Failed to update XERO certificate - xero-api

The public key certificate for our XERO App has expired.
We've generated a new public key but when we tried to upload the cert file or paste the cert key we always get a "Failed to update key" message.
Has anyone encountered this? Any suggestions?

Are you try upload X509 certificate (.cer file) ?


Cert Manager: Using same public key to creat a certificate

i would like to Keep same public key after certificate renewal using Cert Manager!
Hope that there is asolution for this issue!

Generate Private Key From PEM File

I'm trying to install an SSL Certificate on my website, I bought the certificate online but they didn't give me a private key file, I got a pem file instead. Is their any way I can generate the private key file from the pem file?
I'm using a Mac and tried OpenSSL to generate the key file:
openssl rsa -in myfile.pem -out private.key
But this gave me the following error:
unable to load Private Key
4781944428:error:09FFF06C:PEM routines:CRYPTO_internal:no start line:/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ ANY PRIVATE KEY
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Usually the private key is generated on your web server through the web server software or else using openssl.
When you buy a certificate online from a certificate authority, you generate a certificate request, and send it to the authority. The cert request doesn't have the private key, only a signature from the private key, so that's why you can't extract it from the pem file they sent you back.
You need to look at the software you used to generate the certificate request. If you didn't do this, and the company you bought the cert didn't require it, they may be a hosting provider who has the private keys.

How to create a .pfx certificate from a .cer whitout the private key?

I would like to import an SSL certificate on an Microsoft Azure Website.
I generated the .csr request file using the windows command "certreq" direclty on mylaptop (not on the server).
I retrieved an CER certificate using this .csr file.
But know I'm blocked, the Azure websites page wants a .pfx file and refuse the .cer file.
I tried to use to transform my .cer certificate into a .pfx file but it needs the private key...
So Here are my questions :
* Can I transform a .cer to .pfx without a the private key ?
* how can I get the private key used by the certreq command of my laptop ?
Thanks !
As I known, certreq would store your private keys in your certificate store when it generates CSRs. And you need to finish the certificate request on the same computer where you generated the CSR request. There is issue about finding the private key after using certreq for CSR generation.
Based on your description, you could follow this tutorial to import your signed certificate into the windows local computer certificate store by using certreq, then click "Start > Run", type certmgr.msc to manage computer certificates, right click the certificate root node and choose "Find Certificates" to find your certificate as follows:
Click export your certificate, choose the option "export the private key", then export your certificate to .pfx file. Also, you could leverage DigiCertUtil to export your certificates.
Additionally, for more flexibility over your private key than certreq, you could use OpenSSL command line tool to generate your private keys and your certificate signing request instead of certreq. Also, for a simple way, you could use this GUI tool startcomtool to generate your CSR and export the certificates.
You need to associate private key with issued certificate. Depending on context used in certreq (current user or local machine context) run appropriate command:
certreq -user -accept path\certfile.cer
certreq -accept path\certfile.cer

Issue with openSSL Private Key with modulus error

I'm new to setting up ssl for curl. We were given a .cer file and the admin created a private.key. When we tried to associate the .cer with the private.key, the modulus's don't match. Is there a way to correct this? it would be easier to recreate the private.key with the proper modulus but I'm unsure how to do this without wrecking the openssl configuration.
any assistance would be appreciated!
Something wrong with the process here. You can't be just 'given' a certificate and then create a private key for it. The process goes like this:
You create a private key.
You create a certificate signing request (CSR).
You submit the CSR to some certificate authority (CA).
They verify your identity and then issue you a signed certificate.
The CSR and the signed certificate both contain the public key corresponding to the private key you first created.

Azure https with pfx file

I am trying to create an https endpoint for my azure service. I was given an p7b file that I converted into a cer file. From the cer I was able to convert with a few lines of c# to a pfx.
var cert = new X509Certificate2(#"certpath", "
var bytes = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx, "password");
File.WriteAllBytes(#"certpath\cert.pfx", bytes);
Now when I upload the cert to azure everything seems ok, I copy the thumbprint and try to upgrade with the new thumbprint as part of the end point and I get an error in azure.
Certificate with thumbprint 3FA490D1D4957942CD2ED545F6E823D0008796EA2 associated with HTTPS input endpoint "endpointName" does not contain private key.
How did you convert the .p7b to a .cer? You're problem is that cer files don't contain the private key information, so when you exported it as a pfx, it doesn't have the information that it needs to work with SSL.
The easiest way to convert to a pfx is probably to import the certificate onto your local machine (using certmgr.msc), then export it making sure you select the "Yes, export the private key" option.
EDIT: After doing some more research after GregS' comment, the problem is still the same, you're pfx doesn't have the private key it needs to work with SSL, but the cause is actually that the .p7b file doesn't have a private key to begin with. You need to use a different certificate. There is already a question related to this on server fault.
I had the same problem trying to generate .pfx for Azure. The p7b certificate was generated by Thawte. After some research I was able to make it work.
Generate CSR (certificate request) from IIS. It could be your local IIS.
Generate the certificate based on the CSR. The CA takes care of this. If you are generating a self-signed certificate you also could do that from ISS. This is important because when you import it (step 3) IIS will verify that the certificate was generated there.
Import the certificate to your local IIS. It must be a .cer file. Just open your p7b file and you will see the certificate chain in there. Export your domain certificate to a .cer file. Then you can use it to import it to IIS.
Export the certificate to .pfx from IIS. At this point the certificate contains an appropriate private key added by IIS. When you export it, IIS will ask you for a password.
I had exactly the same problem as you once and here is the story of that:
Windows Azure, SSL, Self-Signed Certificate and Annoying HTTPS Input Endpoint Does Not Contain Private Key Error
Getting pfx file from SSL certificate from godaddy. Details here in case it helps.