problem disabling mod_authz_host to avoid dns lookups - apache

i'm using Debian 4.3.2-1 and Apache 2 in my production server. Watching the logs I noticed apache is resolving client's hostnames with 'HostnameLookups Off' in apache2.conf. I want to avoid these lookups so i'm guessing apache is making this dns queries because i have mod_authz_host enabled. When i try to unlink this module i get several modules complaining because they use "Order" directive.
How is the clean way to go? Should I comment all Order directives like
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Is this the only way to stop apache making dns requests ?
thank you!

One option is to have the DNS server quickly answer any requests to convert an IP in to a hostname with a "this IP has no hostname" responses. MaraDNS 1.x supports this via "reject_ptr"; I could add this capability to Deadwood (MaraDNS 2.0) in about 10 minutes if there was demand for it.


Require forward-dns returns Unknown Authz provide

I've been trying to set up:
Require forward-dns
to prevent access to a sandbox except for devs. I can't use IPs, since they aren't static, and in theory the forward-dns directive is exactly what I need (used along with a dnynamic dns hostnames of the client machines)
But when I try to use the "Require forward-dns" directive, apache spits out:
.htaccess: Unknown Authz provider: forward-dns"
I feel like Im missing some required step that isn't clear in the docs to get forward-dns working (apache 2.4.6 on centos 7)
P.S. the Require host directive works, and since the host directive first does a reverse dns, followed by a forward dnslookup on the results of the reverse dns lookup, I wold expect forward-dns to just work.
What step could I be missing here?
The forward-dns provider was addded in 2.4.19
Your apache Version 2.4.6 is too old. Try updating to a newer version.

Apache2 + Mod_Evasive, only for one virtual host?

I am trying to utilize the mod_evasive for apache2 for one virtualhost only but it appears no matter what i do the module is loaded on the entirety of apache.
I looked through the docs and i cannot find any switch to disable mod evasive in it's own configuration allowing me to enable it only for specific vhosts.
I understand that i could simply do put the default config to ridiculous numbers making it never trigger/ban on the default and then do specific configurations for certain areas i would want it to trigger but that would be a performance hog having evasive run on everything.
How do i go about this? Do i need to put the site that needs to be behind mod evasive on a completely separate apache2 server?
Ran into the same problem with proxying Jira and Confluence. They send so many requests it was always blocking. Ended up leaving mod_evasive at the global level and putting the following for vhosts I don't want to block and it has been working:
<IfModule mod_evasive24.c>
DOSBlockingPeriod 0

ProxyPass module configuration in apache tomcat

I found one documentation here to run multiple node application on single port using proxypass, I understood the concept, it just forward the request to node application port unsing ProxyPass. In that example, they used httpd, and I am using tomcat.
My question is, how can I do same configuration in tomcat?
simply I am expecting tomcat configuration for this httpd configuration.
ProxyPass /node
You really should consider using Apache httpd (or any other frontend) for this purpose. This is the software that handles the requirement best - and tomcat best serves application data.
Also, Apache httpd knows how to handle port 80 or 443, something that needs some extra work with tomcat (if you don't want to run it as root. And you actually don't want to run it as root)
It doesn't require so many extra resources, use the appropriate tool for the job. And, when you use mod_proxy, look up all the related options and understand what they're there for. You probably also want ProxyPreserveHost On, but I'll stop here.
I hope the document will be helpful.

