <= 20
), applied_or as (
select t1.parentid
, max(substr(t1.productlist, series.i, 1)) as or_result
, series.i
from t1
cross join series
group by t1.parentid, series.i
select parentid
, listagg(or_result) within group (order by i)
from applied_or
group by parentid

SQL How to perform multiple look-ups from a list, in one query

We have a weird database table (wt) for which I can construct a query that can return a single row with these fields:
wt.thing_a_id = 5, wt.thing_b_id = 12, wt.thing_c_id = 9
Then, there's another lookup table (dt) that holds descriptions for these numbers, you could imagine it like this:
id desc
5 "flour"
12 "cups"
9 "barley"
what I need to end up with is numbers from wt, along with its description from dt.
I can do 3 simple queries, one to look up each of my three thing_ values (select desc from dt where id = ) but I was hoping to do it all in one query.
Is there a way to do this?
Even better, is there way to do my query to get my single row of thing id's and combine them with their descriptions? I think the fundamental problem/challenge is that my thing id's are not one per row, but that they come back as fields in just one row. This makes it really hard to join against them, for example.
You seem to want conditional aggregation:
max(case when id = 3 then descr end) descr_3,
max(case when id = 12 then descr end) descr_12,
max(case when id = 9 then descr end) descr_9
from dt
where id in (3, 12, 9)
Note that desc is a SQL keyword, hence a poor choice for a column name. I renamed it descr in the query.
You will need multiple joins to the dt table to get the description of each of the "things" you want in a single row:
SELECT thing_a_id, dta.desc AS thing_a_desc,
thing_b_id, dtb.desc AS thing_b_desc,
thing_c_id, dtc.desc AS thing_c_desc
JOIN dt dta ON dta.id = wt.thing_a_id
JOIN dt dtb ON dtb.id = wt.thing_b_id
JOIN dt dtc ON dtc.id = wt.thing_c_id
I love to play with common table expressions (CTE), this is an ideal candidate for one.
In the example below, decriptions and dataset are substitutes for the actual tables you use. I am just building them in memory rather than an actual table.
In the "breakdown" CTE I am splitting up the CSV value from dataset into multiple rows.
In the last part of the select I am converting everything after the = sign to a number, and then matching that on id from the descriptions CTE. The resulting dataset is I believe what you requested.
descriptions AS
(SELECT 5 AS id, 'flour' AS description FROM DUAL
SELECT 12 AS id, 'cups' AS description FROM DUAL
SELECT 9 AS id, 'barley' AS description FROM DUAL),
dataset AS
(SELECT 'wt.thing_a_id = 5, wt.thing_b_id = 12, wt.thing_c_id = 9' AS result FROM DUAL),
breakdown ( result, REMAINDER ) AS
, 1
, INSTR( result || ',', ',' ) - 1 ) ) AS result
, TRIM( SUBSTR( result, INSTR( result || ',', ',' ) + 1 ) || ',' ) AS REMAINDER
FROM dataset
, 1
, INSTR( REMAINDER, ',' ) - 1 ) )
FROM breakdown
SELECT result, TO_NUMBER( TRIM( SUBSTR( result, INSTR( result, '=' ) + 1 ) ) ) AS id, description
FROM breakdown
LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions
ON TO_NUMBER( TRIM( SUBSTR( breakdown.result, INSTR( breakdown.result, '=' ) + 1 ) ) ) =
wt.thing_a_id = 5 5 flour
wt.thing_b_id = 12 12 cups
wt.thing_c_id = 9 9 barley

How to find each case of matching pattern within a string and return as rows

I'm trying to identify reference numbers contained in strings in a column. The table looks something like this:
col1 col2
1 fgREF1234fhjdREF1235hgkjREF1236
2 hREF1237hjdfREF1238djhfhs
Need to write an SQL query that identifies the 'REF' followed by the 4 digits and returns each in its own row.
The output should look like this:
col1 ref
1 REF1234
1 REF1235
1 REF1236
2 REF1237
2 REF1238
I have tried:
case when substr(substr(col2, instr(col2, 'REF'), 7), 1, 1) like 'R'
then substr(col2, instr(col2, 'R'), 7) else null end ref
from table
...but this will only identify the first match in the string.
I am using Oracle SQL but ideally the solution would be able to be converted to other SQL variants.
Any help would be much appreciated!
You can use regexp_substr delimited by connect by level <= regexp_count(col2,'REF') ( the appearance time of the pattern string REF within the strings col2 )
with t(col1,col2) as
select 1,'fgREF1234fhjdREF1235hgkjREF1236' from dual union all
select 2,'hREF1237hjdfREF1238djhfhs' from dual
select col1,
regexp_substr(col2,'REF[0-9]+',1,level) as ref
from t
connect by level <= regexp_count(col2,'REF')
and prior col1 = col1
and prior sys_guid() is not null;
You can use the below code to get the desired result :-
select x.col1, explode(x.ref) as ref from (
select col1,split(trim(regexp_replace(col2,'[^REF0-9]',' ')),' ') as ref
from inp

