Background sync task for react-native application is not working - react-native

In my app I want to implement backgroud file sync to the database using react-native-background-task. It is working for IOS but not working for android. Can anyone give some solution which will work for both IOS and android

No, it just doesn't work well. I have been trying since 4 month and searching info I reach to the fact that just is a feature that is not well implemented in React-Native.


How to prevent screenshot in selected screen in android and ios react native

Previously I used this package to prevent snapshot for selected screen in android and ios.
But it's not maintained by the owner and not compatible with react-native version >0.60. Many example and question in the internet only show how to prevent snapshot for whole application. But I need to prevent snapshot only for selected screen.
I've tried to do with this example
But in android, it prevents whole apps. In ios, it works.
you can use nmp library, react-native-prevent-screenshot
for more confusions and a perfact understanding check this asnwer

Can we use a signle ionic-4 app for mobile and desktops

I am developing an ionic-4 app, Ionic provides cross platform apps but I am a bit confused and my confusion is can I use a single ionic-4 application for mobiles(e.g. Android and IOS) and desktops browsers(Chrome, firefox etc.) as website. Is it possible by using ionic version 4.
Yes, Ionic 4 provides a single code for the execution of multiple platforms.
Ionic Doc
here is help for you. You can check everything.
Yes, you can use Ionic for Android, IOS and Browser. Once the coding is done, you can add any platform to make its build. For example, if you add Android platform then you can take an Android build(APK).Before that you need to setup an environment for that . For example, you need Android studio for taking Android build and Xcode for taking IOS build. It's all depends on the platform that you use.
Please go through Ionic documentation and Youtube tutorials to get a correct picture.
Thank you

How to view realm db created by react-native in ios stimulator

I want to access realm database created by my ios app that I created using react-native. Its easier to use adb pull for android but for ios I am not getting much idea. There are some links like -
realm-file in ios app
to find app uuid for above link
So any help, how to view realm db for developing and debugging purpose for react-native developed ios app.
Thanks for the answer but additional (out of curiosity) Question - but how to find app uid which are installed by react native on ios simulator ??
While searching through the web, got the answer in docs:
console.log('realm db file path:', realm.path);
With the iOS emulator you can just find the path and open the Realm directly (which allows you to see the changes as they happen, great for debugging), on Android you will have to copy the file out to the regular file system.
It is all described in the docs for Realm Studio:

How can I get the connected hotspot BSSID/MAC Address in a React Native app?

I can easily do that using existing packages for Android, but I couldn't find any package that would do the same both on Android and iOS.
Update (Feb-08, 2017):
After waiting over two weeks and placing a bounty on the question which resulted in zero answers, I decided to implement a new package (react-native-gateway-finder) that returns the exact info I was looking for.
It is currently implemented for Android only and an iOS implementation is welcomed.
After I did some search on google, got the result as below:
react-native-network-info works with both Android and iOS. But you might need to upgrade your react-native version to 0.48 or higher.
react-native-android-wifi works with Android platform.
If you only need some basic info, NetInfo provided by react-native is a good choice.

Cordova Plugin to be used in Worklight, for geofencing in Background even if the app is suspended/terminated and also when the phone restarts

I have been investigating in this feature for a long time. All I can find is a pure iOS native code that checks for the key "UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocationKey" from the LaunchOptions, if it is found it calls the LocationManager to start it and keep on listening to the location updates.
You can find this code in this github:
I need the same concept, but with a way to integrate it in Worklight, through cordova plugin or something. As I'm already creating the geofencing triggers using the hybrid Worklight APIs, I need to keep the geofencing alive even when the app is suspended/terminated and also if the phone is restarted.
Please I need you support urgently. Thanks
Worklight provides the ability to create Cordova plug-ins.
You could implementing your own native code then, mimicking that from the Xcode project you've found on GitHub.
Read more here: Adding native functionality to hybrid applications