Applying IP rules to HTTP only (and not HTTPS) with .htaccess

I have been setting up an IP blocklist reciently and I was wondering is it possible to block an IP that is connecting via HTTP and not to block them if they connect via HTTPS. There was a post on SO .Htaccess rules to redirect respective HTTP links to HTTP and HTTPS to HTTPS? which is similar but uses mod_rewrite which I have had horrible experience with and has only given me 500 errors in the past . Is there any way to do it with the standard format?
order allow,deny
allow from
deny from all
I need support for IPv6 addresses too. If the rewrite method is the only option, in your answer could you include a link that I could look at to perform my task properly? Many thanks!
I am using Apache/2.2.20 (Ubuntu)
What you desire isn't built into Apache's .htaccess mechanism. Simply: no protocol level commands are supported by mod_auth or mod_access. Furthermore, what you seek breaks the expected assumption that if you provide a resource over HTTP, that same path will work over HTTPS. This will cause surprising results for people using HTTPS enforcers.
But, if you're dead set on doing something like this, I would recommend Squid. You can use it to do all kinds of nifty things, like denying access to the cache from certain protocols on a per-file basis, and otherwise fiddling with data coming off your Apache server before you serve it to your users.

Set REMOTE_ADDR to X-Forwarded-For in apache

In a situation where Apache is sitting behind a reverse proxy (such as Squid), the cgi environment variable REMOTE_ADDR gets the address of the proxy rather than the client.
However, the proxy will set a header called X-Forwarded-For to contain the original IP address of the client so that Apache can see it.
The question is, how do we get Apache to replace REMOTE_ADDR with the value in the X-Forwarded-For header so that all of the web applications will transparently see the correct address?
You can use mod_rpaf for that.
Currently apache module mod_remoteip is the recommended way to do this; rpaf hasn't been reliably maintained, and can cause problems.
Note that the X-Forwarded-For header may contain a list of IP addresses if the request has traversed more than one proxy. In this case, you usually want the leftmost IP. You can extract this with a SetEnvIf:
SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-For "^(\d{1,3}+\.\d{1,3}+\.\d{1,3}+\.\d{1,3}+).*" XFFCLIENTIP=$1
Note the use of $1 to set the XFFCLIENTIP environment variable to hold the contents of the first group in the regex (in the parentheses).
Then you can use the value of the environment variable to set headers (or use it in Apache log formats so that the logs contain the actual client IP).
In addition to mod_rpaf as mentioned before, it appears that mod_extract_forwarded will perform this function as well.
One advantage to mod_extract_forwarded is that it is available from EPEL for RHEL/CentOS servers whereas mod_rpaf is not.
It appears that neither of these two modules allow you to whitelist an entire subnet of proxy servers, which is why the CloudFlare folks created their own plugin: mod_cloudflare which, it should be noted, is not a general-purpose tool like the other two; it contains a hardcoded list of CloudFlare subnets.
Yes, we can do this.
Just add a auto_prepend_file in your PHP.ini like auto_prepend_file = "c:/prepend.php"
and in this file add this:
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
You need the MOD_REMOTEIP in apache width RemoteIPHeader X-Real-IP.
Since Apache 2.4 there is mod_remoteip built-in module that does this.
Enable mod_remoteip
(e.g. a2enmod remoteip)
Create a list of trusted IP ranges (the IPs from which you accept the remote IP header). You can put them in a file like conf/trusted-ranges.txt
Add this line to the Apache config:
RemoteIPTrustedProxyList conf/trusted-ranges.txt
Change your log file formats to use %a instead of %h for logging the client IP.
For Cloudflare you need to trust all their IP ranges and use a custom header CF-Connecting-IP:
RemoteIPHeader CF-Connecting-IP
You can get Cloudflare ranges like this:
curl > trusted-ranges.txt
curl >> trusted-ranges.txt
at the time of this writing, none of the backports and forks at, or worked. They were all based on an early alpha version of apache httpd 2.3 which was neither compatible with current versions of 2.2 nor 2.4.
So after hours of wasting time while trying to adjust the backports to create a real working one for httpd 2.2, I decided to move to httpd 2.4. Within httpd 2.4, mod_remoteip works smoothly, even if a load balancer has permanent keepalive connections which it uses to proxy requests from different actual client ip addresses to the backend. I'm not sure if the other modules can handle this situation (changing client ip addresses on each request within the same connection).
Remember that this value can be spoofed. See for a real-life example with Cross-site Scripting consequences.
You can install the module mod_extract_forwarded and set MEFaccept parameter to all.