Search comma separated value in oracle 12

I have a Table - Product In Oracle, wherein p_spc_cat_id is stored as comma separated values.
p_id p_name p_desc p_spc_cat_id
1 AA AAAA 26,119,27,15,18
2 BB BBBB 0,0,27,56,57,4
3 BB CCCC 26,0,0,15,3,8
4 CC DDDD 26,0,27,7,14,10
5 CC EEEE 26,119,0,48,75
Now I want to search p_name which have p_spc_cat_id in '26,119,7' And this search value are not fixed it will some time '7,27,8'. The search text combination change every time
my query is:
select p_id,p_name from product where p_spc_cat_id in('26,119,7');
when i execute this query that time i can't find any result
I am little late in answering however i hope that i understood the question correctly.
Read further if: you have a table storing records like
1. 10,20,30,40
2. 50,40,20,70
3. 80,60,30,40
And a search string like '10,60', in which cases it should return rows 1 & 3.
Please try below, it worked for my small table & data.
create table Temp_Table_Name (some_id number(6), Ab varchar2(100))
insert into Temp_Table_Name values (1,'112,120')
insert into Temp_Table_Name values (2,'7,8,100,26')
Firstly lets breakdown the logic:
The table contains comma separated data in one of the columns[Column AB].
We have a comma separated string which we need to search individually in that string column. ['26,119,7,18'-X_STRING]
ID column is primary key in the table.
1.) Lets multiple each record in the table x times where x is the count of comma separated values in the search string [X_STRING]. We can use below query to create the cartesian join sub-query table.
Select Rownum Sequencer,'26,119,7,18' X_STRING
from dual
CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (LENGTH( '26,119,7,18') - LENGTH(REPLACE( '26,119,7,18',',',''))) + 1
Small note: Calculating count of comma separated values =
Length of string - length of string without ',' + 1 [add one for last value]
2.) Create a function PARSING_STRING such that PARSING_STRING(string,position). So If i pass:
PARSING_STRING('26,119,7,18',3) it should return 7.
(String_Inside IN Varchar2, Position_No IN Number)
Return Varchar2 Is
OurEnd Number; Beginn Number;
If Position_No < 1 Then
Return Null;
End If;
OurEnd := Instr(String_Inside, ',', 1, Position_No);
If OurEnd = 0 Then
OurEnd := Length(String_Inside) + 1;
End If;
If Position_No = 1 Then
Beginn := 1;
Beginn := Instr(String_Inside, ',', 1, Position_No-1) + 1;
End If;
Return Substr(String_Inside, Beginn, OurEnd-Beginn);
3.) Main query, with the join to multiply records.:
select t1.*,PARSING_STRING(X_STRING,Sequencer)
from Temp_Table_Name t1,
(Select Rownum Sequencer,'26,119,7,18' X_STRING from dual
CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (Select (LENGTH( '26,119,7,18') - LENGTH(REPLACE(
'26,119,7,18',',',''))) + 1 from dual)) t2
Please note that with each multiplied record we are getting 1 particular position value from the comma separated string.
4.) Finalizing the where condition:
/* For when the value is in the middle of the strint [,value,] */
AB like '%,'||PARSING_STRING(X_STRING,Sequencer)||',%'
/* For when the value is in the start of the string [value,]
parsing the first position comma separated value to match*/
/* For when the value is in the end of the string [,value]
parsing the last position comma separated value to match*/
5.) Using distinct in the query to get unique ID's
[Final Query:Combination of all logic stated above: 1 Query to find them all]
select distinct Some_ID
from Temp_Table_Name t1,
(Select Rownum Sequencer,'26,119,7,18' X_STRING from dual
CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (Select (LENGTH( '26,119,7,18') - LENGTH(REPLACE( '26,119,7,18',',',''))) + 1 from dual)) t2
AB like '%,'||PARSING_STRING(X_STRING,Sequencer)||',%'
You can use like to find it:
select p_id,p_name from product where p_spc_cat_id like '%26,119%'
or p_spc_cat_id like '%119,26%' or p_spc_cat_id like '%119,%,26%' or p_spc_cat_id like '%26,%,119%';
Use the Oracle function instr() to achieve what you want. In your case that would be:
SELECT p_name
FROM product
WHERE instr(p_spc_cat_id, '26,119') <> 0;
Oracle Doc for INSTR
If the string which you are searching will always have 3 values (i.e. 2 commas present) then you can use below approach.
where p_spc_cat_id like regexp_substr('your_search_string, '[^,]+', 1, 1)
or p_spc_cat_id like regexp_substr('your_search_string', '[^,]+', 1, 2)
or p_spc_cat_id like regexp_substr('your_search_string', '[^,]+', 1, 3)
If you cant predict how many values will be there in your search string
(rather how many commas) in that case you may need to generate dynamic query.
Unfortunately sql fiddle is not working currently so could not test this code.
SELECT p_id,p_name
FROM product
WHERE p_spc_cat_id
LIKE '%'||'&i_str'||'%'`
where i_str is 26,119,7 or 7,27,8
This solution uses CTE's. "product" builds the main table. "product_split" turns products into rows so each element in p_spc_cat_id is in it's own row. Lastly, product_split is searched for each value in the string '26,119,7' which is turned into rows by the connect by.
with product(p_id, p_name, p_desc, p_spc_cat_id) as (
select 1, 'AA', 'AAAA', '26,119,27,15,18' from dual union all
select 2, 'BB', 'BBBB', '0,0,27,56,57,4' from dual union all
select 3, 'BB', 'CCCC', '26,0,0,15,3,8' from dual union all
select 4, 'CC', 'DDDD', '26,0,27,7,14,10' from dual union all
select 5, 'CC', 'EEEE', '26,119,0,48,75' from dual
product_split(p_id, p_name, p_spc_cat_id) as (
select p_id, p_name,
regexp_substr(p_spc_cat_id, '(.*?)(,|$)', 1, level, NULL, 1)
from product
connect by level <= regexp_count(p_spc_cat_id, ',')+1
and prior p_id = p_id
and prior sys_guid() is not null
-- select * from product_split;
select distinct p_id, p_name
from product_split
where p_spc_cat_id in(
select regexp_substr('26,119,7', '(.*?)(,|$)', 1, level, NULL, 1) from dual
connect by level <= regexp_count('26,119,7', ',') + 1
order by p_id;
---------- --
1 AA
3 BB
4 CC
5 CC