Require forward-dns returns Unknown Authz provide - apache

I've been trying to set up:
Require forward-dns
to prevent access to a sandbox except for devs. I can't use IPs, since they aren't static, and in theory the forward-dns directive is exactly what I need (used along with a dnynamic dns hostnames of the client machines)
But when I try to use the "Require forward-dns" directive, apache spits out:
.htaccess: Unknown Authz provider: forward-dns"
I feel like Im missing some required step that isn't clear in the docs to get forward-dns working (apache 2.4.6 on centos 7)
P.S. the Require host directive works, and since the host directive first does a reverse dns, followed by a forward dnslookup on the results of the reverse dns lookup, I wold expect forward-dns to just work.
What step could I be missing here?
The forward-dns provider was addded in 2.4.19
Your apache Version 2.4.6 is too old. Try updating to a newer version.


Shibboleth Errors When Authenticating Through a Reverse Proxy on port 8000

Trying to get shibboleth working on a Docker container, using Apache as a reverse proxy. Problems occur because I am using port 80 for the public Apache instance and port 8000 for the internal instance, which confuses shibboleth:
2017-10-03 07:34:23 ERROR OpenSAML.MessageDecoder.SAML2POST [5]: POST targeted at (, but delivered to (
The first URL is the external URL which the end user sees. The second URL is what the docker container sees when it gets the proxied request (with the HTTP host name forwarded).
Note I used "ShibURLScheme https" on the internal apache instance to ensure it believes https is being used, as the reverse proxy ensures all requests are https.
Is there anyway I call tell Shibboleth that this is OK, the URLs really are the same? Maybe by rewriting the URL shibboleth sees or something?
There are two things I would check:
Make sure the ServerName directive in your Apache conf file is set to Notice the :80. Omitting
the port number completely may work too. You want Apache and vis-a-vis, shibd to see the ServerName that the client is using. You should also make sure you have a UseCanonicalName On directive as part of this.
This is likely less of a problem, but make sure your sp-metadata given to the IdP is correct. You should add entries for the FQDN(s) that the client sees. Please note that most of that documentation page isn't applicable to your scenario, but adding the correct metadata entries is vital.
It looks like your ServerName in Apache isn't correct, so I'd start there.

What's a simple way to serve http://localhost as https://someOtherDomain?

I run a local development web server for testing out code changes.
Often I have to test my local changes with remote services that can only connect securely to another domain.
e.g. will only talk to, but I've got to test integration of my new code changes with
While I've got a setup configured that works, it seems complex, and took a bit to get setup right. It seems to me that many developers would want to do this same thing, so my question is this:
Is there an easy way to proxy my local webserver as ?
EDIT: So maybe this should be asked this way - Does a command line or GUI tool exist that you can pass a local port and a domain name, and it serves your local port securely over - no config or SSL cert creation required? Of course it'd be nice if the SSL cert could be replaced through configuration if need be, but by default, it'd work automatically, by using a precanned SSL cert. And even though I'm using Apache, I'm looking for a solution that actually doesnt use Apache - it uses something else. Why? Because I want this solution to work well with any other webserver that's being used by people on our team - as we all run different stacks, and I'd like to be able to let any of us securely serve our sites without having to configure each webserver individually.
Here's my current setup for taking my local webserver and serving it up at
To test this locally, I've been:
editing my hosts file, and adding an entry to make point to my local machine, which of course is running my dev server. This makes it so my local site is now available at
Running Apache with a SSL Cert setup and mod_proxy to redirect all https requests to my local http server, thus making my site available at Here's my Apache config for this:
<Location /balancer-manager>
SetHandler balancer-manager
ProxyPass /balancer-manager !
ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/
<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
BalancerMember http://localhost route=1
ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://mycluster
SSLHonorCipherOrder On
SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1
# Rewrite all http requests to https
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
I run this on a mac, but am interested in solutions for linux as well. I've seen various Man in the Middle proxy's that sound like they'd work with some configuration... but I'm looking for something really simple to install and run - not just for me, but something I can tell team members about too, as we may all have to do this a lot in the future.
IMPORTANT NOTE: My local webserver isn't running on Port 80, though I've put it this way in the above example, to keep it simple. I understand port 80 on a mac is a bit special, but am very happy with solutions that work fine on all ports but port 80.
I think mitmproxy can do this for you, as least on linux and os-x. I haven't tried it myself but this question seems to show how it is done. It's still not a trivial program though.
There are however other approaches, which I have used:
The first one is the most pretty simple one, create a DNS entry for which points to and a single certificate for a (sub)domain where you control the DNS. Spread that certificate to all your developers. They'll still need to setup SSL themself but they don't need to generate certificates anymore. It has the added benefit that everybody is developing against which allows them to share the configuration.
For bonus points, create a DNS entry for * and a wildcard certificate and your developers can have different sites (e.g. and on there local machine. (Contrary to what the internet sometimes tells you, name based virtual hosting works fine with SSL as long as the certificate is valid for all the named hosts). Since the domain is the same for everybody you can consider getting a valid wildcard certificate to get rid of the warnings.
Unlike the solutions below this works even outside of the office network, which may be relevant when people are working from home or at the customer.
Building on this you could also create DNS entries for the internal IP's of the developer machines (if those are fixed). This does add some work, but it means the ongoing work of a developer can be reached by others in the local network, which can be very convenient for demo's, testing on mobile devices, etc.
An other option is to configure a single machine to proxy for all your developers. Create a DNS entry pointing to the internal IP of this box on something like *, a matching wildcard certificate and configure that box once with the correct certificate. Now you can create a virtual host for each proxied server, and again, all sites will be reachable throughout the local network, but it does require the developer to have fixed ip addresses (or hostnames added to DNS through DHCP).
Combined with the ability of apache to include all files in a directory in it's configuration makes it trivial to create a script which adds a new site based on a template. All it has to do is write a new file based on the requested subdomain plus the destination and reload the apache config. This means something like a simple PHP script can do what you want the application to do.
If you want to expose your web on your local machine to the internet try Runscope Passageway, it's easy to setup and "just works" (from experience).
Another alternative is ngrok which I also used, but it didn't always work for me.

