How to refer other html file to load in production mode of application that are developed using electron? - vue.js

I have problem in building electron application, which is made using electron.js and vue.js.
The development is almost done, so I need to build it and make production.
Basically, my project has license system, so when the program starts, users should activate it by entering license key. I wrote this part inside activate.html. So, inside public folder, there are two html files, one is default index.html, and the other is activate.html
Inside activate.html, when activation is success, startMain() javascript function is called. Inside this function, the program is navigated to main program, especially to index.html. This html file is Vue application, and then main program is started.
All this process is working fine in the development mode. But when it
comes to production, this is not working anymore. I probably know why this
happens, this is just because index.html is not available in
production mode when all these are built up.
Alternatively, I tried to load localhost:8080 inside
startMain(). But also this works fine in development mode, but unluckily, we don't have localhost server on production mode, so this
doesn't solve the problem.
This is startMain() inside activate.html
function startMain() {
window.__static = "index.html";
// Alternatively, we can use location.href on development mode.
// window.location.href = "http://localhost:8080/";
This is background.js ( electron main engine)
function createWindow() {
// Create the browser window.
win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 1400,
height: 900,
titleBarStyle: "hiddenInset"
if (isDevelopment) {
// Load the url of the dev server if in development mode
// win.loadURL(process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL);
// if (!process.env.IS_TEST) win.webContents.openDevTools()
} else {
// Load the index.html when not in development
win.on("closed", () => {
win = null;
What I want is to make it run correctly in production mode.
Specifically, when the user finishes activation flow ( activate.html),
it should start main program ( index.html )
Please help me with this issue. I welcome any comments.
I built this application using vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder package

In Vue usually you use vue-router to switch between views. You set the BrowserWindow.location the first time, in background.js, but after that you are in the Vue app and you make router calls like this:
router.replace({ name: "index" }).catch(() => { });
It's hard to guess what to do in your case, without seeing the rest of your activate.html. You need to define router in your App and probably want to convert your activate.html into an activate.vue component and make it the proper first page of your App.
I think the cli-plugin boilerplate will call main.js where you will define your app and bootstraps it. You add router there:
import router from "./router";
window.$app = new Vue({
In your bootstrap function you can also call something like router.replace({ name: "activate"}) to start your app with your activate vue component.


How to use Vue hooks inside a custom plugin?

I am writing custom plugin and need to create CSS custom properties from inside of it. In SPA mode everything is fine, but SSR mode is where the troubles coming. What I need is just to put my method inside of a mounted() hook. Is it possible?
export default {
install(app, options) {
function createCSSVariables(options) {
const root = document.documentElement // this can't be working on server side :('--font-family', options.font_family)'---accent', options.colors.accent)
I am using nuxt and could just use 'client' flag in plugin, but since it is for UI library, this will not help much - in this scenario all the elements would flicker right after mount

Running html only if running in Electron.js [duplicate]

I'm trying to serve real react app on electron app. It doesn't mean I'm developing electron app with react. I've created a react app and injected it into electron app. (Like slack, it will serve as a web application and desktop application.) But I'm confused that send desktop notifications.
Now the main question is:
How can I get the application type. I mean, is user using my app on web or on desktop. How can I get this?
Thank you :)
There are many ways to detect whether you are running in a desktop environment or not.
You can check the User-Agent and you can set the userAgent value in Electron when you call loadURL.
Another way is declaring a global variable using a preload script.
// main process
new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
preload: "preload.js",
// preload.js
// you don't need to use contextBridge if contextIsolation is false
// but it's true by default in Electron 12
const { contextBridge } = require("electron");
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("IN_DESKTOP_ENV", true);
// renderer process (your React world)
if (globalThis.IN_DESKTOP_ENV) {
// do something...