How to change the limitrequestfieldsize in Apache 2.4.2

I'm working with Apache 2.4.2 and I need to change the LimitRequestFieldSize. supposedly (according to some Google researchs) that can be done in the httpd.conf file but I cant find that LimitRequestFieldSize neither the httpd.conf or any file within the Apache. Have any idea how I can do it?
In the end I solved simply adding LimitRequestFieldSize 500000 to the file httpd-default.conf
What you just did is open the door to a DoS attack.
Take a look at the LimitRequestFieldSize directive in the Apache documentation:
Quoting from that source:
This directive specifies the number of bytes that will be allowed in
an HTTP request header.
The LimitRequestFieldSize directive allows the server administrator to
set the limit on the allowed size of an HTTP request header field. A
server needs this value to be large enough to hold any one header
field from a normal client request. The size of a normal request
header field will vary greatly among different client implementations,
often depending upon the extent to which a user has configured their
browser to support detailed content negotiation. SPNEGO authentication
headers can be up to 12392 bytes.
This directive gives the server administrator greater control over
abnormal client request behavior, which may be useful for avoiding
some forms of denial-of-service attacks.
The documentation also specifies that the context of that directive is server config (which means server-wide) and virtual host (you can apply this directive on a per-vhost basis).
In addition, you do not mention what your OS is. In case it's Linux (which I'm more familiar with):
The configuration file, httpd.conf, is found in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Scientific Linux).
In Debian, and derivatives like Ubuntu (I don't think that is the case here, but I am mentioning it anyway just for the record), the configuration file is apache2.conf and can be found in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.
Hope it helps.
And last but not least, you may want to check out the Unix and Linux Q&A here in StackExchange for questions like this (assuming Linux or other *Nix OS). You may have better luck at getting an answer.
This issue can be solved by updating the directive LimitRequestFieldSize either in the apache httpd.conf or in the virtual hosts.
How to add the prop in the virtual host
LimitRequestFieldSize 16384
RewriteEngine On
How to add in the httpd.conf which is inside , apache2/conf/httpd.conf
LimitRequestFieldSize 16384
But even after doing this i am still getting bad request error.

Neo4j not functional through apache proxy

I am able to run neo4j fine through port 7474 on my server including cypher queries. Though when I access neo4j through the apache proxy it will load just fine but any requests done through cypher will only return an "Unknown error". I have other proxies such as rstudio running just fine.
I have tried the default values on the neo4j website for proxy configuration with no success. I am at a loss for what to try. Please let me know for more information needed, or how I can get additional information on the cypher error.
I tried the sample Query:
CREATE (n {name:"World"}) RETURN "hello",
And this returns "Unknown error" when done through the proxy, but when done through port 7474 it works fine
This is a Linux Ubuntu LTR 12.04.4 machine.
Neo4j 2.1.1
Apache 2.2.22
Sorry if this is vague but I have not found any help for this issue nor do I know what additional information would be relevant.
Thank you.
It now works with the case provided by Stefan (Thank you!). But I am unsure how to change it from being on the root of my domain to "/database/" in your example you can change it to "/neo4j" How would I change the other parts of this config file for this to function?
As it looks now (non functional with change of proxy from "/"):
ProxyPass /database/ http://localhost:7474/
ProxyPassReverse /database/ http://localhost:7474/
RedirectMatch permanent ^/database /database/
<Location /db/manage>
AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE application/json
Substitute "s|http://localhost:7474|http://localhost:8080|n"
I tried to change the substitute rule from "localhost:8080" to "localhost:8080/database" and to "/database" to no avail.
In closing what worked is to make it a subdomain and still have it on the root. Not sure why this has to be the case, but it is functional. Thank you again Stefan!
Some time ago I've setup a example config for using mod_proxy and mod_substitute, see See esp the Apache config file.
Be aware that mod_substitute will not work with huge responses > 1M.

problem disabling mod_authz_host to avoid dns lookups

i'm using Debian 4.3.2-1 and Apache 2 in my production server. Watching the logs I noticed apache is resolving client's hostnames with 'HostnameLookups Off' in apache2.conf. I want to avoid these lookups so i'm guessing apache is making this dns queries because i have mod_authz_host enabled. When i try to unlink this module i get several modules complaining because they use "Order" directive.
How is the clean way to go? Should I comment all Order directives like
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Is this the only way to stop apache making dns requests ?
thank you!
One option is to have the DNS server quickly answer any requests to convert an IP in to a hostname with a "this IP has no hostname" responses. MaraDNS 1.x supports this via "reject_ptr"; I could add this capability to Deadwood (MaraDNS 2.0) in about 10 minutes if there was demand for it.