VueJS and ElectronJS | VueJS stops rendering completely when I import ipcRenderer in a component

So I am coding a VueJS and ElectronJS template which can be found here:
My code works something like this,
Inside of my Vue component I access a global pre constructed class called MainProcessInterface and when it's constructed it first checks if vue is compiled for running in a development server. If it's in a dev server it will connect to the dev socket which electrons main process will host if electron is in dev mode and not compiled. This method seems to be working great, I had to use a socket because vue dev server is being loaded into electron via loadURL and so vue has no clue what ipcRenderer is. Inside the main process interface, if vue is compiled it will instead use the ipcRenderer.send() method. This is were the problem was born.
As soon as Vue runs thought the TS code, it sees ipcRenderer.send and freaks out while printing an error to the electron window console saying fs.existsSync does not exist or is defined.
I can't find a way around this. I though maybe i'll split MainProcessInterface into 2 peices, one for ipc and the other for websockets. Although it isn't a very good way, so before implementing it, I would like to know if there is a better more proper way of doing such.
I had a similar issue with React. Are you importing the ipcRenderer object somewhere in your build process? You might want to make sure it references the correct variable. I tried to drop this in as a comment but it wouldn't fit:
//index.html (index.ejs) for me... This is in the main HTML entry point
var IPC = null;
try {
IPC = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
console.log('IPC IS: ' + IPC)
} catch (err) {
IPC = null;
Then I initialize off that context in React with a startup here:
console.log('----------------HACK FIRED POST REHYDRATE')
(dispatch, getState) => {
const _state = getState()
if(window.IPC) {
if(_state.osc && _state.osc.on) {
dispatch( reconnectToEos() )
} else {
dispatch( updateStatus('[OSC Startup: DISCONNECTED]', ))
} else {
//Shut off OSC
dispatch( updateOscKey('on', false) )
dispatch( updateStatus('[WebApp, OSC disabled]', ))
}, 1000)
Basically I'm using a global variable (window.IPC) to initialize my app so I don't import a bad variable in my build process. I have a fair number of Electron APIs where this alleviates the issues with building via Webpack.
I hope this helps!

Electron Builder Vue cli 3 application on Windows throwing error registerStandardSchemes undefined

We are building an Electron application and have been able to work on it, and build it using Linux and Mac OS. When we move it to a Windows machine in development or when build on a Mac OS machine then ran on the Windows machine, it fails.
When we follow the instructions here it says,
vue add electron-builder
yarn electron:serve
should run the application. On a fresh install using Windows this fails for us.
When we try and start the application on Windows we get an error,
is not a function
This line comes with the boilerplate when we add Electron Builder to the app that seems to be throwing the error.
protocol.registerStandardSchemes(['app'], { secure: true })
It is being used like this,
import { protocol} from 'electron'
protocol.registerStandardSchemes(['app'], { secure: true })
// Helper to create our main view BrowserWindow
function createWindow() {
// Create the browser window.
win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
if (process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL) {
// Load the url of the dev server if in development mode
if (!process.env.IS_TEST) win.webContents.openDevTools()
} else {
// Load the index.html when not in development
What We Tried
When I console.log protocol the only key available is, registerSchemesAsPrivileged which is in the docs but not what came with the boiler and nor does it work. I can see at this page that the registerStandardSchemes is referenced in a paragraph but it is not well explained in it's own section like the rest of the methods on that page.
What does one need to do to access the method, protocol.registerStandardSchemes(['app'], { secure: true }) when running an Electron-Builder application scaffold with Vue CLI 3 on Windows 10?
I recently had this issue - if you're just looking to get back to development, running vue add electron-builder again fixed it for me.

Vue 2.0.1 and Electron - Visual Flash

I'm creating an app visually similar to Alfred to manage and search for my bookmarks. Its working well, but when I do a search and open a bookmark, I immediately hide the app and when I invoke it again, it return to the default mode doing a visual flash. The reset to default is triggered right before hiding the app.
I hide the application like this : and I added a listener on win.hide in my components to reset the vue.
It works, but the reset is processed after the application show up again.
I don't know how to do it when the application is hide or to show up it right after the vue is reloaded.
If you have any clue, it would be great.
I created a sample project on Github you can clone and test this issue.
Github Project
I'm working on macOS at the moment.
Thank you.
I found an easy way, you cannot rely on the window.on('hide') event.
So in your shortcut registration, I made your app emit a custom event that your Vue.js will listen to reset your input before hiding the app:
const retShow = globalShortcut.register('CmdOrCtrl+Alt+V', () => {
if (!win.isVisible()) {
} else {
app.emit('hide-window'); // Let the window hide the app
In your Vue.js app, in the created hook:
app.on('hide-window', function () {
setTimeout(app.hide, 10);
Here my pull request: